

单词 terminalis
释义 terminalis
On the wood structure of Camellia terminalis.
顶生金花茶木材构造的研究。 www.cvh.org.cn

Ventriculus terminalis VT, also known as the “ fifth ventricle”, is an ependymal lined CSF-filled cavity within the conus medullaris.
终室 VT,又被称为“第五室”,是位于脊髓圆锥内为室管膜包绕并充填以脑脊液的一个腔隙。 xctmr

Camellia terminalis, a new ornamental plant from Guangxi.
项生金花茶,广西一新的观赏植物。 www.cvh.org.cn

Methods The lamina terminalis, optic recess and adjacent structures were observed in15 cadaveric heads under the operating microscope.
方法在手术显微镜下观测15例尸颅的终板、视上隐窝及相邻结构。 cnki

The lateral tegmental noradrenergic nuclei and the bed nucleus of the stria terminalisBNST are the important brain areas of stress induced relapse.
去甲肾上腺素外侧被盖核和终纹床核是应激诱发复吸的重要脑区。 cnki

To understand the relationship of neurotransmitter between the striatum and limbic system such as amygdaloid nucleus and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis.
为了解大鼠纹状体内的神经活性物质与边缘系统重要结构杏仁核和终纹床核内相应神经活性物质之间的关系。 dictall




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