

单词 beating
释义 beating 英ˈbiːtɪŋ美ˈbitɪŋAHDbēʹtĭng ★★★☆☆八COCA⁵⁵³³BNC⁵⁹⁵²iWeb⁹³³⁷Economist⁵⁵⁹⁵
the act of overcoming or outdoingthe act of inflicting corporal punishment with repeated blowstake some beating遭受一些损失,难超过…wet beating湿打浆beating machine清棉机,打浆机,打蛋…beating up打纬dead beating重力打浆beating wind逆风beating in拍入free beating游离打浆beating wing扑翼panel beating板金加工beating tower塔式碎解机,打浆塔…pulse beating脉冲差拍beating degree打浆度beating schedule打浆程序spatial beating空间差拍beating crusher打碎机,锤碎机…breast-beating感情的强烈表露; 捶…world-beater举世无双的人…beat打take a beating挨打受到打击…
蒋争熟词记忆beat打;跳动-ing名词后缀⇒打;敲;心脏跳动beat打;跳动-ing名词后缀⇒打;敲;心脏跳动近义词 pasting涂hiding隐藏defeat挫败setback挫折licking殴打whipping鞭打whacking非常drubbing殴打walloping痛打pounding重击声punishment惩罚persecution迫害pulsating脉动的pulsing脉冲发生lacing束紧导线hammering锤击的声音trouncing动词trounce的现在…thrashing轻易击败…thumping庞大的

用作名词The boy got a goodbeatingfor breaking the window.那男孩因打碎窗玻璃而被狠狠打了一顿。
They caught him and gave him a violentbeating.他们抓住了他,把他狠狠打了一顿。
Their team gave us a goodbeating.他们队把我们彻底打败了。
The home side got quite abeating.主队遭到惨败。
Thebeatingof his heart grew fainter.他的心脏跳动越来越无力了。noun.thrashing
同义词 defeat,drubbing,slaughter,whippingannihilation,bashing,rout,shellacking,trouncing
反义词 triumph,victory,win
bashingnoun abuse against a group or individual based on identity or ideological beliefs
assault,attack,beating up,bias crime,censure,charge,condemnation,criticism,denigration,harassment,hate crime,hounding,jumping,offensive,persecution,strike,torment
batterynoun physical abuse
corporal punishmentnoun physical punishment
debaclenoun catastrophe
beating,blue ruin,breakdown,collapse,crack-up,crash,defeasance,defeat,devastation,disaster,dissolution,downfall,drubbing,failure,fiasco,havoc,licking,overthrow,reversal,rout,ruin,ruination,shellacking,smash,smash-up,trouncing,vanquishment,washout,wreck
defeatnoun overthrow, beating
defeatsnoun overthrow, beating
KOS,ambushes,annihilation,beatings,blows,breakdowns,breaks,checks,collapses,conquests,counts,debacles,defeasances,destructions,discomfiture,downthrows,drubbings,embarrassments,exterminations,failures,falls,insuccesses,killings,lacings,lickings,losses,massacres,mastery,nonsuccesses,paddlings,rebuffs,repulses,reverses,routs,ruins,scalpings,setbacks,shellackings,slaughters,subjugation,thrashings,traps,trashings,trimmings,triumphs,trouncings,vanquishments,waxings,whaling,whippings,whitewashings“ You are not beating a team like the Boston Celtics with one guy as the focal point of the offense,” Wade said.
“要是只有一位球员能在进攻端做出贡献,是不能击败波士顿凯尔特人这样的球队的,”韦德说。 yeeyan

After the beating, they took his money and ran.
打过他之后,他们拿着他的钱跑了。 yeeyan

And so, to keep your heart beating, you’d just take a breath.
所以,到那时,你只需深深吸一口气就可以使你的心脏跳动。 yeeyan

Beat in eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition.
打入鸡蛋,一次一个,每次加入鸡蛋后打好。 hjenglish

But with coevolution- change changing in response to itself- you can win without beating others.
但是在共同进化中——变化是响应自身而变化——不用打击他人就能赢。 yeeyan

From health, the heart of every0.8 seconds beating about the body's cycle best.
从健康方面而言,心脏每0。8秒跳动一下,是人体循环的最佳状态。 ebigear

Have you stopped beating your wife?
你没再打你的老婆了吧? yeeyan

He saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, one of his kinsmen.

His heart stopped beating.

I can not help beating him.

I mean, beating them.
我的意思是,打他们。 yeeyan

In fact, my heart was beating so quickly that the doctors told my family that if they could not slow it down, I would have a heart attack and die.
事实上,我的心跳如此之快,以至于医生告诉我的家人,如果他们不能把我的心跳降下来的话,我将会因心脏病而死去。 yeeyan

In the1996 match, Deep Blue stunned the champion by beating him in the first game.
在1996年的比赛中,深蓝在第一局击败卡斯帕罗夫使这个冠军大为震惊。 ecocn

Terror dried her tears, and her heart almost stopped beating.
她害怕得哭都哭不出来,心脏几乎停止跳动。 yeeyan

There was no glory in beating me, a weak human.
击败我,这个脆弱的人类,不能给他任何荣耀。 putclub

This wooden thing is for beating the eggs.

Unlike alcohol, it does not result in bar fights or wife beating.
与酒精不同,它不会引起酒吧打架或殴打妻子。 yeeyan

Withstanding the onslaught of foreign firms on home soil may be as impressive a feat as beating them in global markets.
也许,在本土抵抗外国企业的冲击是一项不逊于在全球市场将他们击败的高超本领。 ecocn

You learn how to take a beating, then get up and do what you need to do.
你必须得学会如何承受挨打,然后继续爬起来做你想做的事情。 yeeyan




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