

单词 beauties
释义 beau·ty 英'bjuːti美'bjuːti COCA²²⁶²⁴BNC¹⁸⁶¹⁵Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺

being beautiful


the beautiful sb/sth

the qualities that give pleasure to the sensesa very attractive or seductive looking womanan outstanding example of its kind;

his roses were beauties

when I make a mistake it's a beaut

用作名词 n.
动词+~bring out the beauty of发挥出…的美enhance the beauty of给…增色enjoy the beautyties of nature欣赏大自然的美preserve the beauty of保持…的美形容词+~delicate and quiet beauty雅致而宁静的美natural beauty天然美personal beauty个人的仪表美severe beauty质朴的美strange beauty奇异的美wild beauty天然美bathing beauty选美中的泳装女郎regular beauty十足的美人unusual beauty异常美丽的景色~+名词beauty contest选美竞赛介词+~be unequalled in beauty美丽无比~+介词beauty of a poem一首诗的美beauty of nature大自然的美beauty of the garden花园的美丽beauty of the valley山谷的美景
用作名词n.the beauty of

有意思的是,妙在 be good at

近义词 comelinesslovelinessattractiveness反义词 uglinessplainnessunsightliness
用作名词n.Beauty is but skin deep.美貌不过是一张皮。
Beauty is in the eye of the gazer.情人眼里出西施。
She is vain of her beauty.她自以为漂亮得很。
She was a woman of singular beauty.她是个绝色美人。
She was a girl of extraordinary beauty.她是一个异常美丽的姑娘。
The girl is the picture of health and beauty.这姑娘简直是健与美的化身。
Her spiritual beauty outshone her physical beauty.她的内在美超过她的外在美。
One must not choose a wife for her beauty only.一个人在挑选妻子时一定不要仅为了她美貌。
She will enter a beauty contest.她将参加选美竞赛。
She felt proud that her daughter won the first place in the beauty contest.她以女儿在选美中获第一名为荣。
I shall never forget the beauty of the West Lake.我将永远不会忘记西湖的美丽风光。
He was struck with the beauty of scenery.他被景色之美迷住了。
Some people decorate their private houses to please their own sense of beauty.有些人装饰自家房子是为了愉悦自己的美感。
In beauty, the Rocky Mountains are second to none.要说美,落基山不亚于任何其他山脉。
The tranquil beauty of the village scenery is unique.这乡村景色的宁静是绝无仅有的。
Nobody can help stopping and admiring the unique beauty of the scene.人人都会情不自禁地停下来,观赏这独一无二的美景。
A flower is beautiful, but beauty itself is abstract.花是美的,但美本身却是抽象的。
The place had a sombre beauty of its own.这地方有一种属于它自己庄严的美。
She was a great beauty in her youth.年轻时她是个大美人。
She has turned into a beauty.她出落成一个美人。
That apple is a real beauty.那个苹果是个佳品。
The last ball was a beauty.最后进去的那个球真漂亮。
His new car is a beauty.他的新车真漂亮。




His wife is an unmatchedbeauty.他妻子是一个倾国倾城的美人。
Words cannot describe thebeautyof the scene.语言难以描述那景色之美丽。
Thebeautyof the scene filled us with enchantment.我们被美丽的景色迷住了。
This bird cannot be paralled forbeauty.这鸟的美丽是无与伦比的。
Thebeautyof living in California is that the weather is so good.在加利福尼亚居住的好处就在于气候宜人。
You have no feeling for thebeautyof nature.你对大自然的美缺乏欣赏力。noun.physical attractiveness
同义词 allure,artistry,charm,delicacy,elegance,good looks,grace,refinement,styleadorableness,allurement,attraction,bloom,class,comeliness,exquisiteness,fairness,fascination,glamor,handsomeness,loveliness,polish,pulchritude,shapeliness,symmetry,winsomeness
反义词 crudeness,inelegance,roughnessdisadvantage,dog,homeliness,offensiveness,uglinessnoun.good-looking person
同义词 visionlooker,enchanter,ornament,eyeful,stunner,charmer,dream,Adonis,beaut,Venus,Apollodreamboat,good-looker,head turner
反义词 ugliness,offensiveness,homeliness,disadvantage,dognoun.advantage
同义词 importance,feature,valueblessing,merit,attraction,benefit,asset,boon,worthexcellent,good thing
反义词 ugliness,offensiveness,homeliness,dogdisadvantage Far from men finding blondes the most sexually attractive, the study found that more than60 percent said they preferred raven- haired beauties over their blonde counterparts.
研究并未发现男性认为金发女郎最性感,相反却发现超过6成男性说相较金发女郎,他们更喜欢黑发美女。 kekenet

