

单词 test-fired
释义 test-fired 英'testf'aɪəd美'testf'aɪəd COCA¹²⁸⁶⁵⁰BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
After North Korea test-fired missiles in July2006 and then exploded a nuclear device the following October, South Korea suspended grants of fertiliser in protest.
2006年7月朝鲜导弹试射,紧接着10月又爆破了核装置,韩国为表示抗议停止了化肥补贴。 yeeyan

A week ago, Russia test-fired what it said was a new intercontinental ballistic missile with multiple warheads, able to counteract any missile shield.
一周之前,俄罗斯试射了一种所谓的新型多弹头洲际弹道导弹,该型导弹能够刺穿任何反导盾牌。 ecocn

India successfully test-fired2 types of short-range ballistic missiles Saturday morning, Xinhua reported.
据新华社报道,印度27日早晨成功试射两枚短程弹道导弹。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

India Tuesday test-fired a medium-range nuclear-capable missile, the Agni II, with a strike range of3000 km, at Wheelers Island in eastern Orissa state, an Indian Defense Ministry official confirmed.
印度国防部官员19日证实,印度军方当天在东部奥里萨邦的惠勒岛成功试射一枚可携带核弹头的“烈火” II型中程弹道导弹。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

North Korea test-fired more short-range missiles, ratcheting up tensions in the region and defying recently tightened UN sanctions.
朝鲜试射了更多短程导弹,此举不顾刚刚升级的联合国制裁,使地区局势更加紧张。 ecocn

North Korea test-fired a medium range missile directly over Japanese territory in 1998.
1998年,北韩试射了一枚中程导弹直接飞越日本领土。 kekenet

South Korean officials say North Korea test-fired three short-range missiles shortly after the nuclear test.
韩国官员表示,在进行核试验以后,北韩又进行了弹道试射,发射了三枚短程导弹。 ebigear

Tensions have increased since Iran test-fired missiles in the Persian Gulf last week, pushing oil prices to an all time high.
伊朗上星期在波斯湾试射导弹导致紧张局势升级,石油价格再创历史新高。 iciba

This was test-fired on3 December2010 at the Interim Test Range in Orissa.
这次试射于2010年12月3日进行,地点是奥里萨邦的临时测试靶场。 yeeyan

This week, Iran test-fired a new missile. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced the launch to a crowd in Semnan province, his birthplace and a base for missile launches.
本周,伊朗试射一枚新导弹。总统艾哈迈迪-内贾德在其出生地和导弹发射基地塞姆南省的一个群众集会上宣布导弹发射。 huaxiahope




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