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Terrence tərrəns 高 基本例句 n.特伦斯男子名 And the young mathematician, Terrence Tao, who I met recently. 年轻数学家陶哲轩教授,我们最近刚刚见过面。 putclub Everyone from Aronofsky to Fincher to Terrence Malick. They were really interesting experiences and they’re all such smart and passionate people that are so good at what they do. 阿罗诺夫斯基、芬奇、泰伦斯·马力克等等,和他们一起工作真得很有趣,他们都很聪明、热情,而且精于他们的工作。 yeeyan He fought back from behind to cross the finish line shoulder by shoulder with arch rival Terrence Trammell of American, silver medalist in the Berlin world championships. 在比赛中,刘翔后劲十足,最终与来自美国的劲敌,柏林世锦赛银牌得主特伦斯•特拉梅尔并驾齐驱,双双撞向终点。 iciba The Pitch: Even if Terrence Malick‘s long- awaited epic turns out to be a total failure, it’ll still be the most ambitious and interesting films of the season. 即使泰伦斯·马利克 Terrence Malick这部筹备已久的史诗片有可能会败北,但其依然是暑期档最具野心,最有趣的电影。 yeeyan The ancient Roman poet Terrence declared that in every endeavor, the seemly course for wise men is to try persuasion first. 古罗马诗人泰伦斯宣称,在每一次作出努力时,智者首先采用的适当途径是说服。 ebigear “ The Philippines is one of the hottest of the hot spots for diverse and threatened life on Earth, ” expedition leader Terrence Gosliner said in statement on the academy's website posted this week. “菲律宾是研究地球生物的热点地区之一,地球生物形态多样,但面临威胁。”科考队队长特伦斯·高斯林纳在加州科学院官方网站本周发布的一份声明中说。 yeeyan Terrence McNally, another playwright and close friend, describes Wasserstein's “charismatic star quality”. 另一位剧作家和亲密朋友泰伦斯•麦克纳利形容瓦瑟斯坦具有“天赋的明星气质”。 ecocn Don Cheadle takes over Terrence Howard's thankless role as “ Rhodey” Rhodes, Tony's straight- and-narrow buddy in the military who pitches in for the final robot showdown. 唐.钱德尔接手泰瑞斯.霍华德饰演“罗迪”罗德——一个从不知感激的角色。 罗迪是托尼军队里的伙伴,他是个直性子,又有些心胸狭隘,但在最后与机器人大战的紧要关头做出了极大贡献。 yeeyan Dr Gluckman carried out his study in Jamaica, in collaboration with Terrence Forrester, of the University of the West Indies. 格拉克曼博士在牙买加进行了试验,并且与西印度大学特伦斯福伦斯特合作。 ecocn He finished second in a wind-aided13.15 seconds after crossing the line neck and neck with American Terrence Trammell. 黄金赛上他与美国选手特伦斯•特拉梅尔并驾齐驱,双双撞向终点,最终以13秒15的骄人成绩夺得亚军。 iciba He has brought a tape, the surveillance video the parking garage where Lincoln allegedly killed Terrence Steadman. 他带来了一卷录像带,是 Lincoln杀死 Steadman的那个停车场的监控录像带。 yeeyan He tells Leslie that they are part of the National Victims’ Rights Association and uses that guise to ask Leslie who else might have killed Terrence. 并向 Leslie谎称他们是“国家遭难者权利协会”的职员,想知道还有哪些人可能会杀死 Terrence。 yeeyan In addition to Robles, other top rivals include Americans David Oliver and Terrence Trammell, the latter a two-time Olympic silver medalist in the event. 除了罗伯斯之外,其他顶级竞争者包括美国的大卫-奥利佛和特伦斯-特拉梅尔,后者是两次奥运会银牌得主。 i21st Nick jumps in and offers that a video forensic analyst argued the authenticity of the parking garage surveillance video that showed Lincoln assassinating Terrence Steadman. Nick插话指出,有一个视频分析师对当晚停车场录像带的真实性提出质疑,就是那盘清楚显示是 Lincoln暗杀了 Steadman的录像带。 yeeyan On Sunday, Mr. Liu will face off against a field that includes Terrence Trammell of the U.S., a silver medalist at the Olympic Games in2000 and2004. 周日,刘翔在赛场上将要面对的对手包括美国选手特伦斯•特拉梅尔 Terrence Trammell。特拉梅尔是2000年和2004年奥运会的银牌获得者。 iciba Robert Downey Jr. , Terrence Howard and his father, Faran Tahir, composer Ramin Djawadi and VFXpert Stan Winston are fans of Iron Man. 小罗伯特·唐尼、特伦斯·霍华德和他的父亲、法兰·塔伊尔、作曲家莱明·加瓦迪以及视觉效果专家斯坦·温斯顿都是铁人的粉丝。 blog.sina.com.cn Several monitors play back video from the courthouse during the night Judge Kessler received the mysterious paper work about Terrence Steadman. 几台显示器播放着法院的监控视频,就是法官 Kessler收到神秘的有关 Steadman的文件夹的那天晚上的视频。 yeeyan She creeps up to a large leather chair next to a fireplace. Terrence sits asleep, but hears Veronica and slowly wakes up. 在壁炉旁,她蹑手蹑脚地靠近了一把大皮椅, Terrence坐在上面睡着了,但是听到 Veronica发出的声音后,慢慢地惊醒了。 yeeyan She tells Terrence that if he wants to talk, he needs to set up a face to face meeting. 她告诉 Terrence,如果他想和她谈话,他就必须安排一场面对面的会面。 yeeyan The American Terrence Trammell, silver medalist in the past two Olympics, also did not complete the round. 美国选手特拉梅尔,上两届奥运会的银牌获得者,也没有完成预赛比赛。 yeeyan The Vice President tries to hang up, but Terrence insists on carrying on the conversation. 副总统想挂断电话,但 Terrence决意要继续发话。 yeeyan Then, in the debug perspective, you can see the data graph in memory under Variables, with its data objectsThe Boss, Terrence Shorter, etc., as shown in Figure4. 然后,在调试窗口中就可以看到内存中的数据图在 Variables下和它的数据对象 Boss、 Terrence Shorter等,如图4所示。 ibm Today in court, Ceglia's attorney, Terrence Connors, produced a copy of the two- page“ work for hire” contract that his client said entitles him to control of the social- networking service. 今天在法庭上,塞格里亚的律师,特伦斯·康纳斯出示了一份两页的“雇佣工作”合同副本,也就是他的客户所谓的使他有权控制这个社交网站的合同。 yeeyan Terrence leaves the kitchen and Veronica tries the backdoor. The door opens and she quietly moves into the kitchen then slowly walks through the rest of the house. Terrence离开了厨房, Veronica试着打开了后门,然后她轻手轻脚地走进厨房,缓慢地穿行于房子的其它地方。 yeeyan Terrence Steadman places his false teeth in his mouth and picks up a cordless phone. Terrence Steadman将他的假牙放入嘴里,拿起一部无绳电话机。 yeeyan |