

单词 telos
释义 tel·os 英ˈtelɒs, ˈtiːlɒs美ˈtɛlɑs, ˈtilɑsAHDtĕlʹŏs, tēʹlŏs COCA⁶⁶⁴³²BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
n.终极目的¹⁰⁰原型telo的复数 And that is that when we attend to the telos, or the purpose.
那就是,当我们考虑目标、或目的时。 yeeyan

And we heard from those who argued against same sex marriage on the grounds that the purpose, or telos, or marriage is at least in part, procreation, the bearing and raising of children.
之前我们听过了反对同性婚姻的意见。他们的理由是婚姻的目的—至少一部分目的—是为了繁衍后代,抚养孩子。 www.justing.com.cn

As revealed in The Dark Rival, Qui-Gon, by now a full- fledged Jedi, discovers a young boy from Telos IV named Xanatos who exhibits a strong connection to the Force.
在“黑暗的对手”一章中,已经成为一个成熟绝地武士的魁刚,在泰罗斯4号卫星上发现了一个名叫萨那托斯的小男孩,这个男孩与原力的联系极为强大。 blog.sina.com.cn

For Aristotle, human beings have a goal or a telos, which is to live a life in community with others for the sake of human flourishing.
亚里士多德认为,人类是有目的的,这个目的就是,与他人住在一起,最终达到人类的生生不息。 v.163.com

Under the terms of the agreement, Telos will deliver more than 1,500 sensors provided by Atlanta-based AirDefense Inc. to the Army sites.
根据合同,美国 Telos公司将向这些节点交付逾1500个传感器。 www.etiri.com.cn

After the voiding of Telos, the whole area was put into stasis, and likewise the other places of inner earth and the hollow earth.
在泰勒斯清空之后,整个区域已被放入停滞状态,就像地心和空心地球其他地方一样。 blog.sina.com.cn

Alright, so, Victoria's argument is that the state should not try to decide the question of what the telos of marriage is.
好的, Victoria的观点是,政府不应该去决定婚姻的终极目标是什么。 www.justing.com.cn

Debates about purpose and telos are often, simultaneously, debates about honor.
讨论目的和目标,常常同时要讨论关于荣誉的问题。 www.justing.com.cn

One does not have to believe in a pre- determined telos for humans in order to appreciate the excellence that kung fu brings.
人不必为了欣赏功夫带来的完善去相信一个事先给定的终极目的。 yeeyan

People above the Earth, it I Adama of Telos.
地表上的人们,你们好,我是来自泰勒斯城的阿达玛。 douban

Reasoning from the purpose or from the telos.
从目的推理,或者说从“泰罗斯”出发进行推理。 www.justing.com.cn

The telos for human beings is to generate a communal life with others; and the good society is composed of many independent, self-reliant groups.
人的生活目标就是创造一个与他人共存的社会生活,一个由许多独立的、自立的群体所组成的美好社会。 org

Xanatos was the son of Crion, the wealthiest man on the planet Telos.
扎纳托斯是特洛斯星球首富克里昂的儿子。 starwarschina




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