

单词 tests
释义 test·s 英test美test COCA¹⁸⁸⁸BNC¹⁸¹⁷Economist¹⁷³⁹

a number of questions, exercises, jobs, etc., for measuring one's skill, cleverness or knowledge of a particular subject; short examination


a short medical examination


an occasion of using sth, such as a machine or weapon, see if it works properly


any situation or condition in which the qualities of sth are clear shown


sth used as a standard when judging or examining sth else

vt. 测验,考查,检查,检验

put to the test; examine

vt. 考验

provide difficult conditions for

vt. 勘探,探测

search sth by means of tests

trying something to find out about it;

a sample for ten days free trial

a trial of progesterone failed to relieve the pain

any standardized procedure for measuring sensitivity or memory or intelligence or aptitude or personality etc;

the test was standardized on a large sample of students

a set of questions or exercises evaluating skill or knowledge;

when the test was stolen the professor had to make a new set of questions

the act of undergoing testing;

he survived the great test of battle

candidates must compete in a trial of skill

the act of testing something;

in the experimental trials the amount of carbon was measured separately

he called each flip of the coin a new trial

a hard outer covering as of some amoebas and sea urchins
put to the test, as for its quality, or give experimental use to;

This approach has been tried with good results

Test this recipe

test or examine for the presence of disease or infection;

screen the blood for the HIV virus

examine someone's knowledge of something;

The teacher tests us every week

We got quizzed on French irregular verbs

show a certain characteristic when tested;

He tested positive for HIV

achieve a certain score or rating on a test;

She tested high on the LSAT and was admitted to all the good law schools

determine the presence or properties of a substanceundergo a test;

She doesn't test well


❌ He put her courage to test.

✔️ He put her courage to the test.

表示“使…经受考验”可以用put sb/sth to the test, test前不可省略定冠词the。


❌ Their friendship has passed the test of time.

✔️ Their friendship has stood〔withstood〕 the test of time.

表示“经过时间的考验”可以用 stand〔withstand〕 the test of time,注意 stand 不可换成 pass。

test, exam, examination, quiz

这组词的共同意思是“考试”,它们也有细微差别:examination通常指正式考试,如期终考试、入学考试等; exam是examination的缩写式,常用于学生口语中; test指小考或考查; quiz指课堂上进行的非正式测验。例如:

They are guessing when the exam will take place.他们在猜测什么时间考试。
John dwelt on his mistake long after the test was over.测验结束后很久,约翰还在凝思他的错误。
Mr. Smith gave us a five-minute quiz.史密斯先生对我们进行了五分钟的测验。test, experiment

两者均可表示“试验”。其区别在于:experiment指发现未知事物或为认识某事物而进行的试验; test则指按规定的标准,在可控的条件下,对事物进行彻底地检验。例如:

He spend much of the time at his disposal on experiments for technical innovations.他把自己能支配的时间都花在搞技术革新上了。
Tests were carried out on new planes.对这种新飞机进行了数次试验。
test in, test on


test in测试的范围较广,可以对某学科诸多方面的测试; test on常指对某一具体知识体系的测试。

test, experiment

两者均可表示“试验”。其区别在于:experiment指发现未知事物或为认识某事物而进行的试验; test则指按规定的标准,在可控的条件下,对事物进行彻底地检验。例如:

He spend much of the time at his disposal on experiments for technical innovations.他把自己能支配的时间都花在搞技术革新上了。
Tests were carried out on new planes.对这种新飞机进行了数次试验。trial,experiment,test,try






用作名词 n.
动词+~bear the test经受考验carry out test进行检查,举行考试conduct test进行检查,举行考试do test进行检查,举行考试draw up a test编排测验give a test举行测验make up a test编排测验pass the test测验及格put to the test进行试验〔检验〕run test进行检查,举行考试set a test编排测验,出考卷stand the test经受考验take a test参加测验形容词+~demanding test要求高的测验difficult test难度高的测验easy test容易的测验exacting test严格的测试long-established test长期确立的试验objective test由是非题、选择题等组成的客观性测验the last test最后一次测验thorough test彻底的试验true-and-false test由是非题所构成的考试valuable test有价值的试验worthless test毫无价值的试验名词+~ability test能力测验achievement test成绩测验blood test验血competence test资格测试eye test视力检查mid-term test期中测验personality test性格〔品格〕测验road test汽车、轮胎等性能的道路测试,考驾驶汽车执照时的实地行车考试,路考screen test试镜头sight test视力检查skin test皮肤试验介词+~a series of tests一系列检查on test进行测试~+介词test for an auto driver's license取得汽车驾驶员执照的考试test in arithmetic算术测验test in chemistry化学测验test in life生活的考验test of scientific criticism科学批评的考验test of strength体力的考验test of time时间的考验test on new material新材料测试用作动词 v.~+名词test the food化验食品test the students检查学生~+副词test high考试成绩好test low考试成绩差test definitely明确地实验test exhaustively详尽无遗地实验test experimentally实验性地测试test infallibly无过失地实验test thoroughly彻底地实验test out使受到充分检验~+介词test against受…检验test by受…考验test for为…做检查test for poison化验是否有毒test in English用英语测验
用作名词n.put to a/the test

