

单词 thatched
释义 thatch·ed 英θætʃt ★☆☆☆☆高COCA³²⁸³²BNC¹⁷³⁰²iWeb²³⁶⁸¹Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺

roof covering of straw,reeds,etc.


thick hair on sb's head

vt. 用茅草盖房子等的屋顶,用茅草覆盖屋顶

cover a roof of a building with thatch

hair resembling thatched roofing materialplant stalks used as roofing materialan English pirate who operated in the Caribbean and off the Atlantic coast of North America died in 1718a house roof made with a plant material as straw
cover with thatch;

thatch the roofs

thatch-making machine编席机reed thatch芦苇屋面
thatch-ed如|被…的⇒n.茅草⁵⁰;茅草屋顶v.用茅草等盖屋顶n.茅草屋顶⁵⁰;浓密的头发;草屋顶;盖屋顶的材料;盖顶物;头发;杂草;芦苇;稻草;乱蓬蓬的头发;又脏又乱的头发;用草盖的屋顶v.盖屋顶像用茅草盖屋顶般覆盖;以草为顶;用茅草等盖屋顶用茅草覆盖屋顶近义词 hay干草mop拖把teach教hair头发roof屋顶mass大量pelt皮毛straw稻草shock震惊covering覆盖物roofing屋顶材料mane马等的鬃毛…tresses女人的长发thick hair浓密的头发thatched roof茅草屋顶locks动词lock的第三人称单…Blackbeard布莱克比尔德英国海盗)…
用作名词(n.He roofed the house with thatch.他用茅草做屋顶。
This boy has a thatch of brown hair.这个男孩儿有一头浓密的棕发。用作动词v.
S+ ~+n./pron.They're thatching a cottage in the village this week.他们这星期在村子里给一所茅舍盖屋顶。
用作名词The family lived in athatchedcottage before liberation.解放前,他们一家住在茅屋里。
Apart from a new mosque, its buildings are made of mud, stone andthatch.除了一座新的清真寺,这里的建筑都是泥、石和茅草所成。
They topped off the hut with a strawthatch.他们给小屋盖上茅草屋顶。
They are sheltering under thethatch.他们在茅草屋顶下避雨。用作动词The village hut wasthatchedwith palm leaves.乡村小屋用棕榈叶作顶。 The Balls, who are moving to Cape Town, said they chose Voyageurs du Monde because of its commitment to preserving the rich heritage of the thatched- roof rondavel-style house.
正举家迁往开普敦的巴尔夫妇表示,他们选中环球之旅公司是因为该公司保证将保留这座圆顶茅草屋的丰富历史遗迹。 yeeyan

There was only one narrow street in the shabby town, and they lived in thatched houses without electricity for several years.
破烂的小镇只有一条狭窄的街。 李万胜一家在没有电的茅草房里,一住就好几年。 yeeyan

At the time, the airport terminal was no bigger than a house, open-air with a thatched roof.
那时候的机场航站楼比一座房子大不了多少,空荡荡的顶着个茅草屋顶。 xdf

At bad moments on his trips he had sometimes distracted himself by thinking of Devonian scenes: green fields, thatched cottages and daffodils.
在旅途不如意时,他有时也想宁静的德文郡的田园生活:绿草萋萋,点缀茅草小屋与水仙花。 ecocn

But he seemed not to hear. Only the shiver of wind in the trees and the tittering of rain on the thatched roof broke that eerie silence.
但是他好像并没有听到。只有窗外风吹拂过树的沙沙声和雨点落在屋顶上的滴答声打破了这诡异的安宁。 yeeyan

Fire retardants can be applied to thatched roofs in dwellings.
住房的茅草屋顶上可以使用阻燃剂。 yeeyan

For protection against the sun the South Sudanese put thatched roofs on top.
为了挡太阳,南苏丹人把茅草盖在了屋顶上。 ecocn

Gesticulating and screaming wildly, they forced us back onto the river and escorted us to a communal thatched hut in the centre of their village.
他们打手势和尖叫都很野蛮,他们强迫我们回到河上,将我们押送至他们村落中心的一座社区茅棚。 yeeyan

