

单词 tending
释义 tending 英'tendɪŋ美'tendɪŋ 高COCA¹⁵⁴¹⁴BNC¹¹⁵⁰²iWeb⁵³⁰⁴⁵Economist²⁰⁴⁰⁷⁺
the work of providing treatment for or attending to someone or something;

no medical care was required

the old car needs constant attention

usually followed by `to' naturally disposed toward;

he is apt to ignore matters he considers unimportant

I am not minded to answer any questions

tending felling抚育伐goal tending篮内托出reproduction by tending treatments抚育更新tending of woods森林抚育
tend-伸展-ing动名词⇒n.照顾⁴⁸;照料³²;看护;田间管理动词tend的现在分词.近义词 aid援助care关心apt恰当的given特定的minded有意的attention注意disposed愿意的
A watchful nursetendinga critically ill patient.照顾一个重病号的谨慎的护士adj.inclined
同义词 disposed,given,leaningapt,bent on,likely,likely to,predisposed to,prone,working toward
反义词 avoiding,neglectingadj.giving attention to
同义词 aiding,attending,ministering,nursing,servingcaring for
反义词 avoiding,neglecting
bentadjective determined
conduciveadjective favorable for
accessory,calculated to produce,contributive,contributory,helpful,leading,productive of,promotive,tending,useful
culturenoun the raising of plants or animals
culturesnoun development of land
arts and sciences,civilizations,conventions,customs,developments,ethnology,folklore,folkways,grounding,habits,humanism,knowledges,lifestyles,mores,societies,the arts,way of lifes
inclinedadjective having a preference
apt,bent on,disposed,given,in the mood,likely,predisposed,prone,tending,willing
liableadjective open, likely
apt,assailable,attackable,beatable,conquerable,disposed,exposed,given,in danger,inclined,penetrable,prone,sensitive,subject,susceptible,tending,verisimilar,vincible,vulnerable Over the years she became Jane's devoted companion, virtually playing the role of a traditional wife: tending to her when she was ill, handling her social correspondence, making travel arrangements.
多年以来,她就是简忠诚的伴侣,扮演着传统的妻子的角色:照顾生病的简、处理社会信函、安排旅行计划。 yeeyan

Take the dog's size into consideration, since smaller dogs generally have longer life spans than larger dogs, with toy breeds tending to live the longest and giant breeds, the shortest.
狗的大小也要考虑在内,因为较小的狗一般比较大的狗的寿命长,而且玩具型犬趋于活的时间最长,而大型犬则最短。 cri

A bureaucrat was hiking when he came upon a shepherd tending a large flock.
一位官僚在徒步旅行,这时他看到一个牧羊人在看护一大群羊。 kekenet

According to household surveys Burney’s team distributed, women tending the test plots were able to feed their families about 500 to700 grams per day— the equivalent of three to five servings.
根据 Burney团队的家庭问卷调查显示,照顾试验田的妇女可以给家庭提供500到700克的蔬菜,这相当于3到5道菜的数量。 yeeyan

At common law, conduct tending to interfere with the course of justice in particular legal proceedings constitutes criminal contempt.
在普通法上,意在干预具体法律程序的司法过程之行为将构成藐视法庭罪。 ebigear

Before his death, however, he was reconciled with those tending his legacy.
然而,在他逝世之前,他非常顺从于照料他的遗产的那些人。 topsage

Friendships need tending.
友谊需要被照顾。 yeeyan

He was tending his family's animals in the mountains when a rebel convoy drove by, and he asked to join them.
当反政府军护卫队驶过时,他正在山里照顾家里的牲畜,于是便要求加入了。 yeeyan

However, tending window boxes isn't the same as being an amateur gardener and growing peas, tomatoes and salad greens in a backyard garden.
但是侍弄窗前花坛与做一个业余园丁、在后花园里种种豌豆、西红柿和做色拉用的绿叶蔬菜可大不一样。 jukuu

I believe tending horses and maintaining a website have a lot in common.
在我看来,照管马和维护网站有很多共同之处。 yeeyan

In another photo the future leader of the Burmese Democracy Movement is tending a barbecue on the Norfolk Broads, where the family were enjoying a narrow boat holiday with friends.
最后一张照片是这位缅甸民主运动未来领袖在诺福克湖区烤肉的情形,当时昂山素姬全家和朋友们一起在湖区划船度假。 yeeyan

Investment bankers spent the year fearing for their jobsor tending their gardens.
投资银行家们在这一年里不是日日担心失去工作,就是日日修整自家的后花园。 ecocn

It's a diverse environment with water tending to be bluish near the surface and reddish deeper down.
这是一个多样性环境,靠近水面的水趋近蓝色,而水下深处是淡红色。 yeeyan

Rescuers tending to victims in Tokyo.
东京的救援队员照顾伤者。 yeeyan

Secondly, now I can see the life of Chinese ethnic tending to exclusive and isolated one.
第二,现在,我所看到的华人的生活是趋于排外和孤立的。 cri

She dealt with her own burnout as a busy mom and Harvard Medical School instructor, when she was working with AIDS patients for80 hours a week while also tending to her own small children.
她作为一名忙碌的母亲和哈佛医学院讲师,一周跟艾滋病患者共事80小时并照顾自己年幼的孩子时,自己应对这种精疲力竭。 hxen

Students are involved in all aspects of planting, tending and harvesting.
学生参与到播种、照顾和收获的各个方面。 yeeyan

Teams of doctors from elite foreign medical schools are tending to the injured, ensuring their wounds do not get infected.
从国外顶尖医学院校毕业的成队医生都在照顾伤者,确保他们的伤口不会感染。 ecocn

The study also asked about women's attitudes toward obesity in a bid to determine whether shared ideas might lead to a social network tending to be fatter or thinner.
这项研究还通过询问女性对于肥胖的态度,来探究拥有共同的看法是否能够决定某个社交群体的胖瘦程度。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

The group’s “green rangers” work several days a week raising and tending to saplings later planted on nearby hillsides.
该小组的护林员每周工作几天时间,对后期在附近山坡上栽种的树苗进行护理。 worldbank




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