

释义 TERI ˈteri COCA²⁸¹⁹⁵BNC¹⁰⁴⁵⁸⁴⁺
When the house’s security alarm sounds Teri does not know how to turn it off.
住宅的安全警报系统响起了报警声,泰瑞不记得该如何关掉警报器。 yeeyan

With still no sign of Teri and Kim Jack calls Alberta Green to inform her of the complication in plans and his intention to go back and look for them.
杰克仍然没有看到泰瑞和金姆的踪迹,他打电话给阿尔贝塔.格林,将计划中出现的复杂情况告知她,并提出自己意图折回去寻找她们母女。 yeeyan

At the Bauer house, Teri notices a box and remembers that Kimberly made it for her.
在鲍尔的家宅,泰瑞注意到了一个盒子,她记得这是金伯利为她做的。 yeeyan

At the desert compound, Teri tries to find an escape from the cabin prison. Aware that they both might be killed, she tells Kimberly that she loves her.
在沙漠中的围地,泰瑞试图从被扣留的小木屋“监牢”中找到一条逃跑的出路。由于意识到也许她们母女都会被杀,她告诉金伯利,她爱她。 yeeyan

Gaines and his men search the woods for the Bauers. Teri and Kim head for the water tower alone, with Jack and Rick not far behind.
盖恩斯和他的手下在树林中寻找鲍尔一家。泰瑞和金姆母女向水塔方向行进,杰克和里克在她们后面不远处。 yeeyan

He is about to tell Nina the news when Teri approaches.
他准备把这事告诉给尼娜,这时,泰瑞走近了他们。 yeeyan

Jack, Teri and Kim come upon a lake across from the water tower.
杰克、泰瑞和金姆来到一条湖边,就在水塔的对面。 yeeyan

Jack and Teri are in the hospital hallway when his phone rings.
杰克和泰瑞在医院的走廊等候,这时,他的电话铃声响起。 yeeyan

Jack plans to go to the waiting car, but Teri doesn't want them to separate.
杰克计划去把凯文那辆车开来接她们母女,但泰瑞不想和他分开。 blog.sina.com.cn

Jack tells Teri not to let anyone near Janet because she may be in real danger.
杰克告诉泰瑞,不要让任何人接近珍妮特身边,因为她的生命正面临严重的危险。 yeeyan

Kim calls everyone she can think of, but no one has heard from Teri.
金姆打电话给所有她能想到的人,但没有人知道泰瑞的消息。 yeeyan

Meanwhile Myovic tells Andre Drazen that Teri is in the house but he is waiting for the right moment to kill her.
与此同时,麦欧维克把情况告知安德烈.德拉赞——泰瑞在她的家里,但他在找一个好机会来动手杀她。 yeeyan

Parslow assures her that he is only looking out for her best interests and Teri reluctantly agrees.
帕司若要她放心,他只是为她的最佳利益着想,泰瑞不情愿地同意了。 yeeyan

She asks Teri if Eli had hurt her but Teri says no.
她问泰瑞,是否伊菜伤害了她,但泰瑞的回答是没有。 yeeyan

She tells him that there was no reason for her to stay because Teri and Kim are safe.
她告诉杰克,她没有理由留在那里,因为泰瑞和金姆是安全的。 yeeyan

The guards recognize Teri from the photos and they turn off the alarm for her.
保安们从照片中认出了泰瑞,他们为她关掉了警报。 yeeyan

When he puts it to his ear, Jack threatens him about hurting Teri and Kim.
当他将话筒放在耳旁时,杰克向他发出警告,叫他不要伤害她们母女。 blog.sina.com.cn

Teri and York see the ambulance that picked up Janet and head to the nearest hospital.
泰瑞和阿伦看到了一辆救护车,珍妮特就在车内,车在最近的医院驶去。 yeeyan

Teri and Kim are about to leave the shed when they hear someone come in.
泰瑞和金姆准备离开小木屋,这时,她们听到有人进了屋子。 blog.sina.com.cn

Teri and Kim head for the water tower alone with Jack and Rick not far behind.
泰瑞和金姆母女向水塔方向行进,杰克和里克在她们后面不远处。 yeeyan

Teri says that she feels comfortable with him now, which may be the reason why she is not scared.
泰瑞说,现在,她感觉与他在一起很舒服,这也许是她没有感到害怕的原因。 yeeyan

Teri tries to grab his car keys, but he tosses them over the mountain.
泰瑞试图从他身上拿走车钥匙,但凯文将钥匙扔下了山去。 yeeyan

Teri wants to wait for the manager of the restaurant in case he can help her, so she tells Tanya to leave.
泰瑞想等候餐馆经理的到来,寄希望于他能够帮助她回忆起事情来,所以她叫坦尼娅把她留下餐馆里。 yeeyan




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