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terrorisedBNC⁵⁵⁰⁹⁷Economist²²⁰⁹⁹⁺⁷ 基本例句 vt.使恐怖;恐吓;vi.引起恐怖;实行恐怖统治原型terrorise的过去式和过去分词 Neither is it clear whether an ethical foreign policy would favour stateless Palestinians or a terrorised Israel surrounded by enemies— Mr Blair was regularly attacked for siding with the latter. 同时,作为一项道德的外交政策,是应该偏向于无政府状态下的巴勒斯坦,还是被敌人保卫、充满恐惧的以色列—— Blair先生过去则经常评击那些支持后者的人。 ecocn THE challenge of making a serious film about the Zodiac, a serial killer who terrorised northern California in the late1960s and early1970s, is that he was never caught. “十二宫”是上世纪60年代末到70年代初让加州北部人人谈之色变的连环杀手,而且至今逍遥法外,这成为拍摄这一题材严肃影片的挑战。 ecocn The government seems terrorised by tabloid cartoons of Frankenbunnies. 政府似乎被Frankenbunnies的小报漫画吓着了。 ecocn This one stood out because it was the work not of a maniac but of a well-established criminal gang, which has terrorised the region for nearly20 years. 这起血案之所以引人瞩是因为凶手不是一个疯子,而是一个在当地横行霸道近20年的臭名昭彰的犯罪团伙。 ecocn Zhang Baozai was the powerful leader of a band of pirates based in Hong Kong, whose fleet of a thousand ships terrorised the coastal regions of southern China during the early19th century. 张保仔是十九世初满清时期的海盗首领,营寨设于香港东涌,有船舰千只,威胁华南沿海一带。 shgtheatre “ For decades this town and its inhabitants were terrorised by far- right extremists from all over the world, ” she is quoted as saying by AFP. 法新社援引她的话说:“数十年来,这个市镇和居民被来自世界各地的极右分子骚扰着。” yeeyan Despite the arrival of humanitarian help from the sea, Misrata, the rebels’ western redoubt, is still being terrorised by pro- Qaddafi snipers and occasional shelling see map. 尽管海上的人道援助已经到达,但反抗军的西部据点 Misrata因亲卡扎菲的狙击手和偶然炮击仍受到威胁参见地图。 ecocn From the early pages of Treasure Island we are warned to beware the man with one leg, and in Peter Pan the children are terrorised by a pirate with only one hand. 从《金银岛》中我们知道要特别留意一只腿的人,在《彼得·潘》中孩子们被一个只有一只手的人威胁。 yeeyan From January1967 factories, banks and power plants were seized nationwide, while the Red Guards and the army sought out, terrorised or simply killed all deviants from orthodoxy. 从1967年1月起,全国范围内的工厂,银行和政权机关被夺权。红卫兵和军方开始追查,迫害并消灭那些政治异己分子。 topsage He spoke on behalf of every human being ever created who has been abused and terrorised by the Roman Catholic Church. 他代表每个人说话,那些一直被罗马天主教会所虐待和恐吓的人们。 blog.sina.com.cn In an effort to cover its tracks, the regime then terrorised Ashtiani's lawyer into exile and broadcast a murder confession by Ashtiani, almost certainly secured through torture. 但为了掩盖行迹,伊朗政府对 Ashtian的律师施以流放的恐吓,并广播了 Ashtiani承认谋杀罪名的过程,当然,这都是屈打成招的。 yeeyan Iraqis may be sick of the militias loyal to religious parties that terrorised them for years. 伊拉克人也许已经厌倦了恐吓了他们许多年,忠于宗教派别的国民卫队。 ecocn On November27th, for the first time, one such band ventured out of terrorised Darfur to attack a refinery at Abu Jabra in North Kordofan state. 在11月27日,第一次有这样一帮人冒险离开恐怖盛行的达尔富尔地区,进攻一座位于北科尔朵芬 North Kordofan州阿布扎布拉 Abu Jabra的炼油厂。 ecocn PEDESTRIANS in China are often terrorised by electric bicycles zipping along the country's pavements. 在中国,当一辆辆电动自行车在沿人行道上疾驰而过时,行人通常表现出惊恐万分的神情。 blog.sina.com.cn Pliosaurs were a form of plesiosaur, a group of giant aquatic reptiles that terrorised the ocean150m years ago, around the same time that dinosaurs roamed the Earth. 上龙属于一种蛇颈龙,蛇颈龙是一亿五千万年前统治海洋的一种大型水栖爬行动物,其存在时期约与恐龙游荡地球同期。 yeeyan Some other ICC warrants are still outstanding, including for members of the Lord’s Resistance Army, which terrorised parts of Uganda, and then moved on to Chad and Congo. 国际刑事ICC的其他一些拘捕令仍未执行,其中包括“上帝抵抗军”的成员,这些人先是在乌干达部分令人恐怖的地区,后来在乍得和刚果活动。 ecocn The north of the country, terrorised by the rebel Lord's Resistance Army LRA, has been a blood-spattered mess for two decades—and still awaits a real peace. 遭受反叛军“上帝抵抗军” LRA威胁的北部地区在过去20年中已经变成了一个流血成河之地。 ecocn The24-year-old terrorised the Toffees at Goodison Park earlier in the season, scoring a brace as Liverpool ran out2-0 winners. 这位24的前锋在本赛季客场挑战埃弗顿时用2粒进球帮助球队获胜。 fernando9torres.cn There has never been a woman more in need of being terrorised by centaurs or imprisoned for life in Azkaban, if you ask us. 如果你问的话,我们的说,这世界上没有比她更需要让人马好好吓上一回或者在阿兹卡班里关上一辈子的女人了。 yeeyan Thugs from several parties terrorised voters. 几个政党都雇佣了暴徒恐吓选民。 ecocn Yesterday it was claimed that there had been a series of incidents in recent weeks in which local children had been terrorised by two young boys. 昨日,有人透露近几个星期以来有一系列的恐吓事件;事件中,当地儿童被两名年轻孩子恐吓。 blog.sina.com.cn |