

单词 testis
释义 tes·tis 英ˈtestɪs美ˈtɛstɪsAHDtĕsʹtĭs ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁸⁴²⁴⁷BNC⁴⁴⁷⁵⁹iWeb²⁹⁴¹⁶

one of the two male reproductive glands that produce spermatozoa and secrete androgens;

she kicked him in the balls and got away

来自拉丁语testis,睾丸,词源同test-,见证,证明。比喻用法,即见证男人之物。 testis来自拉丁语testis,睾丸,词源同test-,见证,证明。比喻用法,即见证男人之物。 test来自古法语test,陶器,特指古代用于测量和检验金属元素的陶土制容器。来自拉丁语testum,陶器,陶罐。来自terra,土,-st,过去分词格,词源同terrine, terrain。引申词义测量,检验等。来自古法语tester,见证,证实。来自拉丁语testari,作证,证实。来自原始印欧语*tri-st,第三人。来自原始印欧语*tri,三,词源同three, *st,站立,词源同stand。字母r脱落,词义演变比较umpire,裁判,字面意思为第三人。test-见证,证实,证明,来自test,见证,证实,词源同attest, contest, protest, testate。hernia testis睾丸疝descensus testis睾丸下降appendage testis睾丸附件testis sac精巢囊albuginea testis医 睾丸白膜…parenchyma testis睾丸实质atrophia testis睾丸萎缩retained testis隐睾ectopia testis睾丸异位gubernaculum testis睾丸引带testis lobe睾丸叶appendix testis男性卵巢,睾丸附件,…fungus testis睾丸海绵肿, 睾丸蕈…parenchyma of testis睾丸实质testis hormone医 睾丸激素睾…lamina vasculosa testis睾丸血管膜testis retained隐睾
test-(测试|证据is后缀=-ise⇒n.睾丸名词testicle的复数形式.近义词 egg蛋ball球nut坚果ballock睾丸testicle睾丸orchis红门兰bollock 睾丸

用作名词Here is an embryonal carcinoma of thetestis.睾丸胚胎癌,上方是正常的睾丸的边缘。
Here I reviewed the previous work on the gene expression patterns of human brain andtestis, and proposed some potential suggestions for future research.本文对人睾丸和脑基因表达谱的研究进行了回顾,并提出了该研究方向今后的一些研究设想。as in.testes
同义词 family jewels,testiclesballocks,balls,gonads,male genitalia,male genitals,nuts,rockscullions The team also grew sperm from neonatal testis tissue that had been frozen for days or weeks.
团队同样从冷冻了几天或数周的新生睾丸组织中成功培养出了精子。 yeeyan

“With the males, even with one testis, the quality of that sperm was just abysmal, ” she says.
“甚至有的雄美洲豹只有一个睾丸,而且它们的精子的质量糟糕透了,”她说。 yeeyan

Method We have performed the testicular transplantation to cure6 patients suffered from hypogonadism with the fetal testis as donor.
方法利用胎儿睾丸作移植体,为6例男性性腺功能减退症患者施行了胎儿睾丸移植术。 cnki

Methods The testicular transplantation were performed to cure9 patients suffered from male hypogonadism with the fetal testis with main vessel segment as donor tissue.
方法采用带主干血管段的胎儿睾丸移植术,为9例男性性腺功能减退症患者施行了胎儿睾丸移植术。 cnki

Objectives: To investigate the value of the clinical application of fetal testis transplantation for the treatment of male hypogonadism.
目的:探讨胎儿睾丸移植在男性性腺功能减退症治疗中的临床应用价值。 cnki

Therefore, the testis weight or the ratio of testis weight to body weight was used to estimate the ability of sperm production.
所以,睾丸重量或者睾丸-体重比常被用来估计精液的制造能力。 yeeyan

Tissue, Cytoplasmic Protein, Human Disease, Liver Cirrhosis, Testis.
组织,细胞质蛋白,病人,肝硬化,睾丸。 advtechind

Tissue, Membrane Protein, Human Adult Normal, Testis.
组织,膜蛋白,成年正常人,睾丸。 advtechind

Tissue, Membrane Protein, Human Disease, Liver Cirrhosis, Testis.
组织,膜蛋白,病人,肝硬化,睾丸。 advtechind

Tissue, Membrane Protein, Human Fetal Normal, Testis.
组织,膜蛋白,人正常胚胎,睾丸。 advtechind

Tissue, Membrane Protein, Mouse Adult Normal, Testis.
组织,膜蛋白,小鼠成体正常,睾丸。 advtechind

Tissue, Membrane Protein, Rat Adult Normal, Testis.
组织,膜蛋白,成年正常大鼠,睾丸。 advtechind

Tissue, Nuclear Protein, Human Adult Normal, Testis.
组织,核蛋白,成年正常人,睾丸。 advtechind

Tissue, Nuclear Protein, Human Disease, Liver Cirrhosis, Testis.
组织,核蛋白,病人,肝硬化,睾丸。 advtechind

Tissue, Nuclear Protein, Human Fetal Normal, Testis.
组织,核蛋白,人正常胚胎,睾丸。 advtechind

Tissue, Nuclear Protein, Monkey Simian Adult Normal, Testis.
组织,核蛋白,猴猿猴成体正常,睾丸。 advtechind

Tissue, Nuclear Protein, Mouse Adult Normal, Testis.
组织,核蛋白,小鼠成体正常,睾丸。 advtechind

Tissue, Nuclear Protein, Rat Adult Normal, Testis.
组织,核蛋白,成年正常大鼠,睾丸。 advtechind

Tissue, Total Protein, Human Disease, Liver Cirrhosis, Testis.
组织,总蛋白,病人,肝硬化,睾丸。 advtechind

Tissue, Total Protein, Human Fetal Normal, Testis.
组织,总蛋白,人正常胚胎,睾丸。 advtechind

Tissue, Total Protein, Monkey Simian Adult Normal, Testis.
组织,总蛋白,猴猿猴成体正常,睾丸。 advtechind

Tissue, Total Protein, Mouse Adult Normal, Testis.
组织,总蛋白,小鼠成体正常,睾丸。 advtechind




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