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词汇 TE mode
释义 TE mode
As a case, we calculate 2D metallic photonic crystals band structures of TM mode andTE mode, and approve that there are plasmon bands forTE mode.作为算例,计算了金属光子晶体TM模和TE模的能带结构,证实其TE模的能带结构中存在超平带。
The effects of inhomogeneous strain on the band structure andTE modegain were studied for low dimensional quantum systems.研究了非均匀应变对低维量子结构的能带和TE模光增益所产生的影响。
TE modehas larger cord coefficient and reflective index than TM mode in Fabry-Perot laser diode,when they realize injection locking without power less.半导体激光器中对于TE模比TM模有更大的束缚系数;并且在其反射面上有更高的反射率.;当TE模和TM模同时注入F-P半导体激光器的谐振腔时;TE模方向的信号得到增长;TM模方向的信号受到抑制
Influence of the incident polarization state drifting offTE modeon composite second order distortion and composite triple beat distortion of an optical fiber AM CATV externally modulated transmitter is analysed theoretically.从理论上分析了入射到调制器的偏振态偏离TE模时对外调制光发射机组合二次失真CSO和组合三次差拍CTB的影响。
The results show that the diode laser is a mixture ofTE modeand TM mode except in some special directions, and the function of computing distribution of each electro-magnetic field is realized.结果表明,除在特殊方向上,半导体激光为TM波和几波的混合模,数值程序实现了计算不同距离上半导体激光器各个电磁分量的分布情况的功能。
We discovered that the grating thickness could raise the ratio of TM overTE mode, because theTE modedecayed faster than TM mode.But it is a trade off that the total responsivity was decreased.我们发现增加光栅厚度可以TM模态响应减少较快,增加TM除以TE模态响应的比例,但整体来说也会减少响应。




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