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词汇 Templating
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模板¹⁰⁰原型template的现在分词 A templating engine can facilitate this process by maintaining the static portion of the output in templates, while dynamically generating and positioning the changing portions.
模板引擎可以改善这个过程,它在模板中保留输出中的静态部分,而动态生成和安排变化的部分。 ibm

A templating system lets you represent the static portion of a text as a template definition, stored and managed separately from the dynamic portion.
模板系统允许您将文本的静态部分表示为一个模板定义,并与动态部分分开存储和管理。 ibm

The bold lines in the Listing1 template will be replaced by actual data when the templating engine runs.
当模板引擎运行时,清单1中彩色显示的部分将被实际的数据替换。 ibm

The previous examples stop right before they have to iterate over the items in the order, and for good reason: The templating systems they use can't do that iteration within a template definition.
以前的那些例子恰好在必须按顺序在项上进行迭代之前停止执行,并且有一个好的理由:它们使用的模板系统无法在模板定义内部进行这种迭代。 ibm

The same pattern has played out for templating systems: ways of representing static text as forms to be filled out, so that dynamic elements can be plugged in later.
同样的模式对模板系统却已经过时:表示静态文本的方式将像窗体一样被扩充,这样可以随后插入动态元素。 ibm

Along with the page mapping that Velocity uses, you can decide not to use Velocity as your templating engine.
除了修改 Velocity使用的页面映射外,还可以决定不使用 Velocity作为模板引擎。 ibm

Also, look at how to write XML using DOM and PHP text templating.
此外还可以了解如何使用 DOM和 PHP文本模板编写 XML。 ibm

Explore, play around with the examples, and see how they can be applied to solve problems that might otherwise require client-side scripting, templating, or proprietary APIs.
仔细研究、揣摩这些例子,看看是如何使用它们来解决可能需要客户端脚本、模板或专用 API的问题。 ibm

Finally, you don't have to use a templating engine to create your views—just old-fashioned HTML and PHP will do.
最后,您不必使用模板引擎来创建视图— 只需沿用旧式的 HTML和 PHP即可。 ibm

Follow this rule of thumb, and you should have no trouble reaping the benefits of this templating system.
根据这一经验法则,您应该畅通无阻地获取模板系统的好处。 ibm

Full- page and fragment versions of HTML files can usually be served up from the same server- side templating engine.
HTML文件的整页格式和片段格式都可以从相同的服务器端模板引擎获得。 ibm

If you have a specific extension point that you're templating, I recommend you extend this as it allows clients to use your template along with others see Figure7.
如果有要创建模板的特定扩展点,建议扩展该扩展点,因为它允许客户使用模板以及其他内容参见图7。 ibm

If the DOM isn't available, you can use PHP text templating to write XML.
如果 DOM不可用,可以用 PHP的文本模板编写 XML。 ibm

If you’re not using a framework that enforces a specific design pattern, chances are you want to be using a templating engine.
如果您使用的不是一个框架来执行一个具体的设计模式,那么您想要使用的是模板引擎。 yeeyan

Next you'll replace the use of JSPs by using views defined with the Velocity templating engine.
接下来,您将通过使用 Velocity模板引擎定义的视图来替代对 JSP的使用。 ibm

On top of this, the templating layer is built like a functional language, which allows you to compose pages with one other using folds and projections in a simple and concise fashion.
基于这一点,我们采取类似于函数式语言的方式来构建模板层,这样用户就可以一种简洁的方式组合多个页面通过折叠和投影了。 infoq

One way to avoid accidentally including the same script twice is to implement a script management module in your templating system.
为了避免意外地包括同一个脚本两次一个方法是在您的模板化系统中实现脚本管理模块。 cnblogs

Our goal was to introduce you to PDE's templating system, and this was accomplished with a hands-on example.
我们的目标是向您介绍 PDE的模板系统,而这一目标通过一个亲手实践的示例实现了。 ibm

Remember the goal behind templating systems: separate the dynamic parts of a document from its static description.
请记住,模板系统的目标是将文档的动态部分与其静态部分分离。 ibm

Some of the server application bridges are full- fledged application frameworks, with their own templating systems, authentication services, object- relational mappers, and other such features.
某些服务器应用程序桥梁是非常完善的应用程序框架,拥有它们自己的模板系统、身份验证服务、与对象相关的映射程序,以及其他诸如此类的功能。 ibm

The first feature to be added is a templating engine useful to render data in a flexible way through templates.
要增加的第一个特性就是模板引擎,它能够通过模板以灵活的方式呈现数据。 infoq

The framework and templating theming system are all written in PHP; there is no separate tag language to be learned.
这个框架和模板主题化系统完全是用 PHP 编写的;我们不需要学习另一种标记语言。 ibm

The templating system also seemed very complex compared to other solutions.
这个模板系统与其他解决方案相比似乎太复杂了。 ibm

This article describes the problems that templating systems solve.
本文将描述模板系统可以解决的问题。 ibm

This can imply multiple database queries and even multiple database sessions and templating solutions to build the new page.
这可能意味着为构建新页面需要更多的数据库查询或甚至更多的数据库会话和模板解决方案。 ibm

This is noteworthy because several XML theoreticians recommend templating as a desirable expressive form.
这一点值得注意,因为一些 XML理论家建议把模板作为理想的表示形式。 ibm

We will focus on the templating functionality offered in PDE.
我们将集中精力研究 PDE中提供的模板功能。 ibm

Why use a templating system?
为什么要使用模板系统? ibm

You've probably written a set of functions or a class that reads and writes data from the database. You might have used a templating engine like Smarty to manage your UI.
您可能已经编写过一组函数或从数据库中读取数据和向数据库中写入数据的类,可能已经使用过诸如 Smarty之类的模板引擎来管理 UI。 ibm

Templating— The ability to create a template for page code reuse and substitution.
模板化——能够创建用于页面代码重用和取代的模板。 ibm




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