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词汇 Tess
释义 Tess tes COCA²²²¹⁷BNC¹⁶¹⁸⁰
The only exercise that Tess took at this time was after dark; and it was then, when out in the woods, that she seemed least solitary.
在这期间,苔丝唯一的活动是在天色黄昏以后;她走出屋外,来到树林里,那时候她似乎才不感到孤独。 hjenglish

Then he hunted up the old letter sent on to him in Brazil, which Tess had written from Flintcomb-Ash, and re- read it.
从前他在巴西的时候,苔丝在燧石山农场给他写过信,于是他把他收到的信找出来,又读了一遍。 ebigear

Then Mrs Durbeyfield informed him that no letter had come, but Tess unfortunately had come herself.
德北菲尔德太太告诉他,信倒是没有,但是不幸的是苔丝自己回来了。 ebigear

They went home together, Tess holding one arm of her father, and Mrs Durbeyfield the other.
苔丝挽起父亲的一只胳膊,她的母亲挽起父亲的另一只,一起回家去。 hjenglish

But, upon my lost soul, I won't be bad towards you again, Tess.
但是,我用堕落的灵魂向你发誓,我再也不会对你坏了,苔丝。 hjenglish

But as she reached the churchyard- gate the people began pouring out, and Tess found herself in the midst of them.
但是就在她走到教堂院子门口时,教堂里面的人已经开始涌出来,苔丝自己也裹在了人群当中。 ebigear

Carrying a heavy basket and bundle, Tess was walking towards the hills which divided her from the Vale, her place of birth.
挎着一个沉重的篮子和包袱,苔丝正朝那些把她与她出生所在的山谷分开的山峦走去。 hjenglish

' Forgive me, Tess dear!' he whispered.
“原谅我,亲爱的苔丝!”他小声说。 hjenglish

He did not however, enter immediately, and Mrs Durbeyfield said that she would break the bad news to him herself, Tess keeping out of sight for the present.
但是他没有立即走进来,德北菲尔德太太说她自己可以把这个不幸的消息告诉他,要苔丝先不要见她父亲。 ebigear

If Tess were made rich by marrying a gentleman, would she have money enough to buy a spyglass so large that it would draw the stars as near to her as Nettlecombe-Tout?
假如苔丝嫁给了一个绅士而变得富有了,她会不会有足够多的钱买一架大望远镜,大得能够把星星拉到跟前来,就跟荨麻越一样近? hjenglish

It was not, of course, by accident that he walked next to Tess.
他就走在苔丝的旁边,当然这并不是偶然的。 hjenglish

Seeing Tess standing at gaze he went across to her.
看见苔丝站在那儿东张西望,他就走了过去。 hjenglish

The event of Tess Durbeyfield's return from the manor of her bogus kinsfolk was rumoured abroad, if rumour be not too large a word for a space of a square mile.
苔丝·德北菲尔德从她那个冒牌本家回来了这件事,已经四处传说开了,如果说在一英里方圆的地面上使用传说这个词不算太大的话。 hjenglish

Thus the reception of Tess by her fancied kinswoman terminated, and the birds were taken back to their quarters.
苔丝想象中的亲戚对她的接见就这样结束了,那些鸡也被送回到它们的院子里。 hjenglish

Upon her sensations the whole world depended to Tess; through her existence all her fellow- creatures existed, to her.
对于苔丝来说,整个世界的存在全凭她的感觉,所有生物的存在也全凭她的存在。 hjenglish

Well, Tess ought to go to this other member of our family.
我说呀,苔丝应该到我们家族的另一房那儿去。 hjenglish

Whatever Tess's reasoning, some spirit had induced her to dress herself up neatly as she had formerly done, and come out into the fields, harvest- hands being greatly in demand just then.
无论苔丝如何推理,总之有某种精神敦促着她,使她像从前一样穿戴整齐,走出门外,来到地里,因为那个时候正好大量需要收割庄稼的人手。 hjenglish

Tess, being left alone with the younger children, went first to the outhouse with the fortune-telling book, and stuffed it into the thatch.
苔丝一个人留下来,同弟弟和妹妹呆在一起,就先拿着那本算命的书走到屋外,把它塞进茅草屋顶里。 hjenglish

Tess, however, had undergone such painful experiences of this kind in her father's house, that the discovery of their condition spoilt the pleasure she was beginning to feel in the moonlight journey.
不过,苔丝住在她父亲家中的时候,已经经历过这种痛苦的体验了,她一看见她们的情形,她在月光下走路所开始感到的欢乐就被破坏掉了。 hjenglish

Tess, meanwhile, as the one who had dragged her parents into this quagmire, was silently wondering what she could do to help them out of it; and then her mother broached her scheme.
同时,苔丝因为是把她的父母拖进泥淖的人,所以心里一直在默不作声地盘算着怎样帮助他们从泥淖里摆脱出来;后来,她母亲就开始同苔丝商量她的计划。 hjenglish

Tess, on her part, could not understand why a man of clerical family and good education, and above physical want, should look upon it as a mishap to be alive.
在苔丝这一方面,她弄不明白,一个人生在牧师的家庭,受过良好的教育,又没有什么物质上的缺乏,为什么还要把生活看成足一种不幸。 hjenglish

Tess, then, passed as a married woman, and he felt glad, even though she had not adopted his name.
那么,苔丝还是表明了自己结了婚的身分了,他感到高兴,尽管她没有接受他的姓。 ebigear

Tess did not look after him, but slowly wound along the crooked lane.
苔丝没有看他一眼,只是沿着弯曲的小路朝前走去。 hjenglish

Tess followed slowly in their rear, and entered the barton by the open gate through which they had entered before her.
苔丝跟在它们的后面慢慢走着,从前面的牛群通过的敞开着的栅栏门里走进院子。 hjenglish

Tess had never before visited this part of the country, and yet she felt akin to the landscape.
苔丝以前从来没有到过乡间这块地方,不过她却感到同这儿的风景有着血亲关系。 hjenglish

Tess seemed for the moment really pleased to hear that she had won such high opinion from a stranger when, in her own esteem, she had sunk so low.
听说自己得到一个陌生人如此高的评价,苔丝一时似乎真的高兴起来,因为那时候她自己觉得情绪非常低落。 hjenglish

Tess soon went onward into the village, her footsteps echoing against the houses as though it were a place of the dead.
苔丝不久走进了村子,她的脚步声传到两边房子的墙上再反射回来,仿佛这儿是一个死人的国度。 ebigear

Tess then remembered that there would have been time for this.
这时苔丝才想起来,是有时间把信送到这儿。 ebigear

Tess took it up, and her mother started.
苔丝拿起书,她母亲也就动身了。 hjenglish




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