

单词 textual
释义 tex·tu·al 英ˈtekstʃuːəl美ˈtɛkstʃuəlAHDtĕksʹch›-əl ☆☆☆☆☆高八COCA¹²⁵⁷⁸BNC¹²⁰⁴²iWeb¹³⁹⁴⁴Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
of or relating to or based on a text;

textual analysis

来自 text,文本,篇章,-al,形容词后缀。textual criticism考订,校勘textual pattern transmission system图文传输系统…textual statement报表正本textual information电文信息textual scan句文扫描textual character电文字符
方振宇词汇奥秘text编织+ual…的→原创编织出来的→本文的,正文的,原文的text编织+ual…的→原创编织出来的⇒本文的,正文的,原文的近义词 written书面的literal逐字的verbatim逐字的recorded已记录的documentary纪录片stylistic风格上的documented备有证明文件的…

用作形容词This is also thetextualpoint of this passage.这也是本文的落脚点。
This part is thetextualand main contents.这一部分是本文的主要内容。
Textual analysis identified the author as Shakespeare.对原文的分析研究鉴定出作者是莎士比亚。 After you reach this step, you can apply the other techniques described in this article to add structure and recognize textual patterns.
执行到这一步骤时,您可以应用本文所述的其他技巧来添加结构并识别文本模式。 ibm

As an example, a reservation use case for a business application could provide a textual description human readable of the use case.
例如,一个保留的用于事务应用程序的用例可以提供一个关于此用例的文本描述易读的。 ibm

The data model has no notions of words or tokens inside a text node; it just represents the textual content of an element or attribute as one contiguous node.
数据模型没有表示文本节点中的单词或符号的概念;它只是将元素或属性的文本内容表示为一个后续节点。 ibm

The disadvantage of this approach is that certain techniques, like textual analysis and identifying domain classes, are things students learn long after they need them in the project.
这种方法的缺点是某些特定的技术,比如文本分析和识别主域类,学生们在学习这些知识之前就要在项目中用到它们。 ibm

Also you can mix graphical and textual modeling in a same editor in order to take the best of both approaches.
你也可以在同一个编辑器里混合使用图形和文本两种建模方式,这样可以结合利用两者各自的优点。 infoq

And do a textual analysis: How do they use pronouns?
然后进行文本分析:用代名词指代他们怎么样? yeeyan

As this set of articles illustrates, SOAP has a unique feature when compared to other RPC standards: a textual representation in XML.
如这一系列文章所说明的那样, SOAP和其他 RPC标准相比有一个独有的特点:使用 XML的文本表示。 ibm

Because XML is a textual format for data, it has some interesting quirks.
因为 XML是数据的文本格式,它有一些有趣的怪癖。 ibm

Beginning programmers quickly discover that the textual representation of a number differs distinctly from a numeric variable on which programs can perform mathematical operations.
早期的程序员们很快发现了数字的文本表示与程序能在上面执行数学运算的数字变量显著不同。 ibm

Figure32 shows a larger portion of the system status data in a textual format, which an experienced host screen user might prefer to see.
图32中以文本格式显示了大量系统状态数据,这可能是一个经验丰富的主机屏幕用户希望看到的。 ibm

How does the browser handle these items and how does it map event handlers, functions, and styles to that textual markup?
浏览器如何处理这些项,如果将事件处理程序、函数和样式映射到该文本标记? ibm

However, refining class models with textual constraints is a time- consuming and error- prone task.
然而,用文本约束细化类模型是耗费时间并且易于出错的任务。 ibm

In most cases, the only way to identify all of these instances in all the specification documents is to do a textual search and replace on all the relevant documents.
在大多数情况下,在所有的规范文档中确定所有这些实例的唯一方法是进行本文搜索,并在所有相关文档中进行替换。 ibm

Instead, I think the RDF working group chose the right course in developing a simple and strictly- defined textual format for RDF graphs.
但是,我认为 RDF工作组在开发用于 RDF图的简单且严格定义的文本格式时选择了正确的路线。 ibm

Localization refers to the generation of code that supports globalization features by translating textual data and setting culture- related configurations, such as name and address formats.
本地化代表通过转换文本数据、设计与文化相关的配置例如名称和地址格式,生成支持全球化特性的代码的过程。 ibm

Now let's look at three more commands that deal with fields in textual data.
让我们看看另外三个命令,它们可以处理文本数据中的字段。 ibm

Only when you have no nested elements is it safe to gather textual content.
只有当没有嵌套元素时,收集文本内容才是安全的。 ibm

Performing textual analysis across a set of related documents can result in higher- quality categorization, as you can cross- reference from a larger corpus and glean deeper relations between documents.
跨一组相关文档执行文本分析可以导致更高质量的分类,因为您可以交叉引用更大的语料库,并分析出文档之间更深层的关系。 ibm

Providing textual names and descriptions for interface elements.
为界面要素提供文本名称和描述。 ibm

Remember that this entity reference is resolved through a DTD reference, and that at runtime it may turn into textual content, more XML content, or anything else.
记住,这个实体引用是通过 DTD引用来解析的,并且在运行时它可以转换为文本内容、更多的 XML内容或其它内容。 ibm

Similarly, document retrieval from an XML column requires serialization, that is, converting the parsed XML format back into its original textual representation.
类似地,对 XML列进行文档检索需要串行化,即,将已解析的 XML格式转换回其原始文本表示。 ibm

Sometimes you need to add textual annotations to an image.
有时您需要向图像添加文本注释。 ibm

The above example provides a solid starting point for basic textual data.
上述例子为基本文本数据提供了一个牢固的起点。 ibm

The checks are designed to enforce that written content is complete by checking the structure of the document rather than analyzing the textual content.
这些检查是通过检查文档结构来保证编写的内容是完整的,而不是通过分析文本内容实现的。 ibm

This execution flow, presented in a textual or graphical fashion, points a developer directly to the line of code involved.
这个执行流程,以文本或者图表的形式显示,开发人员可以直接指出所包含的代码行。 ibm

This is not a textual search, it actually strips out variable names and constants and performs comparisons against the syntax tree.
这并非只是简单的文本搜索,它实际上会提取出变量名和常量名,然后根据语法树进行比较。 infoq

Very importantly, the backup format saves the contents in real textual XML, not some proprietary binary format; this means that in a worst- case scenario, you can fix problems with a text editor.
非常重要的是,备份格式以真正的文本 XML保存内容,而不是以专有的二进制格式保存;这意味着哪怕出现问题,您可以用文本编辑器来修复。 ibm

While you can treat a server's XML- formatted response like any other textual response, there's no good reason to do so.
尽管可以将服务器的 XML格式的响应视同为其他任何文本响应来处理,但这样做没有很好的理由。 ibm

Worse, it might get ordered by treating the dates as textual data, and alphabetizing them.
更糟的是,有可能把日期作为文本数据按照字母顺序来排序。 ibm




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