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词汇 tenths
释义 tenths tenθs 高COCA⁵¹²⁴⁵BNC²⁷³¹¹iWeb²³²⁵⁵Economist¹⁶⁹²⁸
n.十分位tenth的复数形式原型tenth的复数 and its figures show that nine- tenths of the wine trade is still in “classed growth” leading clarets.
其数据表明十分之九的葡萄酒交易对象仍是列级酒庄顶级的波尔多红葡萄酒。 ecocn

At less than two- tenths of a millimeter long, the mite pushed the limits of the method.
这只螨只有一毫米的不到千分之二,直逼这种技术的尺度极限。 yeeyan

The source of nine- tenths of the world's heroin, Afghanistan is just one step away from becoming a narco- state.
世界上的海洛因有十分之九来自这里,阿富汗离变成毒品国家仅一步之遥。 ecocn

The creature is more than twice the length and three times the diameter-- four tenths of an inch10 millimeters--of the next largest known related mollusk.
与同类中第二大的动物相比,该新种的长度是其两倍多,直径——十分之四英寸10毫米——是其三倍多。 yeeyan

The Dow Jones Industrial Average gained six- tenths of a percent during the calendar year in 1987.
在1987年一年之中道琼斯工业平均指数出现六次两位数涨幅。 yeeyan

The775 adult members of the tribe receive seven- tenths of the casino's profits in dividends the rest is spent by the tribal government.
部落里的775名成年人接受娱乐场所十分之七的分成其余支付给部落的政府。 ecocn

To map the moon's gravity, scientists will be making measurements as precise as a couple of tenths of a micron per second. A micron is about the size of a red blood cell.
这次月球重力测量,科学家们将保证其精度将达到每秒测零点几个微米,一微米大约也就是血红细胞的尺寸。 yeeyan

But officials point out that nine- tenths of Egypt’s82m people are squeezed into the Nile valley, an area smaller than Denmark.
但官员指出,埃及8200万人口中十分之九挤在面积比丹麦还小的尼罗河谷内。 ecocn

But recently executions in Singapore have fallen by nine- tenths.
然而,最近新加坡的死刑处决率下跌了十分之九。 ecocn

Do you think that you can have confidence that the last tenth will be fulfilled like the first nine- tenths already have?
你认为你有信心让剩下的十分之一预言会像之前的十分之九预言那样应验吗? yeeyan

For testing purposes, try to create an even, easily repeatable timing pattern, such as two- tenths of a second between each key release.
出于测试目的,尝试创建一个均匀、容易重复的计时模式,例如在每次键释放之间间隔十分之二秒。 ibm

Friday's report from the Labor Department says there was a net loss of533-thousand jobs in November, while the unemployment rate rose two- tenths of a percent.
劳工部星期五的报告说,11月份净损失53万3千个工作,失业率上升了千分之二。 ebigear

I have heard it said that nine- tenths of all the scientists who ever lived are living today.
我听到过这样一个说法,从古至今十分之九的科学家仍然健在。 yeeyan

I went through the whole of it, though at least nine- tenths of the words were unknown to me.
尽管至少有十分之九的字词不认识,我还是看完了整本书。 yeeyan

If you ask pensioners, nine tenths of whom have been married, they would agree.
去问那些退休的老人他们中九成是结过婚的,也会得到相同的答案。 yeeyan

Most economists are sanguine: global growth might slow by a few tenths of a percentage point, they reckon, but not enough to jeopardise the rich world’s recovery.
大多数经济学家是乐观的,他们认为全球经济增长可能会慢零点几个百分点,但这不足以威胁世界经济的恢复。 ecocn

Naturally, Asian statistics are skewed by China, alone accounting for over nine- tenths of all Asian executions.
当然,亚洲的统计数字被中国扭曲了,仅中国自己的死刑判决量就已超过亚洲总量的十分之九。 ecocn

Nine- tenths of the generals fighting in the Philippines had fought Indians.
在菲律宾参加战斗的长官中,有十分之九曾经参加过占领印第安的战争。 yeeyan

Nine- tenths of the bill for compensating victims of the institutionalised abuse will be shouldered by Irish taxpayers rather than the church.
而技工学校虐待案中对于受害者的赔偿,十分之九都是由爱尔兰税务而非教会负责。 yeeyan

Take fine flour and bake twelve loaves of bread, using two- tenths of an ephah for each loaf.
你要取细面,烤成十二个饼,每饼用面伊法十分之二. ebigear

The catastrophic earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster in Japan depressed global markets in March, and may have shaved a few tenths of a percentage point off America’s growth.
三月份日本的大地震、海啸及核灾难抑制了全球市场,也可能将美国的经济增长刮去了十分之几个百分点。 ecocn

The long march to literacy is nearing an end: three-quarters of people aged15-25 were literate in 1975; now the rate is nearly nine- tenths.
消灭文盲的漫漫征途正日渐接近尾声:1975年时,年龄在15-25岁的人口中有四分之三能读会写;如今识字率已接近十分之九。 ecocn

This approach shaved a few tenths of a second off the normal running time, and a few seconds off the large- input version.
这种方法将正常的运行时间削减了十分之几秒,在较大的输入版本的情况下削减了数秒钟。 ibm

Tremendous deposits of ice, nine- tenths of the earth’s freshwater, lie stored atop Greenland and Antarctica.
众多冰川及占全球总量十分之九的淡水囤积于格陵兰岛与南极洲的两端。 yeeyan

With some 80% of Libya's territory and nine- tenths of its people under rebel control, the fall of any remaining pockets of loyalists is but a matter of time.
随着反对派控制了约80%的利比亚领土及十分之九的人口,所有效忠卡扎菲的残余飞地的陷落只是个时间上的问题。 ecocn

With each bull there is to be a grain offering of three- tenths of an ephah of fine flour mixed with oil;
每只公牛要用调油的细面伊法十分之三作为素祭; ebigear




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