Like an elite division with a bright flag, spring beauties up as long prayerful wishes.
春天有如旌旗鲜明的王师,因长期虔诚的企盼祝祷而美丽起来。 yeeyan

Some real drugs like cross tops or black beauties or alligators.
真正的好药,黑美人,鳄鱼之类。 yeeyan

“ I have never seen greater beauties, even in the royal stables, ” exclaimed the beetle, who was now resting himself.
“我以前可是从来没有看到过什么美人,就算是在皇帝的马厩里也没有”金龟子先生声称,他正在忙着让自己休息一下。 yeeyan

Also included in a “ Barack's Beauties” section were White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and others.
此外,白宫总管拉姆•伊曼纽尔和财政部长蒂莫西•盖特纳等跻身排行榜的“巴拉克最美人物”单元。 iciba

By meditation and prayer, I can escape that dark, destructive force and win my way back to the beauties of the world and the joy of God.
在冥思与祈祷中,我可以避开这种罪恶的破坏力,重新回到美丽的世界,重享上帝给我的喜乐。 hjenglish

Do not display copies of Sapphic Hotties2 or Stunning Beauties in the Pool of Lesbian Lust.
不要让人看到萨福美女2或是女同志欲望之池里的惊世美女这样的影碟。 yeeyan

Every year you see the same calendars on the shelves with beauties and stars.
每年的挂历都千篇一律,不是美女就是明星,让人觉得索然无味。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Gent Magazine, like Busty Beauties, concentrates on buxom women.
《绅男》杂志,就像《胸器美女》,火力集中于丰满女人。 yeeyan

I always thought: If I were not married, I’d move to Japan and marry one of these beauties.
我总在想:假如我还没结婚,我就要搬到日本来,娶一个这样的美人儿。 yeeyan

In the last game, David sprayed paint on the wall. Then three beauties walked out of it.
在最后的节目里大卫在墙上喷射上油漆,然后三个美女从墙里走了出来。 ebigear

It was a fine, clear, autumn morning, when they came upon the scene of his promotion, and stopped to contemplate its beauties.
在一个晴朗的秋天早晨,他们到达了他这个新任所的界内,停在那里默想着那地方的幽美。 jukuu

Like any country, it is complex, it has its beauties and its ugliness, but I am struggling to get my head around the extremes it seems to straddle.
像其它任何一个国家一样,这是一个复杂多面的国家,既有她美丽的一面,也有她丑陋的一面,但我极力让我的思维跨越两个极端。 yeeyan

One of his neighbors, a lady of quality, had two daughters who were perfect beauties.
蓝胡子有位邻居,是位贵妇,她的两个女儿,都是完美的美人儿。 yeeyan

Painters portrayed classic Chinese beauties with small feet, ? at breasts, tiny waists, and white skin, in complete contrast to strong and healthy peasant girls.
但在画师的笔下,经典的中国美人都有着一副小脚、一对平胸,髋窄如柳、肤白如霜,这与强壮、健康的农村姑娘对比鲜明。 yeeyan

That one of the world's leading Chinese beauties was actually raised in England only makes Cheung more emblematic of the ex- colony's cross-purpose passions.
这个世界上数一数二的中国美人在英格兰长大的事实反而让张曼玉更能代表这块前英国殖民地人民的矛盾感情。 iciba

These drawer-dropping beauties in skintight leather trousers.
这些让人血脉贲张的美人儿穿着性感的紧身皮裤。 yeeyan

When it came to evaluating intelligence as a“ good gene indicator, ” being intelligent was at the very bottom of the list for both the beauties and the plain Janes.
当她们被要求评估智力因素作为“优质基因”的一项指标的重要性时,无论美女丑妇都认为智商高是最次要的条件。 yeeyan

When you picture ancient Egyptian beauties such as Queen Nefertiti or Cleopatra, they're probably wearing dramatic black eyeliner.
当你想像古埃及的美女们,比如皇后妮菲蒂蒂或埃及艳后克里奥帕特拉时,很可能会想到她们那夸张的黑色眼线。 yeeyan

Beauties outperform beasts mainly because we expect them to do so.
美女胜过野兽,主要是因为我们预计他们会表现出众。 hjenglish




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