

单词 temperature
释义 tem·per·a·ture 英ˈtempərəˌtʃʊə, -tʃə, ˈtemprə-美ˈtɛmpərəˌtʃʊr, -tʃɚ, ˈtɛmprə-AHDtĕmʹpər-ə-ch‹r', -chər, tĕmʹprə- ★★★☆☆中高四六研IT牛4COCA¹⁹²⁹BNC¹⁹⁴⁸iWeb¹¹⁰¹Economist⁴⁶²⁸


the degree of heat or coldness of a place, object, etc.


a bodily temperature higher than correct one; a fever

the degree of hotness or coldness of a body or environment corresponding to its molecular activitythe somatic sensation of cold or heat

❌ The temperature was very hot yesterday.

✔️ The temperature was very high yesterday.


❌ The temperature in the tropics is very hot.

✔️ The temperature in the tropics is very high.



❌ She had the temperature and wasn't feeling well.

✔️ She had a temperature and wasn't feeling well.

“发烧”可以说 have〔run〕 a temperature,不定冠词 a 不可以改成定冠词 the。


❌ The nurse felt his temperature.

✔️ The nurse took his temperature.

“给…量体温”可以说 take sb's temperature, take不可以用feel代替。

词根词缀: temper混合,使温和 + -ate形容词词尾e略 + -ure名词词尾
同源词:temper, temperament, temperate
用作名词 n.
动词+~have a temperature发烧keep a temperature保持温度lower the temperature降低温度measure the temperature测量温度raise the temperature升高温度record a temperature记录温度run a temperature发烧take the temperature量温度形容词+~absolute temperature绝对温度average temperature平均温度certain temperature某一温度constant temperature恒温different temperature不相同的温度high temperature高温low temperature低温normal temperature正常温度ordinary temperature常温slight temperature略微发烧usual temperature通常的气温名词+~body temperature体温room temperature室温介词+~at a temperature在某一温度ranges of temperature温度范围to a temperature到某一温度~+介词temperature of water水温
用作名词n.take sb's temperature

量体温 measure the heat of sb's body

temper按比例混合+ature动名词后缀,在此表动作的结果→冷热按比例混合的结果⇒温度。近义词 fever狂热illness病disease疾病infection传染malaise莫名的不安
用作名词n.The temperature is up 10 degrees today.今日气温上升了10度。
The normal temperature of the human body is 37℃.人的正常体温是摄氏37度。
Do you know the optimum temperature for the growth of plants?你知道植物生长的最佳温度吗?
A cool breeze caused a precipitate drop in the temperature.冷风使温度急降。
There had been a sharp rise in the patient's temperature during the night.夜间病人的体温曾急剧上升。
The food must be kept at a low temperature.食品一定要在低温下保存。
Different solids melt at differenttemperatures.不同的固体在不同的温度下熔化。
The cooker has several temperature settings.这个电饭煲有几个温度定位档。
The child has a temperature, send for a doctor.孩子发烧了,找个医生来。
If you have got a running temperature you should stay in bed.你要是发烧,就该卧床休息。Plow-temperature低温碳化Ptemperature-limited限温Ptemperature-jump温度跃升


