

单词 tenor
释义 ten·or 英ˈtenə美ˈtɛnɚAHDtĕnʹər ★☆☆☆☆高四GIST宝八COCA¹³⁹⁵³BNC¹¹⁹⁴⁸iWeb¹¹⁹⁴⁴Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

the adult male singing voice above baritonethe pitch range of the highest male voicean adult male with a tenor voicea settled or prevailing or habitual course of a person's life;

nothing disturbed the even tenor of her ways

the general meaning or substance of an utterance;

although I disagreed with him I could follow the tenor of his argument

of a musical instrument intermediate between alto and baritone or bass;

a tenor sax

of or close in range to the highest natural adult male voice;

tenor voice

ten-,持有,保持,维持,-or,人。用于指保持某一音域的人,引申词义男高音,男高音歌手。tenor draft限期汇票tenor drum高音鼓tenor of ore矿石品位tenor clef中音谱号the even tenor of one's way平静安定的生活…
GRE红宝书ten拿, or-要拿住的东西-要点ten拿, or-拿住高音的人-男高音
与tender 同源;ten + or 高十度的音;音:太闹,男高音太闹;ten + or 人或物十点,是要旨
ten握住+or→握住的东西→要点; 例: the tenor of a speech讲话的要点
方振宇词汇奥秘ten持,握+ or名词后缀,表示物或人→紧紧握住的东西→要点→男高音能抓住高音要点的人
ten持,握+ or名词后缀,表示物或人→紧紧握住的东西→要点⇒男高音能抓住高音要点的人GRE难词记忆tenor→noter n.做笔记者→做笔记的人必须抓住要点词根记忆ten握住+ or → 握住的东西 ⇒要点近义词 mood心情tone语气gist要点tide趋势drift漂流sense感官theme主题strain拉紧meaning意义purpose目的tendency趋势nature自然界highlight强调intention意图determination决心

用作名词I forget thetenorof her reply.我不记得她回答的大意了。
I understood thetenorof their conversation but not the details.我听懂了他们谈话的大意,但没有听懂其中的细节。
I am not competent to catch on thetenorwhat the lecturer spoke.我不能明白该讲师所讲的要旨。
His appearance disrupted the eventenorof her life.他的出现打乱她的生活规律。
Thetenordisappointed us by singing flat.那位男高音歌手调门儿唱得很低,十分扫兴。用作形容词Thetenorsoloist is unable to appear tonight because of illness.男高音独唱者因病今晚不能演出。noun.meaning, intent
同义词 gist,mood,theme,toneaim,body,burden,core,course,current,direction,drift,evolution,inclination,meat,path,pith,purport,purpose,run,sense,stuff,substance,tendency,trend,waycourse of thoughtnoun.high male voice
同义词 falsettoalto,countertenor
bodynoun bulk;central portion
assembly,basis,bed,chassis,core,corpus,crux,essence,frame,fuselage,gist,gravamen,groundwork,hull,main part,majority,mass,material,matter,pith,skeleton,staple,substance,substructure,sum,total,trunk,whole
degreenoun unit of measurement
dispositionnoun personal temperament
bag,being,bent,bias,cast,character,complexion,constitution,cup of tea,druthers,emotions,flash,frame of mind,groove,habit,humor,identity,inclination,individualism,individuality,leaning,makeup,mind-set,mood,nature,penchant,personality,predilection,predisposition,proclivity,proneness,propensity,readiness,spirit,stamp,temper,tendency,tenor,thing,tone,type,vein
dispositionsnoun personal temperament
bags,beings,bents,biases,casts,characters,complexions,constitutions,cup of teas,druthers,emotions,flashes,frame of minds,grooves,habits,humors,identities,inclinations,individualism,individualities,leanings,make-up,mind-sets,moods,natures,penchant,personalities,predilections,predispositions,proclivities,proneness,propensities,readiness,spirits,stamps,tempers,tendencies,tenors,things,tones,types,veins
driftnoun meaning, significance of communication
effectnoun impact, impression
action,clout,drift,efficacy,efficiency,enforcement,essence,execution,fact,force,implementation,import,imprint,influence,mark,meaning,power,purport,purpose,reality,sense,significance,strength,tenor,use,validity,vigor,weight HE IS young, dark and handsome, with a lilting light tenor, and he swept the Latin Grammys last year.
年轻、黝黑、英俊,这位声线优美的男高音去年横扫拉丁格莱美奖。 ecocn

