

单词 tenderloin
释义 ten·der·loin 英ˈtendəˌlɔɪn美ˈtɛndɚˌlɔɪnAHDtĕnʹdər-loin' 高COCA¹⁹²⁰⁵BNC¹⁰⁴⁵⁸⁴⁺iWeb¹⁹⁸²⁶
a city district known for its vice and high crime ratethe tender meat of the loin muscle on each side of the vertebral columntender,嫩的,loin,后腰。tender-loin⇒n.嫩腰肉⁷⁸;油水区²²近义词 undercut削弱combat zone战区作战地带…

用作名词It's a boneless steak cut from thetenderloinof beef.这是从牛的腰部嫩肉切下来的无骨肉排。as in.skid row
同义词 Bowery,favela,ghetto,red-light district,skid road
skid rownoun squalid district
Bowery,favela,ghetto,red-light district,skid road Beef tenderloin, Rangers valley, slow roasted, paprika and onions sauce, semolina pudding.
慢烤澳洲牛柳,辣椒洋葱沙司,小麦布丁。 anjia

Let me see. Let me have a tenderloin steak.
我看看。我要一客腓力牛排。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn

“ I'll have a roast pork tenderloin with apple sauce and mashed potatoes, ” the first man said.
“我要一客烤猪里脊加苹果酱和马铃薯泥,”头一个人说。 unsv

Australian Tenderloin and Eggs served with Mushroom and Grilled Tomato.
煎澳洲牛柳,配煎蛋,蘑菇,焗番茄。 veryeast

Beef tenderloin steaks: Ounce for ounce, this tender cut has about the same calorie and fat content as skinless chicken thighs.
里脊肉牛排:每盎司,这种嫩肉与去皮的鸡大腿有大约相同的热量和脂肪含量。 tianya

Beef Tenderloin Voronoff, Cognac Mustard sauce, served Medium, Zucchini Pie and Potatoes.
俄式牛柳五分熟,佐白兰地芥末沙司,配栉瓜派和土豆。 supermarry

I'll have chilled fresh caviar, tenderloin steak medium rare, tossed green salad with thousand island dressing and rolls- and- butter.
我要冷冻新鲜鱼子酱,腰肉牛排,半生熟,千岛调味拌青色拉,以及小面包和牛油。 cn9f

If you prefer, use strips of pork tenderloin instead of beef.
如果你愿意,可以用片状的猪肉里脊代替牛肉。 yeeyan

My husband was going to barbeque whole tenderloin in his special marinade, and I was making a classic potato gratin.
我的丈夫打算烤一些特别腌制过的整块腰肉,我则准备经典的奶油烤土豆。 www.dreamkitchen.com.cn

New York has cleaned up Times Square, Chicago's South Loop has long since gentrified, and even San Francisco's infamous Tenderloin isn't what it used to be.
但纽约早就清理了时代广场,芝加哥也净化了南环线,甚至连旧金山臭名昭著的田德隆地区都已经不再是那个样子了。 jfdaily

Pepper crusted beef tenderloin, red wine jus, mushroom flan, and vegetable fries.
黑胡椒牛柳,红酒沙司,蘑菇饼,和炸蔬菜条。 parkyard

Pork tenderloin, cooked,3 ounces.
猪里脊肉,熟,三盎司。 tuantuan8

The good news: You can go lean with cuts like pork tenderloin, skinless chicken breast, and lean ground beef.
好消息是:你可以选择里脊肉、去皮鸡胸肉和碎牛肉。 dxy

To prevent fat drippings, choose lean meats such as sirloin, tenderloin, inside round and flank steak and trim visible fat before grilling. Avoid letting juices drip into the flames or coals.
为预防油脂滴落,请选择瘦肉,像牛里脊肉、猪里脊肉、里面的臀肉和牛后腹肉排,并在烧烤前把看到的肥肉切掉,避免肉汁落在火焰或者煤炭上。 yeeyan

Tomato sauce, mozzarella, beef tenderloin, Italian sausage.
番茄酱,马苏里拉,牛肉,意大利香肠。 wr186.com

Yes, chilled fresh caviar, tenderloin steak medium rare, tossed green salad with thousand island dressing and rolls- and- butter.
是的,冷冻新鲜鱼子酱,腰肉牛排,半生熟,用千岛调味拌青色拉,小面包和牛油。 cn9f

Tenderloin steak, sir. Would you like lemon butter?
腰肉牛排,先生,你喜欢柠檬牛油吗? cn9f

Tenderloin's gone up about two dollars in the past month or two— a pound— and pork's gone up about a dollar or so.
腰部嫩肉的价格在过去几个月涨了2美元一磅,猪肉也涨了长不多1美元。 yeeyan




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