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词汇 Tenn
释义 Tenn.
In cities like Pittsburgh, Pa., Indianapolis, Ind., and Chattanooga, Tenn., buying a home is not only a price bargain, it could be an excellent investment.
像宾夕法尼亚州的匹兹堡,印第安纳州的首府印第安纳波里以及田纳西州的查塔努加等市,不仅楼市价位回落得很低,而且已具备极佳的投资前景。 yeeyan

In Memphis, Tenn., 7.1% of all loans are three months overdue or more.
田纳西州的孟菲斯,有7.1%的房贷拖欠达到或超过3个月。 yeeyan

Kayakers paddle the Mississippi River floodwaters near the base of Beale Street on Sunday, May8,2011, in Memphis, Tenn.
在 Beale街附近被密西西比河水淹没的地方,他们划着皮划艇。2011年5月8日,星期天,孟斐斯。 yeeyan

The Nuclear Fuel Services, in Erwin, Tenn., in 2005 began diluting uranium from the217 tons the government declared surplus; so far125 tons have been processed.
核燃料公共事业机构,在田纳西州的欧文,2005年开始稀释铀,而这些铀都来自政府所申报的多余核燃料,共217吨;迄今为止,这些铀被用了125吨。 yeeyan

A barge travels up the Mississippi River Sunday, May8,2011 in Memphis, Tenn.
一艘驳船驶过密西西比河。2011年5月8日,星期天,孟斐斯。 yeeyan

Barbecue varies by region, with the four main styles named after their place of origin: Memphis, Tenn.
烧烤随地域的不同,以四种不同的主要类型,用他们的地区命名:孟菲斯,田纳西; yeeyan

But he knew something about Middle Eastern food from his hometown of Murfreesboro, Tenn.
但他还是在家乡田纳西州的 Murfreesboro那里对中东食品有了一定的了解。 yeeyan

Dresses are among the items up for grabs in Dunlap, Tenn.
在田纳西州顿拉普市场,树枝就是服装摊摊主最好的货架。 iciba

Hangars at General DeWitt Spain Airport are flooded by water from the Mississippi River at Memphis, Tenn., Monday, May9,2011.
德维特西班牙机场机库被密西西比河洪水淹没,2011年5月9日,星期一,孟斐斯。 yeeyan

On Inauguration Day, Michael Powers of Pikeville, Tenn., wrote to Mr. Obama, telling him he had lost his father, a three- pack-a- day smoker, to lung cancer in 1979.
在就职日那天,田纳西州皮科威尔的迈克尔·鲍尔斯写信给奥巴马先生,告诉他说自己已经失去了父亲,父亲每天要抽3包烟,1979年死于肺癌。 yeeyan

On Thursday the Memphis, Tenn., shipping company reported its first year-over-year profit increase in five quarters.
在本周四,这家位于田纳西州孟菲斯的货运公司宣布其利润在过去五个季度中第一次取得年度性的增长。 yeeyan

Other big rises were seen in Memphis, Tenn., Indianapolis, Raleigh and Tacoma.
其他租房空置率明显上升的城市还包括田纳西州孟菲斯、印地安纳波利斯、洛利以及塔科马。 iciba

People take a look at Mississippi River floodwaters on Sunday, May8,2011, in Memphis, Tenn.
人们看着密西西比河的洪水。2011年5月8日,星期天,孟斐斯。 yeeyan

Silverware is among the wares for sale in Lookout Mountain, Tenn.

Southern cities Chattanooga, Tenn., Oklahoma City, Okla., and Columbia, S.C., round out the top10 at Nos. 3, 5 and8, respectively.
南部城市,如田纳西州的查塔努加,俄克拉荷马州的俄克拉荷市以及南卡罗来纳州的哥伦比亚市,都成功的入围了前10名,分列第3,5和8位。 yeeyan

The president and the bride picked “ You Are So Beautiful” for their father- daughter dance, according to band leader Tyrone Smith of Nashville, Tenn.
据田纳西州纳什维尔“ Tyrone Smith Revue”乐队的领队蒂龙•史密斯介绍,布什总统与女儿在婚礼上共舞了一曲《你如此美丽》。

This photo released Monday from The Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Oak Ridge, Tenn.
位于田纳西州橡树岭的能源部橡树岭国家实验室周一公布的了这张照片。 yeeyan

To rebut Bernet's testimony, Robinson called in his own expert: psychiatrist Terry Holmes, the clinical director of Moccasin Bend Mental Health Institute in Chattanooga, Tenn.
为了反驳贝内的证词,罗宾逊请来自己的专家:位于田纳西州查塔努加的莫卡辛-本德精神卫生研究所的临床主任,心理医生特里-霍姆斯。 yeeyan

Two residents of Chattanooga, Tenn., watch the President's motorcade pass through the city.
查塔努加的两位市民观望着经过的总统车队。 cri




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