

单词 thatched cottage
释义 thatched cottage短语⁷¹³⁸⁴
It came from an old woman who had emerged from her door towards the garden gate of a green- thatched cottage not far off.
喊叫的是个老太婆,她人已经从不远地方对着园子栅栏门的草房门里探出身子来了。 tingroom

The Plum Blossom Thatched Cottage was completed in Liuhe Town, Taicang County.
太仓县浏河镇重建梅花草堂落成。 zunke

The thatched cottage stands on the hillside all alone.
茅草屋孤零零地坐落在山坡上。 dictall

The105- copy limited edition of ' Album of Plum Blossom Thatched Cottage' was released by Shanghai People's Fine Arts Publishing House.
《梅花草堂集册》有限印刷105册由上海人民美术出版社出版发行。 zunke

When sketching with Pan Tianshou, Jiang Danshu and some others around Fuchun River, he invited them to stay at ' Plum Blossom Thatched Cottage' in Liuhe;
与潘天寿、姜丹书等重游富春江写生,并邀往浏河“梅花草堂”雅集数日; zunke

In the thatched cottage, Zhuge Liang analyzed the current situation for Liu Bei and worked out a strategy for him, which laid the basis for the formation of the Three Kingdoms.
在茅屋内,诸葛亮为刘备分析天下局势,制定战略计划,从而奠定了三国鼎立的基础。 blog.sina.com.cn

In my thatched cottage Chen Qingyang wore a white cloak with bare arms and legs in the same outfit as she was in her clinic on the hill.
陈清扬在我的草房里时,裸臂赤腿穿一件白大褂,和她在山上那间医务室里装束一样。 yeeyan

The first stop of his visit was Chengdu and he made a special visit to the Thatched Cottage of Poet Du Fu.
他此次来访第一站是成都,专门去参观杜甫草堂。 blog.sina.com.cn

The thatched cottage was submerged by drift sand.
这个茅草屋被流沙淹没了。 suiniyi

Therefore, I choose that public college of art and big thatched cottage draw hospital continuing education.
因此,我选择到公立美术学院和大茅舍画院进修。 grandfather-art.com




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