

单词 that much
释义 that much短语²⁰¹⁴

to a certain degree;

we will be that much ahead of them

Much water runs by the mill that the miller knows not of.眼前发生许多事,有些…so much so that达到这样的程度以至 …
It need not cost that much.
不需要花费那么多。 yeeyan

But the company may not be even worth that much.
但这家公司可能还不值那么多。 yeeyan

Do you really have that much time to waste?
你真的有那么多时间去浪费? yeeyan

How can you possibly spend that much?
你怎么有可能花掉那么多的钱呢? douban

However, many data marts in a data warehouse do not necessarily need that much historical data.
但是,数据仓库中的许多数据集市都不一定需要那么多的历史数据。 ibm

If I had that much money, I'd buy another mule.
要是我有那么多钱,我早就另买一头骡子了。 yeeyan

If the ECB’s intervention is bold and credible it might not even have to buy that much debt, because investors would step in.
如果欧洲央行的干预果敢可信,可能还不需要它购买那么多的债务,因为投资者们也会介入进来。 ecocn

If the ECB's intervention is bold and credible it might not even have to buy that much debt, because investors would step in.
如果欧洲央行的干预是大胆和可信的,可能并不用买入那么多的债务,因为投资者会涉足进来。 ecocn

Oh, honey, I can't drink that much every day.
哦,亲爱的,我总不能每天都喝那么多吧。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

We have time to plan— but not that much time.
我们有时间计划,但不是那么多的时间。 yeeyan




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