使…经受考验〔检验〕 test sb/sth

put sb/sth to a/the testObviously they were putting him to a severe test.显然他们是在给他以严峻的考验。
This round-the-world voyage will really put his sailing experience to the test.这次环球航行将对他的航海经验进行一次考验。
The model glider looks fine, although the only way we can really put it to the test is to see if it will fly.滑翔机模型看上去很好,但是真正能检验它的唯一办法是看它是否能飞。
The radar interception system was fully put to the test by the air battles of 1940.该雷达侦察系统在1940年空战中经受了充分的考验。stand the test

经受住考验 bear the test

test for v.+prep.

为鉴定…而测试; 勘探 examine sth or make an examination looking for sth; search by means of tests

test for sthThe radio engineers want to test for sound.无线电工程师们要测试音响。
The company is testing for oil.那家公司正在勘探石油。test sth for sthHas this plastic been tested for safety in great heat?这种塑料进行过高温测试吗?
The foods were tested for poison.食物是否有毒已经进行了化验。
test on v.+prep.

检验,测验 put to the test; examine

test sb on sthTest him on his knowledge of The Bible .考一考他对《圣经》懂得多少。
The teacher will test the class on spelling today.今天,老师要对这个班进行一次拼写测验。
test out v.+adv.

对…进行彻底检验 examine (sth or an idea thoroughly)

test sth ⇔ outScientists test out theories by experiment.科学家用实验来检验理论。
Working in the new school gave him a chance to test out some of the latest ideas in education.在那所新学校工作使他有机会对某些最新教育思想进行检验。
test with v.+prep.

用…检验 examine (sth through sth)

test sth with sthThe gas has been tested with lime water.已经用石灰水对该气体进行了检验。近义词 trycheckproveattemptexamineexperimentexaminationinvestigaten. analysistrialv. analyse
用作名词n.This test is to be taken by all pupils without reference to age or grade.这测验要全体学生参加,不分年龄或年级。
Regular review leads to improved performance in tests.经常复习是提高考试成绩的有效途径。
The teacher demands that students should turn in their test papers within two hours.老师要求学生两小时内交卷。
Tests have shown that these new tyres are significantly safer.试验表明这些新的轮胎要安全得多。
You'd better not eat anything before a blood test.在验血前你最好不要吃任何东西。
Practice is the only reliable test of a theory.实践是对理论的唯一可靠的检验。
The difficulties she faced were a real test of character.她所面临的困难是对她的品格的一次真正考验。
Employers will use this agreement as a test in dealing with future wage claims.雇主们将这份协议当作处理未来加薪请求的判断准绳。用作动词v.
S+~+ n./pron.Test the students before you begin the course.在讲这门课以前要对学生进行一次考试。
They tested the new aircraft.他们检测了这架新飞机。
We have tested the new machine.我们已经试验过这台新机器了。
In those days people seldom did experiments to test their ideas.当时人们很少做实验以检验他们的想法。
I'll test my judgement.我要考查一下我的判断能力。
The long climb tested our power of endurance.那次持久的攀登考验了我们的耐力。
Now I had the opportunity to test myself.现在,我正好有了一个考验自己的机会。
The students were tested.学生们被测验过了。
Your patience is tested by time.时间将考验你的耐心。






