

单词 tested
释义 tested AHDˈte₍ˌ₎stēd 高COCA⁴²²³BNC⁴⁰³¹iWeb¹²⁷¹⁹Economist²⁹⁰³
tested and proved useful or correct;

a tested method

tested and proved to be reliableprogeny tested bull后代品系tested antitoxin标准抗毒素air tested飞行试验过的…tuberculin tested milk经结核病检验过的牛乳…leak tested密封度试验的…tested capacity试验出水量
蒋争熟词记忆test试验;考验-ed…的⇒经过试验的;经过考验的test试验;考验-ed…的⇒经过试验的;经过考验的近义词 tried可靠的confirmed确认的verified经证实的established确定的seasoned经验丰富的experienced有经验的time-tested经受时间考验的…well-tried试验证明效果良好的…tried and true实践证明是可取的行之有…

用作形容词The validity of the hypothesis can betested.这种假说的可靠性是经得起考验的。
At those moments in time when you aretested, it is absolutely essential that you be grounded in your faith.在受到考验的时候,坚定自己的信仰是相当重要的。
Let us show you the engine to betested.让我们指给你看要测试的发动机。
The improved system was trained andtestedby twenty TSL.经过利用前面的资料来进行训练和测试的结果。adj.(proven
同义词 approved,certified,provedcreditworthy,dependable,loyal,reliable,safe,tried-and-true,trustworthy,trusty
appliedadjective used
activated,adapted,adjusted,brought to bear,correlated,devoted,enforced,exercised,practiced,related,utilized
examinedadjective checked
experiencedadjective knowledgeable, knowing
accomplished,accustomed,adept,been around,been there,broken in,capable,competent,cultivated,dynamite,expert,familiar,having something on the ball,in the know,instructed,knowing one's stuff,knowing the score,mature,matured,old,old hand,practical,practiced,pro,professional,qualified,rounded,seasoned,skillful,sophisticated,sport,tested,the right stuff,trained,tried,versed,vet,veteran,well-versed,wise,worldly,worldly-wise
foolproofadjective infallible
inspectedadjective examined
investigatedadjective examined
checked,consideredcross-examinedexplored,inspected,measuredprobedquestioned,researched,reviewed,scrutinized,searched,studied,tested,tried The manufacturers warrant that all the machine they supply are properly tested.

The scientists tested this material in a variety of conditions and found it could be rapidly and repeatedly charged even if the day was cloudy, overcast or rainy.
科学家在不同的条件下对这种材料进行了测试,发现即使是在阴天、多云天气或是雨天,它也能够迅速、重复地补充能量。 huanqiu

All samples from contacts of the deceased have tested negative by the WHO Collaborating Centre.
该世卫组织合作中心对采自死者接触者的所有样本检测均呈阴性。 who

Although not very toxic, these drugs often need to be tested in cancer patients, since the target of the drug is expressed only in these patients.
尽管毒性不是很大,这些药物通常需要在癌症病人身上进行试验,因为该药物的靶点仅表现在病人身上。 yeeyan

And how good are you relative to emergency preparedness All of which are tested. In the radiation safety we have occupational and public radiation safety.

But the new fiber-optic backbone should be load tested with new applications and hardware.
但是新的光纤中枢应该用新的应用程序和硬件进行负载测试。 ibm

But at the time, this was the largest swarm of robots ever tested.
但是在当时,这些是所测试的最大型的机器人群。 ecocn

But I have to say this accident tested me.
但我必须说这次意外考验了我。 yeeyan

Establishing a simple rule for the team, like no code will be checked in unless it is compiled and tested, would save the team time and effort.
为他们建立一个简单的规则,像除了编写和测试之外,不许其他代码检入,这将会为整个团队节省时间和精力。 ibm

Have you tested out this new theory?

Have we tested it on enough inputs?

He has gathered evidence from mice to support this idea, but whether it is the case in people has yet to be tested. Nor is it easy to believe it ever will be.
他从老鼠身上搜集了支持这个观点的证据,但是否在人身上也会是如此还有待检验,要相信它会也是件很难的事情。 ecocn

He has gathered evidence from mice to support this idea, but whether it is the case in people has yet to be tested.
他已经从老鼠实验中收集了支持这一观点的证据,但它对人是否也起作用还有待进一步测试。 ecocn

Identify the subsystems or large clusters that should be tested as a unit.
识别应该作为一个单元来测试的子系统或者是大的簇。 ibm

If you have a continuous build process, allowing you to build anytime there are significant changes that could be tested, you will have lots of data to assess progress.
如果您有个连续的构建过程,您就可以在可被测试到的重大变化发生的任何时候进行构建,您将会有很多数据来评估过程。 ibm

In this test case, we tested the performance impact of rebuilding views within a database.
在这个测试案例中,我们测试在一个数据库中重构视图的性能影响。 ibm

It has also been tested by thousands of other programmers, so why not use it?
它还已经通过了数千名其他程序员的测试,所以为什么不使用它呢? ibm

Once you have tested all packages a little, you can write some tests for each class that shows no coverage.
在测试所有的包之后,就可以对每一个显示为没有覆盖的类编写一些测试代码。 ibm

Out of120 substances tested in beef, only one is a pesticide.
从牛肉中检验出的120种物质之中,只有一种是农药。 yeeyan

Small scale models were drop- tested.

So, in this scenario, we tested their configuration and figured out the solution for their problems.
因此,在这个场景中,我们测试其配置并找到解决问题的办法。 ibm

Techniques for conserving and stabilising metals recovered from nautical environments have been developed and tested but have never been applied to a complete aircraft.
为保护稳定的航海环境,金属回收技术已经开发和测试,但从来没有被应用到一个完整的飞机上。 yeeyan

The researchers then tested to see when the monkeys wanted the information.
研究人员然后测试看什么时候猴子想得到信息。 yeeyan

The new rocket was extensively tested and debugged by the army.

The test cases defined can then only be tested by combining them with test cases.
然后这些定义的测试用例只能通过将它们与测试用例合并来测试。 ibm

This data is important because it shows which new tests should be written to test those areas of the kernel, leading to a kernel that is more thoroughly tested.
这个数据是重要的,因为它指出了需要再编写哪些新测试来测试内核的那些部分,以使内核可以得到更完备的测试。 ibm

Those of its predictions that have been tested have all been found true. But that does not mean it is right.
在根据它所做的预测之中,发现那些所有已经经过检验的也都是正确的,但这并不意味着它是正确的。 ecocn

Versions for other platforms should work as well but have not been tested.
其他平台的版本应该也可以使用,但目前尚未测试过。 ibm

While the behavior of these commands should be identical in all releases of AIX, they have been only tested under AIX5.3.
虽然这些命令的行为在所有 AIX版本中都应该相同,但是仅在 AIX5.3下对它们进行了测试。 ibm




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