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词汇 tevatron
释义 tevatron 英'tevətrɒn美'tevətrɒn COCA¹⁴³⁰¹³
In the meantime, scientists working at Fermilab's Tevatron, the current leader of the high-energy particle physics world, have been furiously collecting data.
与此同时,科学家们在费米实验室的一万亿电子伏特加速器——当前高能粒子物理世界的引领设备上工作,疯狂地收集数据。 transcn

It has been a rough2011 for the physicists working on the Tevatron, the top particle collider in the U.S. and the second most powerful in the world after Europe's Large Hadron Collider.
泰威顿是美国顶级的粒子对撞机,其威力在世界上仅次于欧洲大强子对撞机,但是对于在里面工作的物理学家而言,2011年是一个难过的一年。 yeeyan

The Tevatron physicists’ observations have also narrowed the range of mass that the Higgs boson might have, adding to their earlier evidence that the particle may be lighter than expected.
Tevatron物理学家的观测使他们缩小了希格斯玻色子可能的质量范围,进一步证明了他们先前发现的证据:这种粒子可能比人们估计的更轻。 ecocn

He says that when Fermilab sent its first full beam through the Tevatron machine in 1983, it unexpectedly stopped after a few turns around the six- kilometer four- mile ring.
据他说,当 Fermilab在1983年第一次将整束粒子送入 Tevatron机器时,粒子束沿着6公里4英里长的管道传输了数圈就停下来了。 yeeyan

In 2010, researchers at the Tevatron accelerator claimed preliminary results showing a small excess of matter over antimatter as particles decayed.
2010年,研究人员在粒子对撞机的初步试验中发现在正物质粒子衰变的过程当中有少量的反物质出现。 hxen

It already whips up the world's most intense beams of neutrinos, using kit that has nothing to do with the Tevatron.
它掀起了全世界对中微子的热情,对粒子加速器来说使用工具是没用的。 renren

Meanwhile, Fermilab’s Tevatron in Batavia, Illinois, is pushing for an extension beyond its September2011 shutdown, and still hopes to hit the Higgs jackpot.
于此同时,伊利诺斯州巴拉维亚的费米研究室最近正在努力的做取2011年9月关门前的研究,他们仍希望取得发现Higgs的大奖。 yeeyan

Now things are looking even bleaker for Fermilab and the Tevatron.
现在费米尔实验室和泰威顿的前景看起来甚至更加暗淡。 yeeyan

Right now we have been excluding regions of mass where the Higgs might be already at the Tevatron.
此刻我们已经在解除希格斯粒子起先可能在垓电子伏特加速器中的质量规模。 suiniyi

She also shares her disappointment with the decision in the US to close the Tevatron Collider at Fermilab later this year.
她也表达了她对美国方面在今年年底选择费米实验室的一万亿电子伏对撞机进行实验这个决定的失望之情。 yeeyan

So, should nature oblige, the Tevatron could yet prove powerful enough to catch the particle, which is probably why the machine may now run until2014, three years longer than originally planned.
所以如果老天帮忙, Tevatron可能已经有了足够的能量来捕获粒子。这很可能解释了这台机器现在预计能运行到2014年,比原计划延长了3年。 ecocn

The next stage is to increase the energy of the beams to the point where the LHC supersedes its nearest rival, the Tevatron at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory near Chicago.
下一步是提升粒子流的能量到达一个可以让粒子对撞机取代它最接近的竞争者毗邻芝加哥的费尔米国家加速实验室的万亿电子伏加速器的程度。 ecocn

The Tevatron accelerator, based underground at the US Fermi National Accelerator LaboratoryFermilab in Batavia, Illinois, could also have its run extended to look for the elusive boson particle.
这种美国伊利诺斯巴达维亚的费米国家加速器实验室地下基地研发的粒子加速器还能扩展到寻找躲避的玻色子。 yeeyan

The Large Hadron Collider, Europe’s newly repaired particle accelerator, officially overtook America’s Tevatron as the world’s most powerful.
欧洲刚刚完成修复的大型强子对撞机正式取代美国的正反质子对撞机成为世界最大的粒子加速器。 ecocn

The result comes from CDF's analysis of billions of collisions of protons and antiprotons produced by Fermilab's Tevatron collider.
这个结论来自 CDF实验组对费米实验室的万亿电子伏对撞机产生的数以亿计的正反质子对碰撞所得数据的分析。 yeeyan

The Tevatron works with protons and antiprotons.
而兆电子伏加速器使用的是质子和反质子。 ecocn

This will allow the Tevatron accelerator in Illinois to continue its hunt for the elusive Higgs boson particle.
这将让伊利诺斯州的垓电子伏特加速器继续搜寻难以捉摸的希格斯玻色子粒子。 suiniyi

Though it is a lightweight compared both with the LHC’s staff numbers and with its hadron-smashing power, the Tevatron, too, has notched up successes of late.
虽然 Tevatron的人手和强子冲撞力与 LHC比起来都只能算是轻量级,但最近它也取得了一些成就。 ecocn




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