

单词 terming
释义 term·ing 英tɜːm美tɜːrm COCA¹⁰¹²⁸²BNC¹¹⁴⁰²⁴⁺

a fixed or limited period of time


any of three periods of time into which the teaching year is divided at schools, universities, etc.


a period of time during which a court, parliament, etc., meets


the end of a period of time during which sth lasts


a word or expression that has a particular meaning or is used in a particular activity, job, profession, etc.


each of the various parts in an expression in mathematics


the conditions of an agreement, contract, etc.


the stated conditions concerning payment, prices, etc.


a relationship of the stated quality

vt. 把…称为,把…叫做

call; name; describe

a word or expression used for some particular thing;

he learned many medical terms

a limited period of time;

a prison term

he left school before the end of term

usually plural a statement of what is required as part of an agreement;

the contract set out the conditions of the lease

the terms of the treaty were generous

any distinct quantity contained in a polynomial;

the general term of an algebraic equation of the n-th degree

one of the substantive phrases in a logical proposition;

the major term of a syllogism must occur twice

the end of gestation or point at which birth is imminent;

a healthy baby born at full term

architecture a statue or a human bust or an animal carved out of the top of a square pillar; originally used as a boundary marker in ancient Rome
name formally or designate with a term

❌ I'm not on very good term with my neighbours.

✔️ I'm not on very good terms with my neighbours.

表达“和…关系很好”时用be on good terms with…。这里的terms作“关系”解,要用复数形式。


❌ He thought of everything in the terms of money.

✔️ He thought of everything in terms of money.

表示“从…的角度”“就…来说”“用…表示”可以用in terms of, terms之前不可加冠词the。


❌ They wanted to make a term with the enemy.

✔️ They wanted to make terms with the enemy.

表示“和…讲条件”要说 make terms with sb, term此时不可用作单数名词。












用作名词 n.
动词+~accept terms接受条件analyze a term分析一个术语avoid a term避免使用术语carry out terms履行条件come to terms达成协议,妥协,让步,屈服give terms提出条件interpret a term解释术语keep on good terms with同…保持友好关系make terms达成协议offer terms提出条件reject terms拒绝某种条件serve a term任职,服役,服刑set a term to给…规定期限understand a term明白术语的内容use a term使用术语形容词+~bookish term咬文嚼字的词语clear term简洁的话common term普通用语familiar term熟悉的术语formal term正式用语general term泛称,笼统的措辞informal term非正式用语legal term法律术语literary term文学术语modern term现代术语old-fashioned term陈旧的术语out-of-date term过时的术语plain term简明的措辞scientific term科学术语set terms固定词语striking terms引人注目的措辞technical term技术名称,术语uncommon term非普通用语名词+~autumn term秋季学期fall term秋季学期prison term服刑期spring term春季学期summer term夏季学期介词+~in terms of用…的话,以…的措辞,在…方面,从…方面来说,以…表示,根据,按照in any term无论如何in clear term明确地in equal terms平等地in high terms高度称赞地on even terms with和…不相上下on good terms友善,要好on no terms绝不用作动词 v.~+名词term oneself an artist自称为艺术家
用作名词n.bring to terms

使…接受条件 make sb accept the conditions

bring sb to termsCan we bring him to terms or shall we have to go to court?究竟我们能不能使他接受条件,还是要跟他打官司?
A siege often brings an army to terms.围攻常迫使军队接受条件。come to terms

