

单词 TFR
释义 TFRCOCA¹⁴⁷⁴⁰⁷BNC⁸²⁵³⁰⁺¹⁰
An approach to the influence and the relation of the state of art for TFR on force-sensing properties was made.
并对厚膜电阻 TFR工艺条件对力敏特性的影响和关系进行了一些探讨。 cnki

It is shown that extract of Chinese medicine tuber fleece flower root TFR inhibited FAS activity by both strong reversible fast binding and irreversible slow binding inhibitions.
测定表明,中药何首乌提取物对 FAS同时具有很强的快结合可逆抑制和慢结合不可逆抑制作用。 cnki

The transferrin receptors TFR of esophageal squamous carcinoma were tested by monoclonal antibody OKT9 on paraffin sections.
以石蜡切片单克隆抗体 OKT9检测食管鳞癌细胞转铁球蛋白受体 TFR的表达。 cnki

The TfR protein expression of the ASODN group was lower than those of the liposome and SCODN groups P0.05.
反义寡核苷酸组转铁蛋白受体蛋白表达低于脂质体组和对照寡核苷酸组 P0.05; d.wanfangdata.com.cn

The immunohistochemical ABC method with anti human transferrin receptor TfR monoclonal antibody OKT9 was applied to stain bone marrow at different stages of child acute leukemia.
以抗人转铁蛋白受体单克隆抗体 OKT9为抗体,运用酶联免疫组化 ABC染色法,对儿童急性白血病不同病期的骨髓进行 ABC染色。 cnki

A novel approach to interharmonics analysis based on adaptive optimal kernel time-frequency representation AOK TFR is presented.
提出一种基于自适应最优核时频分布理论的间谐波分析新方法。 cnki

Conclusions TFR extract inhibits the FAS from human breast cancer MCF7 cells.
结论何首乌提取物对人乳腺癌 MCF7细胞 FAS具有抑制作用; cnki

In South Korea the TFR fell by two-thirds in20 years from the early1960s.
韩国在1960年初后的20年内,总生育率下降了2/3。 ecocn

Last year the TFR was1.22 in Singapore,1.15 in South Korea and1.04 in Hong Kong.
去年新加坡的总生育率为1.22,韩国为1.15,香港为1.04。 ecocn

Objective To explore the relationship between transferrin receptor TfR expression and cell proliferation capacity and iron metabolism status.
目的探讨急性白血病患儿外周血白血病细胞转铁蛋白受体表达与细胞增殖力和铁代谢的关系。 cnki

We introduced three kinds of thick film resistor TFR conductive model.
介绍钌基厚膜电阻的三种传导模型。 dictall




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