

单词 terminates
释义 ter·mi·nate·s 英'tɜːmɪneɪt美'tɜːmɪneɪt COCA⁵⁴⁶⁰⁰BNC²⁸⁴²¹
vt. & vi. 结束;使终结

come,bring to an end;finish

bring to an end or halt;

She ended their friendship when she found out that he had once been convicted of a crime

The attack on Poland terminated the relatively peaceful period after WW I

have an end, in a temporal, spatial, or quantitative sense; either spatial or metaphorical;

the bronchioles terminate in a capillary bed

Your rights stop where you infringe upon the rights of other

My property ends by the bushes

The symphony ends in a pianissimo

be the end of; be the last or concluding part of;

This sad scene ended the movie

terminate the employment of; discharge from an office or position;

The boss fired his secretary today

The company terminated 25% of its workers










terminate load终端负载terminate graphics终止作图to terminate a contract结束合同,结束契约…terminate statement终止语句terminate procedure计 结束过程…terminate resistance终端电阻terminate cable终接电缆terminate and stay resident program中断驻留程序…terminate and stay resident驻留程序terminate only subscriber受专用户terminate the flight终止飞行terminate parameter计 终结参数…terminate a contract法 终止契约…
近义词 axe斧fire火ax斧子stem柄end结束close关can可以stop停止sack袋子cease终止lapse过失abort流产finish完成expire终止fulfil实践dismiss开除lay off解雇through通过displace取代send away派遣conclude推断出complete完整的accomplish完成give notice通知let go放开, 松手culminate达到顶点force out挤出去give the sack解雇come to an end结束
S+~+AThe conference terminated yesterday.会议昨天结束了。
S+ ~+n./pron.You have not right to terminate the contract.你无权终止合同。
Every summer a number of boys terminate their youthful career in a watery grave.每年夏天,都有若干名男孩子把年轻有为的一生埋葬在水中。
用作动词Communist Party of Chinaterminatedthe rule of feudal landlord class.中国共产党结束了封建地主阶级的统治。
Your contract has beenterminated.你的合同已经被终止。
We have toterminatethis contract.我们不得不终止这个合同。
The contract willterminatesoon.契约快要期满了。
The next trainterminateshere.这是下一班火车的终点站。 As soon as one of the branches reaches the stop node, the entire process terminates, even if tasks have not finished their execution.
在其中一个分支到达停止节点的同时,整个流程,甚至包括没有完成执行的任务都会终止。 ibm

Clicking the button terminates the program.
单击这个按钮,终止程序。 ibm

For detached threads, the system recycles its underlying resources automatically after the thread terminates.
对于分离线程,在线程终止后系统自动回收其底层资源。 ibm

For these reasons, we must place a simpler component in the DMZ that terminates network connections.
基于上述原因,我们必须在 DMZ中放置一个比较简单的、终止网络连接的组件。 ibm

If the session terminates because of certain failure scenarios a new session needs to be created, and the guarantees do not overlap the sessions.
如果由于某些失败情形令会话终止,就要建立新的会话,而且系统的保证不会延续到新的会话。 infoq

If more than one branch executes at once, e. g., if the model contains some parallelism, the stop node always terminates all parallel branches.
如果有多个分支同时执行例如模型中存在某种并行机制,那么停止节点总是终止所有并行的分支。 ibm

In these cases, you don't care how the thread terminates, and a detached thread is a good choice.
在这些情况下,您不关注线程是如何终止的,这时使用分离线程是一个很好的选择。 ibm

In this article, the system only terminates the process in the event handler when the cancellation event happens.
在本文中,系统仅在取消事件发生时终止事件处理程序中的流程。 ibm

It must guarantee that a session lock is freed, even if the application holding it terminates abnormally.
即使持有会话锁的应用程序非正常终止,解决方案也必须保证会话锁被释放。 ibm

It prints an end of line and terminates the recursion.
它打印出一行的最后一个字符,然后终止递归。 yeeyan

It terminates your program.
它终止了你的程序。 v.163.com

Notice that in both cases, the test terminates when an exception is thrown because of a violation of the immutability contract.
可以注意到,在这两个用例中,测试会在抛出异常时终止,这是因为有语句违反了不可变性合约。 ibm

Once the process terminates, the WPAR is stopped and cleaned up.
一旦该进程终止,那么 WPAR也将停止、并被清除。 ibm

So far, all is well and good, but when this runs, only the new contract is negotiated; after that, the JVM terminates.
到目前为止,看起来似乎没问题,但是在运行时,只协商了新合同;在此之后, JVM终止了。 ibm

The expressions are evaluated at run time during developer and QA testing, and if a test fails, program execution instantly terminates.
在开发人员和 QA测试期间,对表达式进行计算,如果测试失败,程序执行立即终止。 ibm

The page enables access to information about the calls that are outstanding and easily terminates any of the calls with a click of a button.
通过该页,用户不仅可以访问有关未完成的呼叫的信息,还可以通过单击一个按钮来轻松地终止任意呼叫。 ibm

These working segments are temporary transitory and only exist up until the time a process terminates or the page is stolen.
这些工作段是临时的暂时的,当进程终止或者页面被偷取时,这些工作段将不复存在。 ibm

They are also helpful in automating operations that need to be performed after the application terminates mainly cleaning up the operations.
对于自动化应用程序终止之后需要执行的操作,主要是清除操作,这两个程序也很有用。 ibm

They use working segments, which are temporary transitory and only exist up until the time a process terminates or the page is stolen.
它们使用工作段,而这些工作段是临时的暂时的,当进程终止或者页面被偷取时,这些工作段将不复存在。 ibm

This way, if the function or procedure crashes or terminates abnormally, it will not affect any of the other instance processes.
这样,如果该函数或过程崩溃或者异常终止,也不会对其他实例进程产生任何影响。 ibm

This function terminates the running process and all the associated threads.
这个函数终止运行中的进程及其相关线程。 ibm

This handler logs that the cancel has occurred and then terminates the process.
此处理程序能够记录已发生取消操作,然后终止该过程。 ibm

This is recommended if the thread terminates itself.
如果线程终止自己,则这样是可取的。 ibm

This means that each delimiter terminates a record.
这意味着每个分隔符终止一个记录。 ibm

This sends a signal to a process, and that usually terminates the process.
它将向进程发送一个信号,这通常都会使进程终止。 ibm

When the application running in an application WPAR terminates, the WPAR also ceases to exist.
当应用程序 WPAR中所运行的应用程序终止时,这个 WPAR也将终止并退出。 ibm

When the thread returns from that routine, it terminates.
当线程从这个例程中返回时,它将会终止。 ibm

When a process terminates, both the physical and paging spaces are released in many cases.
在许多情况下,当一个进程终止时,将释放其物理和分页空间。 ibm

When fault analyzer is loaded manually, it processes any new crashes in the databases, and then terminates; it does not remain idle waiting for the next crash to be delivered.
当手工运行故障分析器时,它处理数据库中的任何新崩溃,然后终止;它不会留在空闲状态来等待提交下一次崩溃。 ibm




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