His circular, thatched- roof hut with walls of dried mud and straw is the same dwelling that has dotted Ethiopia's countryside for centuries.
他那圆形小棚屋,顶上铺的是茅草,墙则用干泥和稻草砌成,与几个世纪来埃塞俄比亚乡村里星罗棋布的住所并无二致。 yeeyan

Its clusters of cottages, its thatched pavilions, its lanes and bathing places, its games and gatherings, its fields and markets, its life as a whole as I saw it in imagination, greatly attracted me.
它的一簇簇村舍;它那茅草屋顶的凉亭;它的巷子和沐浴场所;它的游乐和集会;它的田野和市集;我想象中所见的它的全部的生活,都极大地吸引住我。 yeeyan

Like many villagers in the area, he has had a close encounter with a tiger— spearing it through the thatched roof of his home as the cat was attacking his cousin.
和这个地区很多的村民一样,博拉也曾与老虎狭路相逢过——当时一只老虎在攻击他的表兄,他则在自家的茅草屋顶上用矛去刺老虎。 yeeyan

Most of the local families, living in raised single-room thatched huts without electricity, grow cashew nuts, bananas and corn for a meagre subsistence.
当地的绝大多数居民住在没有电力的茅草盖的单间中,靠种植腰果,香蕉和谷物勉强充饥。 ecocn

Much of the area is home to ethnic minority hill tribes, living in thatched huts and practicing slash-and-burn agriculture.
该地大部分区域还住着山地少数民族,他们依然住在茅草屋并处于刀耕火种的农业水平。 yeeyan

Only the shiver of wind in the trees and the tittering of rain on the thatched roof broke that eerie silence.
只有窗外风吹拂过树的沙沙声和雨点落在屋顶上的滴答声打破了这诡异的安宁。 yeeyan

Remnants of the church are mostly now gone, but Kelso believes the site had60-foot- long walls and a thatched roof.
现在,教堂的残骸大多已经消逝了,但是凯尔索相信这个地方曾是有60英尺长的墙,并且房顶是用茅草盖的。 putclub

So unless we have a Japanese prince or princess reading the site, no one here will ever see anything more than the thatched roof of the Ise Grand Shrine.
所以除非有日本的皇子或者公主正在浏览此页,要不你最多也就望一望伊势神宫的茅草屋顶吧。 yeeyan

The chimneys were built of stones and turf, and the roofs were thatched with grass.
烟囱的材料用的是石头和泥炭屋顶则用茅草覆盖。 yeeyan

The cottages are thatched with straw.
这些农舍均用稻草盖顶。 iciba

The thatched- roof Pelican Bar, planted on a sandbar, serves passing boaters and tourists on Treasure Beach, a low-key fishing village on Jamaica's less developed southern coast.
这个茅草顶的鹈鹕酒吧设置在一个沙坝上,为过路的船家和珍宝滩——牙买加欠发达南海岸一个低调的小渔村——的游客服务。 yeeyan

There are thatched roofs, wildflowers in the hedgerows and a lovely country church.
还有茅草铺的屋顶,树蓠上缠绕着野花,建有一个可爱的小教堂。 ecocn

They built grass- thatched huts, feed- storage sheds, a road, and a church.
他们建造了草屋顶的小房子、草料库、一条道路,还有一座教堂。 yeeyan

They show tribe members outside thatched huts, surrounded by the dense jungle, pointing bows and arrows up at the camera.
它们展示了被茂盛的丛林环绕的茅屋,屋外的土著们用弓箭对准了摄像头。 yeeyan

Thousands of young girls and women were repeatedly raped, thousands more people burned alive in their thatched- roofed homes.
数千个年轻女孩与妇女被无数次地强奸,数千的平民被活活地烧死在茅草屋顶的家里。 ecocn

Visitors can explore thatched houses, smoke a bamboo water pipe, listen to folk songs and sample milky- looking rice wine.
游人可以去看看那些茅草屋、拿根竹烟袋吸吸水烟、听听当地民歌、尝尝看上去像牛奶一样的米酒。 ebigear

Why singing always fills their thatched cottages and their faces are often covered in bright unaffected smile?
为什么茅屋里有不断的歌声?质朴的脸上常堆着麦子一样的灿烂的笑容? ecocn




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