

单词 terseness
释义 terseness 英tɜːsnəs美tɜːsnəs COCA¹⁷⁰⁴⁷⁶BNC¹²⁶⁴¹⁶⁺iWeb⁶⁰¹⁸⁸

a neatly short and concise expressive styleterse简洁的
反义词 verboseness罗嗦

用作名词What strikes at a first reading is its vividness andterseness.初读时它给人的印象是生动和简洁。
If the main purpose of menus were to execute commands,tersenesswould be a virtue.如果菜单的主要目的是执行命令,那么就应该精练。as in.brevity
同义词 conciseness,concision,condensation,crispness,curtness,economy,ephemerality,impermanence,pithiness,pointedness,succinctness,transience,transitoriness
反义词 lengthiness,longevity,permanenceas in.compactness
同义词 briefness,pithiness,succinctness
brevitynoun shortness, briefness
compactnessnoun conciseness
briefness,pithiness,succinctness,terseness Almost all the currency teaching materials of writing for college students give a definite require on how to use the language correctly, and especially focus on the terseness of the language.
在我国现有的高校写作教材中,对写作过程中语言的运用都提出了明确的要求,其中对语言的简练性尤为重视。 cnki

Featured as terseness, flexibility and generality, fuzzy wording successfully meets the demand of the diplomatic language.
模糊辞令简洁性、灵活性和概括性的特点恰好满足了外交辞令的要求。 cnki

He emphasizes rhythmic time, metrical harmonious beauty, and clean and tidy sentence structure so as to form a unique writing style to impress readers with changes of tidiness and terseness.
余秋雨的散文集《文化苦旅》大胆借鉴非散文文体语言,其散文语言注重节奏的合拍、韵律的谐美、句式的整齐,构成了独特的话语风格、富于变化的整齐美。 dictall

It is just possible that we owe to him the extreme terseness and point of the majority of the maxims of the Oraculo Manual.
我们可能地将其归之于他以极端简洁的语言而切中 Oraculo手册的大多数格言。 yeeyan

The relative terseness of the XSL transform makes the underlying concepts more apparent and thus easier to debug and maintain.
XSL转换的相对简洁使得基础概念更为明显,从而更便于进行调试和维护。 ibm

The terseness is indeed excessive and carried to Tacitean extremes.
确实是简洁过度,被运用到 Tacitean极端。 yeeyan

About writing: I worried about structure and voice and style and terseness and grammar and schedules and tools and reading the best authors and the snowflake method and editing and much more.
关于写作:我过去担心文章的结构、语态、格式、简洁度、语法、进展、工具、读最好作家的作品、雪花式写法、编辑问题,甚或更多。 yeeyan

According to the author in translating classic Chinese poetry, we had better retain the style in the rendition, such as its terseness and brevity.
本文对孟浩然五言绝句《春晓》的四种英译文作了剖析,认为古典诗译成英文应尽可能保持原诗简练的风格及韵律的效果。 dictall

But as a rule the terseness and point of the maxim approximate to the modern epigram.
但总的来说格言的简洁凝炼是与现代格言警句相类似的。 yeeyan

It was inspired by the Unix operating system, so there was a simplicity, some might say terseness, to its command design.
它的设计灵感来自于 Unix操作系统,因此它的命令的设计比较简单,或者说是比较简洁。 ibm

JSON's terseness can also be an advantage in Ajax systems, which tend to tax browser processing and network bandwidth.
在 Ajax系统上, JSON的简洁也是一个优势,这些系统倾向于增加浏览器处理和网络带宽的负荷。 ibm

Principles of accuracy, completion, terseness and adaptability are followed during building up models.
建构模型要遵循准确性、整体性、简洁性和适应性原则; d.wanfangdata.com.cn

Scala is an attempt to incorporate functional concepts and terseness without losing the richness of the object paradigm.
Scala将函数概念与简洁性相融合,同时又未失去对象的丰富特性。 ibm

The article describes the beauty of mathematics from three aspects; abstractness, unity annex terseness and ingenuity.
本文从抽象性,统一性兼简洁性、精巧性三个方面系统地论述数学美。 cnki

The kid's terseness is a mild parody of B- movie westerns.
“这孩子”精练的语言略似对低成本的西部电影的一种戏仿。 yeeyan

The model has characteristic of preciseness and terseness.
该模型具有结构严谨,易于分析的特点。 cnki

What strikes at a first reading is its vividness and terseness.
初读时它给人的印象是生动和简洁。 ebigear




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