达成协议,谈判成功 make an agreement

come to terms with

忍受,对待 bear; accept

in terms of

从某种方面说来 describing with reference to sth

on equal terms

不相上下,以平等的关系 equal in ability, degree or in an equal position

on good〔bad〕 terms with

与…关系不好 friendly〔unfriendly〕 with sb

on speaking terms with

只是泛泛之交 casual friends with sb

近义词 endhalftimecloselimitspacewhiletitlelabelcourseperiodseasonphraseconfineentitlename-tagdesignationn. boundarywordv. call
用作名词n.An American President's term of office is four years.美国总统的任期是四年。
He was sentenced to two-year prison terms.他被判处两年徒刑。
How many terms has he served at the prison?他服过几次刑?
The summer term runs from April to July.夏季学期从四月份到七月份。
We will study the epistles of some famous writers next term.下学期我们将学习几位名作家的书信。
Are there any exams at the end of term?每学期结束时都有考试吗?
You may conduct your research for the term paper in the library.你可以在图书馆里为写学期论文进行研究工作。
Since our contract is getting near its term, we must negotiate a new one.因为我们的合同马上要到期,我们得商谈签订一个新合同。
The doctor said my wife was too near her term to travel by air.医生说我的妻子离分娩期很近,不宜乘飞机旅行。
Writer is hardly the term to apply to him.“作家”这一名称很难用在他身上。
What is the scientific term for this?这东西的学名怎么说?
She spoke in glowing terms about your work.她以十分赞许的口吻谈到了你的工作。
“Hot” and “cold” are contrary terms.“热”和“冷”是相反的词。
Each algebraic expression consists of one or more terms.每一代数式由一项或几项组成。
The manufacturer has not fulfilled the terms of his obligation.制造厂商没有履行他应该负责的条款。
Protection for the consumer is laid down in plain terms by statute.保护消费者权益是由法律明文规定的。
He refused to work on our terms.他拒绝按照我们的条件工作。
They have made terms with the enemy, that is what they have done.他们与敌人讲条件,这就是他们所做的事。
His terms for private lessons are two hundred yuan an hour.他的私人授课价格每小时两百元。
The same terms are offered by other sellers.其他卖主的出价相同。
I have kept terms with Tom for many years.我和汤姆交朋友已有很多年了。用作动词v.
S+~+ n./pron. + n./adj.By what right does he term himself an artist?他凭什么自称为艺术家?
He has no right to term himself an authority.他无权自称权威。
He termed the gas argon.他把这种气体叫做氩气。
He termed the proposal too conservative.他说那个提议太保守。
You wouldn't term this house beautiful, would you?你不会说这栋房子漂亮,是吧?
The chairman of this parliament is termed the “Speaker”.本议会的主席称为“议长”。
When used in this way they may be termed “modal verbs”.它们被这样使用时可以称为“情态动词”。⎫
His life might be termed happy.他的生活可谓幸福。








term在表述为“条件”或者“价格”的时候,一般用复数形式terms。My terms are no cure no pay.我的条件是治不好不收钱。

Her terms for private lessons are 100 yuan an hour.她的私人授课价格是每小时一百元。

on term或者upon term意为“依照…条件”。She refused to work upon our term.

term表示学期的时候,前面不加the。Term was drawing to a close.

in term of这个用法比较普遍,意思为“顾及”,“就…而论”。We must change our schedule in term of the new situation.

用作名词Are there any exams at the end of thisterm?这个学期期末有考试吗?
I am not familiar with chemicalterms.我不熟悉化学术语。
Another firm has offered more advantageoustermsthan yours.另一家公司提出的条件比你们的优惠。
The company has fulfilled all thetermsof the agreement.公司已经履行了协议中的所有条款。
They had set atermto the contract.他们已给合同定了期限。
Would you please explain the meaning of thisterm?请你解释一下这个名词的意义好吗?用作及物动词Hetermedthe play a tragedy.他称该剧为悲剧。as in.marking
同义词 calling,characterizing,denominating,distinguishing,indicating,naming,noticing,recognizing,showing,specifyingpointing out
markingnoun designating
calling,characterizing,denominating,distinguishing,indicating,naming,noticing,pointing out,recognizing,showing,specifying Currently, the short- terming of labor contracts has become a popular social problem and attracts great concern.
当前,劳动合同短期化已成为一个相当普遍的社会问题,并引起越来越多的关注。 cnki

Currently, short- terming of labor contracts is a common phenomenon which arouses the wide-spread social interest.
当前,劳动合同短期化现象普遍存在,引起了社会的广泛关注。 dictall

Groundwater resources assessment is a complex work which involves many unde- terming factors of nature and society, and it is an ill- constructive problem.
地下水资源评价是一项涉及自然、社会、经济、政策等多种不确定因素的复杂工作,是一个不良结构问题。 dictall

Investors have taken to terming the flight from risky assets into gold a new currency trade.

Psychologic nursing of terming patients with incurable disease is an important practice of nursing.
患绝症临终病人的心理护理是护理过程中的一项重要实践活动。 cnki

When you come here, you can't help terming it as the garden of Eden.
当你来到这里,你禁不住会喊出----人间的伊甸园。 qdoon.com

When you come here: you can't help terming it simply garden of Eden.
当你离开这里,你禁不住会喊出----人间的伊甸园。 chinese98

Terming the drone attacks as “counter-productive” in the fight against terrorism, Pakistan has asked the U. S. administration to stop such attacks.
巴基斯坦方面声称无人机攻击对反恐战争起到了适得其反的效果,已经要求美国当局停止这样的攻击。 ourtra

Terming such revelation the“ inward light, ” the “ Christ within, ” or the “ inner light, ” the first Friends identified this spirit with the Christ of history.
无理这种启示的“向内轻”,“基督内”或“内部情况,”基督历史的第一之友认同这种精神。 cocksuckerchamp




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