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texture map 基本例句 纹理贴图 Photos used for the basis of your texture should roughly match the finaltexture mapsize.使用照片作为你的材质的基础来粗略的匹配最终材质贴图的尺寸。 Chapter 5 introduces texture mapping techmology.第5章介绍了纹理映射技术。 Use Photo-retouch program to modify and collage photos into a larger newtexture mapaccording to the need of the animation.依动画所需,使用修图软体将类似图像拼贴成较大张的肌理底图。 The height map correlates to the surface's regulartexture mapand stores one height value per texel.高度贴图和常规的材质贴图相关,并且存储了一个高度值在每个贴图像素中。 |