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词汇 Terry Eagleton
释义 Terry Eagleton
The ideological criticism ofTerry Eagletonis not only an academic school discussion on theory, but a representation of effective practical spirit.伊格尔顿的意识形态批评不仅是一种学院派的理论探讨,同时也代表了一种有效应对现实的实践精神。
The key ofTerry Eagleton's literary ideal is to analyse the literary discourse system by the ideology theory of Marxism.摘要以文学形式为切入点,以马克思的意识形态理论为理论起点分析作为意识形态生产的文化现象,是伊格尔顿文学观念的理论核心。
As a famous Marxist literary critic, aesthetician and cultural theorist,Terry Eagletonplays an important role in contemporary western humanistic and academic fields.作为一位著名的马克思主义文学批评家、美学家和文化理论家,特里·伊格尔顿在当代西方人文学术领域占有重要地位。
To break the imagination of the romantic literary ideology for the aim of changing the form of the society is the basic aim ofTerry Eagleton's literary ideal.打破文学的自律性幻想,引入文化研究的思想,进而在深层次上突破资本主义社会的意识形态观念是伊格尔顿文学观的现实指向。
British aestheteTerry Eagleton,focusing on aesthetic-ideology,constructed his standpoint and critical principles of radical aesthetics between ideology and aesthetic discourse.英国当代美学家特里.;伊格尔顿以审美意识形态为核心;在审美话语和意识形态之间的张力存在中确立了他的激进的美学立场和美学批判原则。
As the British Marxist criticTerry Eagletonhas said: “Gray can fulminate against genocide, but we have yet to meet a giraffe that can do so.如伊格尔顿所说:“格雷可以强烈地批评屠杀,但我们还没遇到能这样做的一只长颈鹿。”




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