temperature的基本意思是“温度,气温”,泛指“温度”时,是不可数名词; 其他情况下可用作可数名词; 指不同的温度时可用复数形式。


用作名词Thetemperaturehas stayed hot this week.本周气温一直都很热。
Thetemperaturesoared to 43 degrees centigrade on July 25.7月25日,气温猛升到4摄氏度。
After the storm there will be a sharp drop intemperature.风暴过后,气温会骤降。
Let me take histemperatureand have a check.我来给他量一下体温,检查一下。
He coughed, histemperaturewas a little up.他咳嗽,体温也有点高。
Water freezes at thetemperatureof 0 degrees Celsius.水在摄氏零度结冰。
This heating system has an automatictemperaturecontrol.这个暖气系统有自动化的温度调节系统。
There is an imperceptible change intemperature.温度有细微的变化。
Thetemperatureof volcanic gases is very high.火山气体的温度很高。
The food should be kept at lowtemperature.这种食品应低温保存。
When I was ill, I had a hightemperature; I felt very hot.当我病的时候,发高烧;我感到非常热。
She's been running atemperatureof 100°F for two days.她已经连续两天发烧到100华氏度了。noun.hotness, coldness of some degree
同义词 climate,cold,condition,heat,warmthcalefaction,degrees,febricity,feverishness,incalescence,pyrexiabody heat,thermal reading
反义词 cool
climatenoun weather of region
altitude,aridity,atmospheric conditions,characteristic weather,clime,conditions,humidity,latitude,meteorologic conditions,meteorological character
diseasenoun ailment, affliction
Cancer,ache,affection,attack,blight,breakdown,bug,canker,collapse,complaint,condition,contagion,contamination,convulsions,debility,decrepitude,defect,disorder,distemper,endemic,epidemic,feebleness,fever,fit,flu,hemorrhage,ill health,illness,indisposition,infection,infirmity,inflammation,malady,misery,pathosis,plague,seizure,sickliness,sickness,spell,stroke,syndrome,temperature,unhealthiness,unsoundness,upset,virus,visitation
diseasesnoun ailment, affliction
aches,affections,attacks,blight,breakdowns,bugs,cancers,cankers,collapses,complaints,conditions,contagions,contaminations,convulsions,debilities,decrepitude,defects,disorders,distemper,endemics,epidemics,feebleness,fevers,fits,flu,hemorrhages,ill healths,illnesses,indispositions,infections,infirmities,inflammations,maladies,miseries,pathoses,plagues,seizures,sicklinesses,sicknesses,spells,strokes,syndromes,temperatures,unhealthinesses,unsoundnesses,upsets,viruses,visitations
vital signsnoun signs of life
pulse rates,respiratory rates,temperatures You know how pressure changes with temperature at constant volume if you know the equation of state.

A thermometer gauges the temperature.

Although these events were attributed to temperature inversions in the air over the city, not everyone was convinced by this explanation.
虽然这些报告被归结于城市上空空气的温度反转现象,并不是所有人都能接受这个解释。 yoho

And so if you want to know everything about this mixture, all you need is the temperature and the total pressure.

At this temperature, atoms almost stop moving.
原子在此温度中几乎停止移动。 ecocn

At this temperature.

Because so much of what we do in chemistry does take place with constant temperature and pressure.

But it changes in the same way at any temperature.

But though the average temperature is unchanged, the climate is not.
但是,尽管平均温度没变,并不意味着气候没变。 ecocn

Her temperature came down in the evening.

Her temperature soon returned to normal.

If they do, the next question is: what phenomenon stands in for heat in the case of locusts, pushing them to the entomological equivalent of the Curie temperature?
如果确如预测,那么接下来的问题是:究竟是什么现象代表了事例虫群的温度,驱使它们等效与昆虫学上的居里温度。 ecocn

If you are right, the temperature in the thermometer will start to rise.
如果你是正确的,这支温度计的温度将会开始升高。 ebigear

It relates the pressure, volume, and temperature together.

It depends on the temperature, but not the other member of the mixture.

Looking at a close-up of the temperature spike, we see distinct troughs right next to the spike.
观察对温度尖峰的特写,我们可以看到恰好在尖峰附近有一个明显的波谷。 ibm

Say you learn something new, like how to say“ thank you” in Russian, or the peak temperature of a hot day on Mars.
比如说你学到一些新东西,像如何用俄语说“谢谢”,或者火星上最热一天的最高温度。 yeeyan

So that's for the pure liquid at that temperature and pressure.

So we increase the temperature of an object.

The same conditions of pressure and temperature.

The temperature here varies greatly between day and night.

These variations caused minute differences in the temperature of the early universe, which we can see in the cosmic microwave background.
这些变化导致早期宇宙的温度瞬间不同,这些我们能在宇宙的微波背景上看出来。 yeeyan

They note that pressure and the temperature inside the reactor core remain at levels far lower than what would further melt the core.
他们指出,该反应堆堆芯现在保持的压力与温度并不高,远远低于会导致堆芯进一步融化的水平。 voanews

This is the beginning of an idea but there is one problem: You can’t maintain the temperature if you open the container.
这是此构想的开始,但是还有一个问题:如果你要打开容器的话就不能维持其温度。 yeeyan

We can do an integral over temperature.

Which means that if you know the temperature and pressure, then you still know everything. At the coexistence point.

You raise the temperature.




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