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Texan 英'teksən美'teksən 高iWeb¹⁰⁹⁰³Economist⁷⁵⁰⁴ 基本英英例句例句 adj.德克萨斯州人¹⁰⁰的n.德克萨斯州人
Noun: a native or resident of Texas Adjective: of or relating to or characteristic of Texas or its residents 名词100% “Lloyd Bentsen isTexanthrough and trough, lived here all his life, served in the Senate, representing Texans for 17 years.”“本特森是一个不折不扣的德州佬,在这里住了一辈子,服务参议院,代表德州人凡十七年。” Mark Zable, an inventive Texan, thinks it is. 得克萨斯州的一个发明家,认为它是专利。 ecocn On March2nd Texan voters decided that Rick Perry, already in his tenth year as governor, will be the Republican nominee once more. 德克萨斯州选民3月2日决定,已在任州长第十年的里克•裴瑞将再次成为民主党的候选人。 ecocn The fall of the Texan energy- trading company is the corporate collapse by which all others are measured. 这家得克萨斯能源贸易公司的垮台,值得其他公司引为前车之鉴。 ecocn The question is what he will do with his victory; and also how the rest of the world, which had been praying for a Kerry victory over the uncomfortably muscular Texan, will react. 问题是,他将怎样面对他的胜利;以及世界其他国家会做出怎样的反映。世界上大多数国家一直期盼着克里能够战胜“那个强硬得让人不舒服的德克萨斯人”。 ebigear The27-year-old Yao, a2.26-meter center for the Texan NBA franchise, married his girlfriend of eight years last week. 上周,27岁的姚明与相恋八年的女友结婚。 这位身高2米26的球员是 NBA得克萨斯火箭队的中锋。 www.chinadaily.com.cn A Texan who once had to rely on the Houston Chronicle to interpret the world can now collect information from myriad different sources. 一个曾经依靠休斯敦纪事报来理解世界的德克萨斯人,现在可以收集来自各种不同来源的信息。 yeeyan Among my dates were a boring professor of Shakespeare who made dinner feel like office hours and a Texan who thought he could lasso me by subtracting15 years from his age. 在我约会的人中有一个研究莎士比亚的无聊教授,他把晚餐搞得像工作时间。还有一个德克萨斯州的人,他自认为他说小15岁就能吸引我。 yeeyan As we look at the coming decades, this Texan vision may help define a new urban future for a nation that will grow by roughly100 million people by2050. 当我们展望未来十年的时候,也许能从德克萨斯州的发展蓝图看到美国全新的城市愿景——到2050年美国人口将增至1亿。 yeeyan Both the Texan and the Mexican decisions to fight at the Alamo have been criticized on military grounds. 得克萨斯人和墨西哥人双方决意在阿拉莫展开厮杀在军事层面上饱受非议。 yeeyan Both claim to be the innocent Texan. 他们两个都声称是无罪的德克萨斯州人。 putclub Both claim to be the innocent Texan. Which is the New Yorker? Start them talking, then arrest the one with the New York accent. 他们都声称自己是无辜的德克萨斯人。那么那一个人是纽约人呢?从他们的谈话情况,你逮捕了那个带有纽约口音的人。 putclub but lost in2004 to George Bush, who had spent the war safely at home in the Texan Air National Guard. 但在2004年的大选中输给了布什。 布什在战争期间安全地呆在德克萨斯州的空军国民警卫队。 ecocn Finally Dallas and the home of an old friend, a true Texan. 最后我来到了达拉斯一位老朋友家里,他是真正的德克萨斯人。 yeeyan In December1835, a volunteer Texan force drove government troops out of San Antonio and settled in around the Alamo, a mission compound adapted to military purposes after the1790s. 在1835年12月,一支由得克萨斯志愿者组成的队伍将政府军驱逐出圣安东尼奥,并迁移到阿拉莫附近一处于18世纪90年代后被改造用于军事目的的教会建筑内。 yeeyan Luring capital to launch a fund can be hard although new plans by Maverick to provide seed capital for start- ups may be a boon to Texan managers. 吸引资金建立基金很可困难尽管 Maverick的新计划为新兴公司提供种子资金可能是对德克萨斯经理们的一个恩赐. ecocn Next week, Boston Red Sox owner John W. Henry will face off in England’s High Court against Texan tycoon Tom Hicks over ownership of struggling soccer team Liverpool FC. 下周,波士顿红袜队所有人约翰·亨利将出现在英格兰高级法院,与得克萨斯州大亨汤姆·希克斯Tom Hicks争夺处于挣扎边缘的利物浦足球队的所有权。 forbeschina Sir Allen Stanford, a Texan billionaire and cricket promoter, was arrested for allegedly defrauding investors out of$8 billion through his bank in Antigua. 得克萨斯州的亿万富翁、板球运动推广者艾伦·斯坦福爵士因通过其在安提瓜岛的银行骗取投资者80亿美金而被拘捕。 ecocn So what you need to know is that the Texas miracle is a myth, and more broadly that Texan experience offers no useful lessons on how to restore national full employment. 那么,必须明白的是,德克萨斯奇迹其实是一个神话,更广泛地讲,德克萨斯经验对如何恢复全国的充分就业提供不出任何有用的东西。 yeeyan Some Texan Republicans are already musing about bypassing the Department of Justice, and obtaining the necessary approval of their electoral maps from a federal court instead. 一些德克萨斯州共和党成员已经开始考虑绕过司法部,争取联邦法院批准选区地图。 ecocn The Alamo is more than a just a building-- it was the site and symbol of the first battle for Texan independence. 阿拉莫不仅仅是一座建筑,它还是得克萨斯州争取独立而进行的首场战斗的地址和标志。 yeeyan The verisimilitude of the living space was a huge boost to the show's effort to present Texan society and ethics in a way that felt affirming and universally sympathetic. 对生活环境的逼真描述对于本剧努力以一种坚定和普遍富有同情色彩方式展现德克萨斯州社会和道德规范有很大作用的。 yeeyan |