

单词 Thanksgiving
释义 thanks·giv·ing 英θæŋksˈgɪvɪŋ美θæŋksˈgɪvɪŋ;ˈθæŋksɡɪvin,-ˈɡɪvɪŋ ★☆☆☆☆六I高6研Economist²²⁰⁹⁹⁺


an expression of gratefulness,especially to God;form of prayer for this

CU[T-] 感恩节在美国是十一月第四个星期四,在加拿大是十月的第二个星期一

in the U.S. a special day the fourth Thursday in November for giving thanks to God;in Canada,the second Monday in October

fourth Thursday in November in the United States; second Monday in October in Canada; commemorates a feast held in 1621 by the Pilgrims and the Wampanoaga short prayer of thanks before a meal;

their youngest son said grace

Thanksgiving Day感恩节美国是11月…
故事记忆平时很好 Bearing(风度就有一个 Shortcoming缺点每年 Thanksgiving感恩节新店庆祝 Opening开张还未装 Airconditioning空调她就跑去 Shopping购物速度真是 Amazing令人惊讶的买回一堆 Pudding布丁非常记忆Thanks谢谢+giving给予⇒感恩节时我想谢谢你们给予我的一切组合词thanks感谢+giving给予→感谢上帝的给予→感恩节钱博士thanks感谢+giving给予→给予感谢⇒感恩节蒋争熟词记忆thanks感谢giving给⇒感恩;感谢thanks感谢+giving给予→给予感谢⇒感恩节。近义词 grace优美blessing祝福Thanksgiving Day感恩节美国是11月的第…
用作名词(n.He offered a thanksgiving to God for his escape.他由于脱险而感谢上帝。
It's traditional to eat turkey atThanksgiving.感恩节吃火鸡是传统。

thanksgiving作“感恩节”解时,首字母大写,也可作Thanksgiving Day。

用作名词We always have turkey for ourThanksgivingmeal.我们在〈感恩节〉总是吃火鸡。
Thanksgivingis a movable holiday.〈感恩节〉的日期每年不同。 And many people eat more food at Thanksgiving than at any other time of the year.
当然,许多人在感恩节吃的食物也比一年中其它的时候要多。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

That we all have Thanksgiving dinner together?
我们会一起用感恩节晚餐吗? yeeyan

The roiling topics of politics and religion are kept off the Thanksgiving table. The simmering topics of sexuality, technology and dysfunction are kept on.
在感恩节的饭桌上,关于政治和宗教的话题他们一律不谈,但关于性、科技以及机能障碍的话题还在继续。 yeeyan

Yet the Berkeley Plantation along the James River in Virginia calls itself the site of the first official Thanksgiving in America.
在弗吉尼亚沿詹姆斯河畔的伯克利种植园称自己是美国首次正式感恩节的所在地。 ebigear

“ If they don't allow it, I guess the airport security will be enjoying my pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving, ” she said.
她说,“如果机场保安人员不允许带上飞机的话,我想他们在这里会享受我做感恩节南瓜饼。” yeeyan

And that evening, the students can go to another Thanksgiving meal held by a service fraternity.
而且那晚,学生还可以参加另一个由互助会举办的感恩节大餐。 hjenglish

Besides, if you're a fan of Thanksgiving, it is obvious that there is no contest with other festivals.
除此之外,如果你是一个感恩节的热衷追随者,显然不会就其它节日制造争论。 yeeyan

By Thanksgiving, everything should be back to normal and looking good.
到感恩节前,一切都应该能恢复正常,看起来面目一新。 iciba

For this menu, we selected our most- loved Thanksgiving recipes to help you prepare a delicious dinner from start to finish!
考虑到这些菜单,我们选择了我们最喜爱的感恩节食谱,从头到尾帮助您准备美味的晚餐! yeeyan

If you are an American, you think about Thanksgiving.
如果你是美国人,你会想到感恩节。 ebigear

In previous years, Stacy Hansen would either host a large Thanksgiving meal or fly from her Florida home to be with family in Minnesota.
在前几年,斯泰西·汉森将举办大型的感恩节餐,或从她的佛罗里达州的家中飞往明尼苏达州的亲友家。 yeeyan

In previous years, Stacy Hansen would either host a large Thanksgiving meal or fly from her Florida home to be with family in Minnesota. Not this year.
在前几年,斯泰西·汉森将举办大型的感恩节餐,或从她的佛罗里达州的家中飞往明尼苏达州的亲友家。但今年没有。 yeeyan

It is a reminder of the Native American role in the first American Thanksgiving, a feast held to thank the Indians for sharing their knowledge and skill.
这使我们不忘美国印第安人在美国第一个感恩节中的作用,那次盛宴正是为感谢印第安人分享他们的知识和技能而举办的。 putclub

It is a day of conveying their feelings through Thanksgiving cards.
这是通过感恩节贺卡传达自己的感情一天。 putclub

On another photo of two relatives asleep in chairs after Thanksgiving dinner, my Dad left a voice comment in which he joked about how exciting the dinner must have been.
另外一张照片是我的两个亲戚在感恩节晚餐后坐在椅子上睡着的情形,我爸爸在语音评论里开玩笑称晚餐时他们一定玩疯了。 ebigear

Perhaps this was everyone's Thanksgiving, not for the material things given to us but for the chance, in whatever small way, to give to others.
也许过感恩节的真义并不在于收受他人给予我们的有形物质,而是借此机会回馈他人,无论是如何微小的付出。 ebigear

So go ahead select a beautiful Thanksgiving gift and share the blessings of God with your friends, family, relatives and loved ones.
所以,尽管选择一个美丽的感恩节礼物,与您的朋友,家人,亲戚和爱人分享上帝的祝福。 putclub

Some people have speculated that Elin somehow hurt or attacked me on Thanksgiving night.
有些人猜测说艾琳在感恩节的那个晚上伤害和攻击了我。 putclub

Students learn about the Pilgrims, she says, but not at Thanksgiving time. They learn about them when they study American history.
学生学习有关新教徒的内容,她说,并不是在感恩节期间,而是他们在学习美国历史的时候。 ebigear

The next day I had to admit that my Thanksgiving table never looked better.
第二天的感恩节餐桌,我得承认从来没有比这更诱人过。 ebigear

When the politicians return, they have a week before the Thanksgiving break.
当这些政客们回来时,离感恩节的假期又只有一周时间。 ecocn

Thanksgiving, she says, is a good time to teach about the importance of sharing.
她说,感恩节,是教导分享的重要性的一段很好的时间。 hjenglish




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