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that coming短语¹⁵¹⁹⁵ 例句 But the simple fact is that coming up with a truly worthy LED bulb is enormously complex, requiring expertise in physics, chemistry, optics, design, and manufacturing. 实际上,做一个货真价实的 LED灯管是相当复杂的,需要有精通物理、化学、光学、设计和制造的专业人才。 yeeyan All of a sudden, from Paris to Palermo, it’s back to black only Amy Winehouse saw that coming. 然而转眼之间,从巴黎到巴勒莫,黑色车又回归主流时尚 不过,只有歌星艾米•怀恩豪斯( Amy Winehouse一人先知先觉,预见到了。) ecocn At this point, you may be thinking that coming up with a common way of naming and finding this data is the only way you will be able to remain a biologist and not a programmer. 在那一刻,您可能会想:“如果想不出一种命名和查找这些数据的公共方法的话,我只好不作生物学家,而改行当程序员了。” ibm I told Steve at one point that coming out publicly as a psychic medium must be somewhat similar to how homosexuals feel when they come out publicly. 曾有一天,我跟史蒂夫说公开承认自己是灵媒肯定多多少少的和公开承认自己是同性恋的感觉差不多。 www.oxford.com.cn |