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ten days tendeɪz 短语⁵²⁹³ 基本例句 10天 FOR a restaurant built in ten days flat and opened only five days before your correspondent’s visit, the Corado kebab house in Nicosia grills a pretty good chicken. 尼克西亚的卡里多区的一家烤肉店装修仅仅用了十天,五天前开业,今天记者就来了。 小店烤鸡的味道相当不错。 ecocn The onset of disease symptoms usually occurs two to five days after infection with the bacteria, but can range from one to ten days. 通常在感染细菌之后的两至五天后出现疾病症状,但也可以是一天到十天不等。 who The scientists gave ethanol to laboratory rats and found that the stomach mucous membrane of those which had eaten strawberry extract for the previous ten days suffered less damage. 科学家给实验室小白鼠服用了乙醇,发现那些在此前十天内曾吃过草莓提取物的小白鼠胃粘膜受到的损害比较小。 huanqiu After the speech I went back to the Vineyard for ten days. 演讲之后,我又回到玛莎葡萄园岛待了十天。 yeeyan During the hottest season, a deep watering may satisfy a tree for anywhere from ten days to four weeks. 在最热的季节,浇透一次可以满足任何地方的树木十天到四个星期的需求。 ebigear For children of ten and under, a book should take no longer than three to five days, and no more than eight to ten days for older children. 对于十岁和十岁以下的孩子,读一本书不应超过三到五天,对于大一点的孩子不应超过八到十天。 yeeyan FROM fear of autocracy through euphoria to fear of chaos: over the past ten days, Egypt has been through an intense emotional arc. 从对独裁的恐惧,经历兴奋,到对混乱的担忧,在过去十天内,埃及人经历了一次密集的弧线情感体验。 blog.sina.com.cn I felt it in the shower ten days ago and kept hoping it was my imagination. 她进一步提醒,“十天前在淋浴时感觉到这个肿块,一直在想希望这是我的想像。” yeeyan It has yet to happen with the current crisis. But for the Depression it struck dramatically over a mere ten days in early1933, just before Franklin Roosevelt took office. 这样的事还没有发生在目前的金融危机中,但在大萧条时期,它戏剧地发生在1933年初的短短十天之中,就在富兰克林·罗斯福上任的前夜。 ecocn Jehoiachin was eighteen years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem three months and ten days. He did evil in the eyes of the Lord. 约雅斤登基的时候年八岁列王下二十四章八节作十八岁,在耶路撒冷作王三个月零十天,行耶和华眼中看为恶的事。 ebigear The method saves about ten days compared to other techniques. 相比较其他技术而言,该方法节省了十天时间。 yeeyan Unless he gains leave to appeal, Mr Assange will be sent to Sweden within ten days. 除非在许可阶段提出上诉,否则,阿桑奇将在十天内遭遣送至瑞典。 ecocn Ten days ago, I received some pretty harsh criticism. 十天前,我受到了一些颇为严厉的批评。 ebigear |