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bears witness短语⁷⁹⁹⁷⁸⁺⁹ 基本例句 🌏那半开花的树所见证 At the very least, it bears witness to Lee Hom's state of mind for the past two years. 最起码,这首歌是力宏过去两年间心情的写照。 leehom-cn The management planning program bears witness to the fact that the company has organized management development in systematic, far- sighted way. 管理计划项目向我们展现了这么一个事实:公司已经从系统上有远见地发展管理。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn The towering Earthquake Monument bears witness to the history of Tangshan's reconstruction. 高高耸立的抗震纪念碑见证着唐山重建的历史。 chinese Her latest book bears witness to her talent as a writer. 她最近出版的新书证明她是个很有才华的作家。 iask.auto.sina.com.cn Islamic history bears witness to the fact that women have made unique contributions in various scholarly and scientific fields. 伊斯兰的历史见证了妇女在各种学术和科学的领域所作出的独特贡献。2muslim Nowadays, her worldwide legacy bears witness to her efforts. 现在,她的遗物传遍世界的各个角落,成为她努力的最好见证。 ebigear Once people ran from dangers that were too desperate to turn and face, and someone running after a bus unwittingly bears witness to past terror. 人类奔跑着逃离那些令人绝望得难以面对的危险,追赶公交车的人也在不知不觉间被人盯着渡过恐惧。 yeeyan Particularly with a field as subjective as art, the relative merit of the subject lies not with the majority but within each individual that bears witness to its presence. 尤其是艺术这一非常主观的领域,其价值不在于大多数民众的看法,而在于每一个人对所存在价值的认识。 xiaoma Plovdiv, as with the rest of Bulgaria, has been conquered many times and the architecture bears witness to each change. 普罗夫迪夫像保加利亚其它地方一样,很多次被人征服过,城里的建筑正是每一次改朝换代的见证。 yeeyan Secondly, Communion bears witness to something already accomplished. 其次,同领圣餐是为所已经完成的事作见证。51zanmei The World Expo is a great event showcasing the fruits of human civilization. Each World Expo is an important stage that bears witness to the development of human civilization. 世博会是人类文明成果荟萃的伟大盛会,每一届世博会都成为见证人类文明发展的重要驿站。 putclub The world bears witness to the sanctioned murder of a foreign political figure by the United States. 全世界都亲眼见证了一个外国政要被美国人谋杀。 kekenet The writer bears witness to his time. 作者见证了他的时代。 yeeyan The outrage that has greeted his ruling among blacks bears witness to the depth of racial sensitivities. 黑人中对他裁决的愤怒已经加深了种族敏感性。 ecocn Work bears witness who does well. 工作能证实谁做的好。 kxren.com |