

单词 beat out
释义 beat out bi:taut ★★★★★高短语²²⁵⁴⁰
敲平; 砸扁; 使筋疲力尽

come out better in a competition, race, or conflict;

Agassi beat Becker in the tennis championship

We beat the competition

Harvard defeated Yale in the last football game

beat out a rhythmbeat the devil out of someone把某人打得半死,痛殴…beat something out扑灭beat out敲平beat someone out of his track迫使某人改变作风…beat the hell out of someone狠揍某人一顿…beat it out爵士乐beat someone out of his boots彻底打败某人…out of beat声音不均匀beat somebody's brains out狠狠打击某人,猛击某…beat something out of someone's head使某人放弃某种念头…
近义词 beat打shell壳crush压碎trounce痛打vanquish征服tap out赌博输光钱
They canbeat outthe dent in the car's wing.他们能把汽车挡泥板上的凹痕敲平。
The piece of iron was pounded out.这块铁皮被敲平了。
The baker was beating out the flour with his hands.面包师正用手把面粉砸扁。
He beat the piece of iron flat.他把一块铁片砸扁。 In late 2007 Nissan beat out General Motors to become a “ strategic partner” of AvtoVaz, a big but sickly Russian carmaker, taking a 25% stake.
2007年底,尼桑打败通用,成为俄国一家庞大而多病的汽车制造商——伏尔加的“战略伙伴”,持股25%。 ecocn

An insurance agent beat out122 others to win Florida's annual“Papa” Hemingway Look- Alike Contest.
在佛罗里达州的年度“谁最像海明威?”大赛中,一位保险经纪人击败122名选手赢得比赛冠军。 neworiental

Austria and Turkey beat out Iceland for the two seats allocated to this region.
奥地利和土耳其击败冰岛赢得该地区分配到的两个席位。 ebigear

But to succeed, it will have to beat out the other familiar powerhouses that are working to define and dominate the future.
但要想成功,它就不得不与另外一些为人们所熟知且实力强大的公司争斗,而那些公司正致力于界定并主宰未来。 yeeyan

China also beat out the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the election of Barack Obama, the global recession, and even the death of Michael JacksonNo.5.
中国还击败了911恐怖袭击、奥巴马当选、全球衰退、甚至是排在第五的迈克尔•杰克逊 Michael Jackson的去世。 iciba

If you are bidding into the number one spot purely to beat out your competitors, you're doing it for the wrong reason.
如果你这么做只是纯粹为了击败竞争对手,那么这么做就是不对的。 blog.sina.com.cn

It's the fudge vs. broccoli choice: Chocolate's yum factor tends to beat out the knowledge that sticking with veggies brings an eventual reward of lost pounds.
这是软糖与花椰菜之间的较量:巧克力美味的因素易于击垮坚持蔬菜最终能够减轻体重的知识。 yeeyan

Measuring in at over13 feet long, this lungfish beat out the prior record- holder, an11.5-foot long lungfish from Africa.
测量长超过13英尺,击败了之前的纪录保持者一种长为11.5英尺的非洲肺鱼。 yeeyan

Ronaldinho, who beat out Thierry Henry of France and Ukrainian2004 European Footballer of the Year Andriy Shevchenko for the prize, said the scourge of racism had to be stamped out.
罗纳尔迪尼奥力压法国球星蒂埃里·亨利和乌克兰的2004年欧洲足球先生安德烈·舍甫琴科,捧回世界足球先生的奖项。他说,种族主义的祸端必须被彻底消除。 ebigear

The leader beat out the way for us.

This may sound impossible but, Kreindler notes, it's the way top salespeople beat out the competition and win new customers.
这听起来可能有些不切实际,但是,克林德勒指出,这是销售精英在竞争中胜出,赢得新客户的最佳方式。 yeeyan

We speculate about Sony's next steps forward with the Playstation4 and what it will take for the PS4 to beat out Microsoft and Nintendo from launch.
我们将对索尼关于 Playstation4游戏机的下一步前进方向以及 Playstation4究竟凭什么来击败微软和任天堂进行推测。 yeeyan




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