One of my heroes was Glenn Miller, who gave the music a new, velvet dimension by grouping a clarinet with two alto and two tenor saxes in his band.
格伦·米勒是我心目中的英雄,他把乐队的一支单簧管和两只次高音及两只高音萨克斯组合在一起,赋予音乐天鹅绒般的全新质感。 yeeyan

The music was also of the highest caliber, including tenor Placido Domingo and cellist Yo-Yo Ma.
音乐表演也是一流的,有男高音歌唱家多明戈和大提琴演奏家马友友。 iciba

The tenor soloist is unable to appear tonight because of illness.
男高音独唱者因病今晚不能演出. i21st

Although matching the specifics of Abraham Lincoln's career might not be a fair standard to set for oneself, we can still be informed by his general tenor and character.
尽管根据林肯的职业生涯来给自己制定标准可能并不公平,但是我们依然可以从他的崇高品德和人格中获得启迪。 yeeyan

At the White House reception that night, the assembled crowd listened to a superb Irish tenor, Frank Patterson.
在那天晚上白宫的招待会上,大家聚在一起倾听爱尔兰优秀的男高音弗兰克.帕特森演唱。 yeeyan

For the most part, the tenor of the book is considered, balanced, informative and restrained, even somewhat tentative in tone.
在很大程度上,本书的要旨是深入思考、较为均衡、信息广博且受到约束的,甚至在语气上也是试探性的。 yeeyan

He had worked as a fisherman for many years, but once long ago he may, or may not, have played the tenor sax in a dance band in Istanbul. It was hard to know exactly what he was trying to tell me.
纳希打了很多年的鱼,但是在很久以前,他也许在伊斯坦布尔的一个舞厅乐队里吹过高音萨克斯管,但我不能确定,因为很难听得懂他到底对我说了些什么。 yeeyan

He sang his invocations in a beautiful oaken tenor with a freckle- faced boy at his side playing conga and tambourine as if it was a full drum kit.
他唱着自己的调调,在一个美丽的橡木男高音的雀斑脸的男孩在他身边用康加舞和铃鼓伴奏,仿佛这是一个充满鼓声音的箱子。 yeeyan

I specially liked the tenor voices which had more of human flesh and blood in them, and seemed less like the disembodied lament of a forlorn spirit.
我特别喜欢那中音的歌唱,似乎里面有更多的人类情状,而不怎么像一缕幽魂从躯体里解脱出来的哀叹。 yeeyan

Incorporating these activities along with your success criteria in the team's test and development plans changes the priority, focus, and tenor of the entire product.
将这些具有成功标准的活动融入团队的测试和开发计划中将改变整个产品的优先级、焦点,和品位。 ibm

Nothing seems very dramatic compared with a tenor standing at the front of the stage warbling about love or treachery, while an orchestra swoops and soars at his feet.
当一位男高音站在舞台前高唱爱或背叛之际,交响乐团的激昂演奏萦绕其脚畔,似乎没有什么比这种场景更激动人心的了。 ecocn

The English superstar tenor is an avid Manchester United fan and even got to sing a full set of songs at the1999 Champion's League Finalin which he debuted this fine, fine shirt.
这位英国男高音巨星是曼联的狂热粉丝,他甚至在1999年冠军联赛决赛演唱了一整组歌曲当时他就是穿着这件T恤登场的。 yeeyan

The four parts in singing are soprano, alto, tenor and bass.
唱歌的四个声部是女高音、女低音、男高音和男低音。 iciba

The pace and tenor of change itself seems to have changed.
其变化的速度和进程本身似乎也在改变。 fortunechina

The teenager will give a lunchtime recital with the tenor Andrew Staples at Wigmore Hall on Thursday.
周四,这名少年将与男高音独唱安德鲁斯特普尔斯在威格摩大厅 Wigmore Hall举办一场午间音乐会。 yeeyan

There was bass, tenor and rhythm.
有男低音,有男高音,还有节奏声。 ecocn

When I was governor, we sang tenor side by side in the Immanuel Baptist Church choir every Sunday.
我当州长后,我们每个周日都要去伊曼纽尔浸礼会教堂唱诗班一起唱男高音。 yeeyan

Tenor Kevin Thornton says, “ It's difficult to express our emotions but we can think of no other way to better honor Wong Ka Kui and Beyond.”
男高音歌手凯文·桑顿 Kevin Thornton说:“要用粤语表达出我们的感情这很困难,但我们想不出其他方式来纪念黄家驹和 Beyond乐队。” yeeyan




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