

单词 tent
释义 tent 英tent美tɛntAHDtĕnt ★★☆☆☆中高四六研牛4COCA³⁹³⁰BNC⁵⁹²⁰iWeb³⁸⁷⁸Economist¹²⁷⁶⁷


a movable shelter made especially of cloth or plastic material supported by a structure of poles and ropes, used especially by campers


a similar covered frame used for giving support of protection, especially in the treatment of illness

a portable shelter usually of canvas stretched over supporting poles and fastened to the ground with ropes and pegs;

he pitched his tent near the creek

a web that resembles a tent or carpet
live in or as if in a tent;

Can we go camping again this summer?

The circus tented near the town

The houseguests had to camp in the living room

用作名词 n.
动词+~put up a tent搭帐篷strike a tent拆帐篷take down a tent拆帐篷名词+~oxygen tent输氧用的氧幕wall tent有帆布墙的帐篷
故事记忆话说有个 Student学生旅行需要 Tent帐篷去到商店 Rent租借只要几百 Cent分野营发生 Accident事故原来没有 Vent通风孔骨架还全 Bent弯曲奸商让人 Resent愤恨故事记忆有个 Student学生旅行需要 Tent帐篷到商店去 Rent租借只要几百 Cent分非常记忆ten十〖熟词〗+t雨伞〖编码〗⇒这个帐篷是10个雨伞搭起的小学英语速记联想记忆:ten十顶tent帐篷,赶紧rent租借近义词 tepeecanvasbig topmarquee
用作名词n.We just need a tent supported on a rigid framework.我们正需要一座由坚硬架子支撑着的帐篷。
There were several rushes to the refreshment tent during the afternoon.下午有几批人涌到小卖部帐篷里。
Jump to it, men, we must get all the tents packed in an hour!快点,弟兄们,我们得在一个钟头之内把帐篷收起来。
This tent material is waterproof.这种做帐篷的材料可以防水。
Put a tent over his legs to stop them being rubbed by the sheets.给他的腿换上罩子,以免被床单擦刮。Ptentagen.帐篷宿营装备




用作名词They set up atentnear the seashore.他们在海滨附近搭起了一个帐篷。
The wind caused thetentto collapse.风把帐篷吹塌了。
Please slacken thetentrope before it rains.下雨前,请将帐篷的绳索放松。
Thetentflaps should be tightly fastened.帐篷的帘布应紧紧系住。用作动词Last night, wetentedin the forest.昨夜我们在森林里住帐篷。
We're going totentin the Golden Hill for a week.我们将在金山宿营一周。noun.portable canvas shelter
同义词 canvas,pavilionhogan,tabernacle,tepee,tupik,wigwam,wikiup,yurtbig top
awningnoun canopy
covering,door cover,marquee,protection,shade,shelter,sunshade
barracksnoun shelter for military
Quonset hut,billet,bivouac,camp,cantonment,dormitory,encampment,enclosure,garrison,headquarters,hut,prefab,quarters,tent
campnoun site for outdoor living
bivouac,campfire,campground,camping ground,caravansary,chalet,cottage,encampment,hut,lean-to,lodge,log cabin,shack,shanty,shed,summer home,tent,tent city,tepee,tilt,wigwam
covernoun wrapping
coversnoun wrapping, cover-up
dweltverb live in
abided,boded,bunked,continued,crashed,established oneself,existed,flopped,holed up,hung one's hat,hung out,inhabited,kept house,located,lodged,made one's home,nested,occupied,parked,perched,pitch tent,quartered,remained,rented,resided,rested,roomed,roosted,settled,sojourned,squatted,stayed,stopped,tarried,tenanted,tented After I decided that Martin and I could not go on with the drilling we were fairly tent-bound, but at least the chat was good.
我认为我和马丁无法再继续钻冰的工作。 于是我们足不出户,整天待在帐篷里,不过至少还可以愉快地聊天。 yeeyan

Set up a tent in the camping department; tell others you'll only invite them in if they bring pillows from Bed and Bath.
在露营用品部,搭一个帐篷;告诉其他人,除非他们床上用品部拿来枕头,否则不会邀请他们一起露营。 yeeyan

The reward of command is the opportunity to lead, not to have a bigger tent.

A sudden wind billowed the tent alarmingly.

A huge tent was extended over the field.

And they come with their own tent, though you may want to invest in an outhouse.
并且他们可能会带自己的帐篷,尽管你可能想要出租外屋给别人。 yeeyan

But I drew a picture of a tent and pointed towards their yard.
但是我画了一张帐篷的图画,用手指指她们的院子。 yeeyan

For now, the city is picking up residents' trash but says it will relocate the tent dwellers this summer.
现在,该市正在清理居民的垃圾,但表示,重新安置帐篷居民的工作将于今年夏天进行。 yeeyan

He eyed the tent from a nearby tree.
它从附近的一棵树上注视着帐篷。 edu.sina.com.cn

He sleeps in a tent now.
他现在睡在一个帐篷里。 fortunechina

I give to the Levites all the tithes in Israel as their inheritance in return for the work they do while serving at the Tent of Meeting.
凡以色列中出产的十分之一,我已赐给利末的子孙为业, 因他们所办的是会幕的事, 所以赐给他们为酬他们的劳. ebigear

Last week we set up a tent on the balcony with every fluffy blanket, pillow, and feather duvet we could find.
上周我们在阳台上竖起了一个帐篷,将我们找到的毛绒绒的毯子、枕头和羽绒被带了进去。 yeeyan

My tent is waterproof.
我的帐篷是防水的。 kekenet

Once you have found a place for the tent, the next issue is making sure it is completely secure.
一旦你找到了放置帐篷的地方之后,下一件事就是要确保这个地方是安全的。 yeeyan

Our family went camping last summer, so we had to buy a new tent.
今年夏天,我们全家去露营,所以我们不得不买了一个新帐篷。 ebigear

Our family went camping last summer. So we had to buy a new tent.
去年夏天我们全家去露营,所以我们不得不买一个新帐篷。 ebigear

Place them in the Tent of Meeting in front of the Testimony, where I meet with you.
你要把这些杖存在会幕内法柜前,就是我与你们相会之处. ebigear

Plan a Red Tent party.
计划一场红帐篷聚会。 yeeyan

The inside of each tent depended on the personality of its occupants.
每个帐篷内怎么布置,这就要看各个使用者的性格了。 kekenet

The team performs under a circus tent.

The view from my tent only added to my happiness.
从帐篷里能看到的景色让我更加快乐。 yeeyan

Their husbands stay away from the tent, and sleep in the muddy grass outside, in a bid to give the women some privacy.
她们的丈夫呆在帐篷外面,睡在泥泞的草地上,这样可以给女人们一些私密的空间。 yeeyan

Then Jack went to the back of the tent.
随后杰克又走到帐篷的后面。 kekenet

There are people happy to stay in your spare room, park in your driveway, or even pitch a tent in your back yard— and pay good money for it.
有一些人很愿意待在你剩余的空间里面,把车停在你的车道上,甚至有在你的后院里搭一个帐篷——并且都会付给你一个号价钱。 yeeyan

Tie the laces together, stretch them between two tree trunks, tie them around and hang the plastic over, like a tent.
把鞋带连在一起,绕过两棵树系起来,把塑料布放在上面,像一个帐篷的形状那样。 hjenglish

Were they in the tent?
他们在帐篷里面吗? yeeyan

When I go camping, we stay in a tent.
当我去野营的时候,我们呆在帐篷里。 hjenglish




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