

单词 Terracotta Army
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Acrobatics, a world famous art, is one of the Chinese wonders which also include Great Wall, Imperial Palace and Terracotta Army.
杂技是一门世界性的艺术,是与中国长城、故宫、兵马俑齐名的中国奇观。 biodic

After months of waiting, the largest Terracotta Army exhibition outside China opened in London at the British Museum.
经过了数月的期待,中国境外首次最大型的兵马俑展览在伦敦的大英博物馆开幕了。 hjenglish

Chinese archaeologists started a new excavation of the famous terracotta army site Saturday, hoping to find more clay figures and unravel some of the mysteries left behind by the“ First Emperor.”
中国的考古学家星期六开始了新一轮的秦始皇兵马俑的考古挖掘工作,有望在此次挖掘中能够找到更多的陶俑,揭开这位“始皇帝”留下的历史谜团。 yeeyan

Finally, visitors will come face to face with the near- legendary warriors of China’s terracotta army.
人们终于有机会可以和这些近乎传奇的中国陶俑有面对面的接触。 yeeyan

Ithas often been speculated that this was at least partially responsible for many of his later acts such as building the terracotta army.
人们常常猜测,这是至少部分负责他的许多后来的行为,如建设兵马俑。 blog.sina.com.cn

The title Guardians came from research around burial objects looking specifically at the Terracotta Army of Emperor Quin.
的标题是从那些针对陪葬物,特别是秦始皇的兵马俑的研究而来。 mydpi

The Terracotta Army is a pride of the Chinese people.
兵马俑是中国人的骄傲。 blog.sina.com.cn




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