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词汇 TGP
释义 TGPCOCA³¹⁵¹¹¹⁺
Conclusion: TGP injection has an anti- inflammatory and analgesic effect.
结论 TGP粉针剂具有较好的抗炎和镇痛作用。 cnki

In the early period in operation of TGP, the navigation conditions in upstream approach channel of TGP lock will become more complicated be cease of the reservoir impoundment.
三峡工程运行初期,上游引航道通航水流条件受水库调度等因素的影响变得更加复杂。 dictall

In the initial stage the construction of ship lock bottom board did not meet the requirement for concrete quality of TGP.
闸室底板混凝土施工初期不能满足三峡工程质量标准。 dictall

ObjectiveThe observe the clinical effect of leflunomide LEF and total glucosides of Paeony TGP on rheumatoid arthritis RA and their influences on laboratory findings.
目的观察来氟米特 LEF与白芍总甙 TGP治疗类风湿关节炎 RA的临床疗效及实验室指标的变化。 dictall

The construction of the TGP will bring innumerable chances to over a million relocates in the reservoir region.

The application of penstock blasting method for relieving the residual welding stress in TGP might provide reference for other similar projects.
三峡工程引水压力钢管应用爆炸方法消除焊缝残余应力,对其它类似工程可起借鉴作用。 cnki

The construction of TGP has created favourable conditions for exploiting water power resources of the Jinshajiang River, upstream of the Yangtze River.
中国长江三峡工程建设,为上游金沙江河段的水能资源开发创造了条件。 cnki

The technical innovation for installation works of ALSTOM700 MW hydro- generating units of TGP's Left-bank Power Station is described.
介绍了三峡左岸电站 ALSTOM700 MW水轮发电机组安装工作中的技术革新。 cnki

After completion and operation of the TGP, the water- sand conditions of the Changjiang River will be changed and sedimentation will occur in the backwater zone at tail of the reservoir.
三峡工程投运后,改变了长江的水沙条件,引起库尾变动回水区泥沙淤积; cnki

And, the anti- crack emulated calculation has been also carried out in the light of the dam structure and construction scheme of TGP spillway dam section.
并针对三峡工程泄洪坝段的坝体结构和施工过程,进行了有关抗裂的仿真计算。 cnki

But considering TGP' importance and its concrete' durability, alkali content of cement and total alkali content of concrete should be controlled.
从三峡工程的重要性及混凝土耐久性方面全面考虑,工程应严格控制水泥含碱量及混凝土中的总碱量。 cnki

Conclusion: TGP is effective and safe in the treatment of SS, so it can be administrated for a long period of time.
结论:帕夫林胶囊治疗 SS是有效和安全的,可以长期应用。 iciba

Conclusion: TGP may regulate the motility of colon of Guinea pig through lengthening the time of contraction and M receptor may be one of the passages of TGP.
结论:白芍总甙可通过延长结肠收缩时间,增强结肠收缩幅度而调节结肠运动,结肠平滑肌 M受体是白芍总甙作用途径之一。 cnki

Conclusion TGP has inhibitory effect on hyperfunctional synoviocytes of CIA rats and its mechanism of action may be related with the inhibition of abnormal proliferation and secretion of synoviocytes.
结论 TGP对 C IA大鼠功能亢进的滑膜细胞具有明显的抑制作用,其作用机制可能与其抑制滑膜细胞的过度增殖和分泌能力有关。 cnki

Conclusion TGP combined with low dosage methotrexate is effective and safe scheme on elderly onset rheumatoid arthritis.
结论白芍总苷联合较小剂量甲氨蝶呤治疗老年起病类风湿关节炎为有效、安全方案。 cnki

Earthquake monitoring in reservoir head region of TGP started 46 years ago, which is rare in the hydraulic electricity history all over the world.
三峡工程库首区地震监测至今已有46年,在世界水电史上也是罕见的。 dictall

In order to assure the outer concrete of the TGP possessing excellent quality of frost thawing resistance, a frost resistant concrete label on the basis of quick frost method was proposed.
为保证三峡大坝外部混凝土具有优良的抗冻融耐久性,提出以快冻法为基础的抗冻标号。 cnki

Or choose our FULLY TGP compliant option and use our bandwidth for free to submit your galleries to Thumbnail Gallery Post sites.
或者选择我们完全符合三峡工程选项,并免费使用您提交画廊缩略图画廊邮报网站的带宽。 foxyhosting

Prestressed anchor-cable is used in large quantities for high slopes of TGP permanent lock.
三峡水利枢纽工程永久船闸高边坡支护中,大量使用了预应力锚索。 cnki

Results: A fracture of femoral neck with MRP fixation had a higher shear, compression and bending rigidity than TSP and TGP fixation.
结果:股骨颈骨折以 MRP固定后,抗剪切能力,轴向刚度和弯曲刚度明显优于 TSP和 TGP固定。 cnki

The current constructional management regulations and the administrative regulatory regime for TGP resettlement works are rather systematic, but their implementation is not satisfactory.
当前三峡水库移民工程建设管理的法规和行政管理制度已较为系统,但贯彻执行尚不尽人意。 cnki

The study result shows that the navigation structures system of TGP in its construction period can satisfy the design requirements.
并明确指出,三峡工程施工通航建筑物体系能够满足设计要求。 cnki

Therefore we conclude that TGP could protect mesangial cells against oxidative stress induced by high glucose.
因此 TGP可以保护高糖诱导的肾小球系膜细胞氧化应激损伤。 cnki

Water and soil conservation task is an important job related to TGP project and to water from south to north, and it is one of important contents of west environment construction.
水土保持工作是一项直接关系三峡工程和“南水北调”工程的重要工作,也是西部生态环境建设的重要内容之一。 cnki

With combination of bi-directional difference method and FEM, the computation and comparison analysis on cooling effect of flexible pipe and black pipe in TGP are carried out.
利用双向差分法和有限元法相结合,对三峡大坝采用软冷却水管和黑铁管的冷却效果进行了计算与对比分析。 cnki

TGP temporary ship lock is located between the No.8 and No.9 monoliths of left bank non- overflow dam section and undertakes temporary navigation task during Stage II works construction of TGP.
三峡工程临时船闸位于左岸非溢流坝8、9号坝段之间,在三峡二期工程施工期间承担临时通航任务。 cnki




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