test可以是名词,可以是动词,作为名词时前面要加冠词the或a,如put to the test试验。

用作名词We achieved within seven months an agreement that has stood thetestof time.我们在七个月内完成一项协议,而且经受住了时间的考验。
Ourtestflight was to discover the bugs in the new plane.试验飞行是为了发现新飞机有何毛病。
Tomorrow we'll have a historytest.明天我们将进行历史测验。用作及物动词By doing so, you cantestthe strength of steel.这样做,你可以试验一下钢的强度。
Listening to his continuous stream of empty chatter reallytestedmy patience.听他那没完没了的连篇空话对我的耐心真是一大考验。
The teacher willtestthe class on spelling today.今天, 老师要对这个班进行一次拼写测验。noun.examination, quiz
同义词 analysis,approval,assessment,attempt,check,evaluation,experiment,final,inquiry,inspection,investigation,search,standard,trialcatechism,comp,confirmation,corroboration,countdown,criterion,elimination,essay,exam,fling,go,inquest,lick,oral,ordeal,preliminary,probation,probing,proof,questionnaire,scrutiny,shibboleth,substantiation,touchstone,try,tryout,verification,yardstickblue book,dry run,pop quiz,trial and error,trial run
反义词 conclusionverb.examine, quiz
同义词 assess,prove,verify,confirm,question,try,investigate,demonstrate,analyze,checkinquire,substantiate,validate,experiment,assaylook into,try on,prove out,experimentalize,give a tryout,make a trial run,match up,put to the test,run idea by someone,run it up a flagpole,see how it flies,see how wind blows,send up a balloon,shake down,stack up,try on for size,try out
反义词 discredit,invalidate,disprove During this season, the farmers do well on the I. Q. and other tests.
这个时节,农民们在智商测试和其他的测试中表现出色。 yeeyan

On the other hand, they achieve more code coverage than unit tests do because of their wide reach.
另一方面,由于其宽广的范围,它们实现了比单元测试更广的代码覆盖率。 ibm

Anyone with this level of access can see all the machines and can copy files to and from them or start and stop tests.
具有此访问水平的任何人都可看到所有这些机器,可在机器之间复制文件,或者启动和停止测试。 ibm

As always, the unit tests for that class should capture the functionality for each of its methods.
像往常那样,该类的单元测试应该捕获其每个方法的功能。 ibm

As you run tests and record results, you identify the iteration to which the result should be applied.
当您运行测试和记录结果的时候,您识别出该结果应当被应用到哪一个迭代中。 ibm

But if you have a class that isn't using these objects, do not tie these objects to the class through the tests.
但是如果您有一个根本不使用这些域对象的类,在测试中就不要将这些对象联系到该类上。 ibm

Do you write tests for your application?
你为你的应用程序写测试吗? cnbeta

For tests, rather than exams, we do not advise preparation.
如果是测试而不是正式考试,我们并不建议做准备。 edu.sina.com.cn

I mentioned throughput and how page rate provides a consistent measurement for many of the performance tests that you will run.
我前面提到了吞吐量和页面速率如何为您将要运行的许多性能测试提供一致的度量。 ibm

If you have verification points, summary information for those tests will be shown here, as well as in Figure30.
如果您有验证点,那么在此将显示出那些测试的摘要信息,以及图30中的内容。 ibm

If your regression tests are automated, then go ahead and run all of them all the time.
如果你的回归测试是自动执行的,那么你可以在同时运行所有测试。 ibm

In the next section, you will actually run the tests.
在接下来的部分,您将真实地运行这个测试。 ibm

In this case, by all means focus your tests on that one area.
在这种情况下,尽一些办法使您的测试集中在那个区域。 ibm

Its scope determines whether it is visible to other tests or not.
它的范围决定了对于其他的测试而言,它是否可见。 ibm

Often, they are not technical people, so explanations of the tests and the results are useful.
通常,他们不是技术人员,因此对测试和结果的解释是非常有用的。 ibm

One way to do this is to map bug counts by software areas and categories of tests.
做到这个的一种方法是通过软件区域和测试种类来映射程序缺陷计数。 ibm

Only after you have your tests written and failing do you write the code under test.
只有在编写了测试并失败后,您才可以编写测试中的代码。 ibm

She can execute directly from this query, or she can return to the tree view and run her tests from there.
她能够从这个查询中直接执行,也可以返回到属性图表中从那里运行她的测试。 ibm

So, in the previous example, you would only have to rerun the three failed tests and not the whole suite.
所以,在前面的例子里,您只需重新运行那三个失败的测试,而不是整个测试套件。 ibm

The assumption that all tests should be trivial and quick.
人们总是设想所有的测试应该短小快速。 infoq

The first one reminds us that we have to run all the tests.
第一条提醒我们必须要通过所有的测试。 yeeyan

The next few tests bring it all together.
接下来的几个测试将使它更加完善。 ibm

There are ways to solve that, but they all increase the complexity of the tests.
有一些解决这种困难的方法,但它们都会增加测试的复杂性。 ibm

They did some tests.
他们做了些测试。 yeeyan

We were proud that no software defects showed up during the acceptance tests.
我们引以自豪的是在验收测试期间没有软件缺陷出现。 ibm

When all the unit tests have run?
何时运行完所有单元测试? ibm

With this as our performance objective, we set up a series of tests.
以此作为我们的性能目标,我们将进行一系列测试。 ibm




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