

单词 Tenenbaum
释义 Tenenbaum ˈtenənˌbɑːwm COCA⁸¹¹⁶⁵
Ms. Tenenbaum is set to deliver a speech Tuesday, in Hong Kong, at a toy safety meeting organized by the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum.
特南鲍姆定于星期二在亚太经济合作论坛于香港举行的玩具安全会议上发表讲话。 kekenet

Ms. Tenenbaum said she also planned to start discussions with Chinese officials on whether the U. S. needs a regulatory standard for drywall composition.
特南鲍姆说,她还计划与中方官员讨论美国是否需要制定一个干墙成份的监管标准。 acsf

The CPSC's five commissioners, including Chairman Inez Tenenbaum, are expected to hold a public meeting to review the TSCP in the near future.
消费品安全委员会的五名委员,包括主席伊内兹特南鲍姆,预计将举行公开会议,审查在不久的将来 TSCP。 cnhuu

“ Toys imported from China, as toys manufactured in the United States and imported from other countries, all have to meet U. S. requirements and meet the U. S. laws, ” noted Tenenbaum.
从中国进口的玩具,跟在美国生产的玩具以及从其它国家进口的玩具一样,都必须符合美国的规定和美国的相关法律。 tingroom

Club owner Roman Abramovich, along with his key director Eugene Tenenbaum, will demand answers as to how the debacle happened.
俱乐部老板阿布和他的主要幕僚尤金·特纳巴姆已经要求解释这个烂摊子是怎么回事。 qieerxi

First, Inez Tenenbaum, Chairman of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, claimed that China should compensate the affected American users for its problematic drywall exports.
第一,在华访问的美国消费者产品安全委员会主席伊内兹·特南鲍姆称,将要求中方为其输美石膏板造成的美国用户损失进行赔偿。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

In July, in a separate case brought against Joel Tenenbaum, a student at Boston University, a jury ordered him to pay damages of$675,000 for sharing30 songs.
在今年7月,一项指控 Joel Tenenbaum的独立案件中,陪审团判处这位来自于波士顿大学的学生因分享30首歌曲支付675000美元的损害赔偿金。 ecocn

Major retailers, including Target, Walmart, Kmart and Toys R Us, have required this third-party testing since the law took effect in 2008, Tenenbaum says.
Tenenbaum主席还说,自2008年新法令生效起,包括 Target、沃尔玛、凯马特、玩具反斗城等主要的零售商也必须进行玩具安全的第三方测试。 yeeyan

Tenenbaum said that the agency will also consider developing new regulations. ' Voluntary efforts will only take us so far, ' she said.
提南波姆说,消费品安全委员会还将考虑制定新的规则,并表示无法可依的自发行动起不到更大的效果。 iciba




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