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词汇 Texaco
释义 Texaco
An analysis and an inquiry are made of the design problems exposed in the operation of the Texaco coal gasification units in China.
分析探讨了国内德士古煤气化装置在运行中暴露出的设计问题。 iciba

In Texaco's defense, however, Sam explained that it's not entirely obvious who should be responsible for the damage.
尽管如此,萨姆还是为德士古辩护,称要说谁得负全部责任还很难说。 yeeyan

The bloc will be operated by Chevron Texaco, which controls 51% of the consortium, Exxon Mobil40% and Dangote Energy Resources9%.
石油开采将由雪佛龙德士古公司在财团中占51%的股份、埃克森美孚占40%、尼日利亚丹戈特动力资源占9%共同运作。 iciba

At issue is waste dumped by Texaco bought by Chevron in 2001 as long ago as the 1960s in the region around Lago Agrio in the Ecuadorean jungle.
争论的焦点是德士古公司2001年被雪佛龙公司收购于早在20世纪60年代在厄瓜多尔“丛林城市”拉戈阿格里奥附近的雨林中倾倒石油废弃物。 ecocn

But as a result of the publicity generated by the cases, Texaco agreed with the Ecuadorean government that it would clean up161 pits, or its share of the total, at a cost of $40m.
然而,由于这一案件引起了公众注意,德士古公司与厄瓜多尔政府达成一致,根据其所持股权清理161个油田,费用共计四千万美元。 ecocn

But the company Chevron wants the country and state-owned Petroecuador to handle further cleanup and remedial costs. The company argues Texaco was released from responsibility in 1998.
但雪佛龙公司却希望厄瓜多尔政府和国有企业厄瓜多尔石油公司支付下一步的环境清理和修复费用,理由是1998年 Texaco公司就已将责任交割清楚。 yeeyan

Chevron acknowledges that Texaco, an oil firm it boughtalong with the lawsuit in2001, did pollute the water.
雪佛龙公司承认它在2001年收购的德士古公司涉及本诉讼确实污染了水资源。 ecocn

Chevron's got some headaches to deal with: In Nigeria it faces ongoing hostilities from local thugs, and in Ecuador, it's fighting claims that its Texaco unit engaged in toxic- waste dumping.
雪佛龙需要处理一些麻烦事:在尼日利亚正面临着当地持续的抵制,在厄瓜多尔,他的反对者称它的德士古公司把有毒废料排放到当地。 yeeyan

Ecuadorian farmers and indigenous residents have accused Texaco, which Chevron bought in2001, of discharging some18 billion gallons of toxic water into the rainforest.
厄瓜多尔的农场主和当地居民指控雪佛龙2001年收购的 Texaco公司在这一地区的热带雨林中倾倒了180亿吨有毒废水。 yeeyan

From1977 onwards, Ecuador’s state-owned oil companynow called Petroecuador took a 62.5% stake in the field, though Texaco continued to operate it.
然而,从1977年起,尽管德士古公司一直在经营这片区域,但厄瓜多尔国家石油公司今厄瓜多尔石油公司却拥有该区域62.5%的股权。 ecocn

In 1992 Petroecuador took over the whole operation and Texaco withdrew from Ecuador.
1992年,德士古公司退出厄瓜多尔,厄瓜多尔石油公司接管所有经营权。 ecocn

In 2001, Chevron acquired Texaco, and with it the pollution case.
2001年,雪佛龙并购了德士古,包括它的污染案件。 yeeyan

In the town of Shushufindi, Texaco drilled for oil which brought up massive quantities of methane and tainted water intermingled with oil, heavy metals and oil byproducts.
在舒舒芬迪城,德士古石油钻探带来了大量的甲烷和掺有石油,重金属和石油副产品的污水。 yeeyan

Last year it objected to the1998 agreement with Texaco, arguing that since the company was the operator of the field it should have cleaned up all of the pits.
去年,科雷亚政府否决了1998年与德士古签署的协议,称由于德士古经营该地区石油,那么它就应该负责清理干净所有的油田。 ecocn

Lunan Ghemical Fertilizer Plant is the first enterprise in China to import the Texaco coal-water slurry gasification technology.
兖矿鲁南化肥厂是我国第一家引进应用德士古水煤浆气化技术的企业。 iciba

Mr. Miller said Texaco had been“ bargaining in good faith” and asserted that it was Pennzoil that had refused to negotiate a settlement.
米勒先生说德士古一直“本着诚意谈判”,并声言是宾州石油公司拒绝商谈和解。 iciba

The work was done by1998 and the government signed an agreement releasing Texaco from any further liability.
这项工作于1998年结束,并且厄瓜多尔政府签发了协议,表示今后不再对德士古公司追究责任。 yeeyan

This time, Chevron is the defendant-- the California-based oil company purchased Texaco in 2001.
这一次,被告是2001年收购德士古的加州石油公司雪佛龙。 yeeyan

We sat side by side, watching the sun go down behind the old Texaco service station across the busy street.
我们肩并肩坐着,一起看太阳在繁忙的街对面那个老德克萨克加油站后面落下。 putclub

Texaco, an oil giant now subsumed by Chevron, had such an incorruptible reputation that African border guards were said to wave its jeeps through without engaging in the ritual shakedown.
现已并入雪佛龙的石油巨头德士古,曾有廉洁的名声,据说以至于非洲的边境警卫让他们的吉普车顺畅通行而不是通常的勘路拦截。 ecocn

Texaco built and operated the wells at the center of the dispute back in the early1970s.
二十世纪七十年代早期德士古在争论中心建造和运营了很多油井。 yeeyan

Texaco had oil operations in Ecuador from1964 to1992.
Texaco公司自1964至1992年间曾在厄瓜多尔开采石油。 yeeyan

Texaco may have benefited from Ecuador’s past lack of environmental standards.
德士古公司本可能会因厄瓜多尔以前缺少环境质量标准而受益。 ecocn




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