

单词 tell lies
释义 tell lies短语¹⁸⁸⁴⁰
How can she tell lies?

It is a conviction that wives and girlfriends have long kept. Men are far more likely to tell lies than women, researchers from UK have revealed.
自古以来,女人们便常常怀疑“男人是骗子”,而英国一项研究表明,这种说法确实有据可循,即男人远远要比女人爱撒谎。 suiniyi

The sex industry doesn't just tell lies about women.
性产业并不只在女性的问题上撒谎。 yeeyan

And still there are times when we have to tell lies in order not to hurt others.
而且在一些时候为了不伤害他人我们不得不撒谎。 hjenglish

Besides, he likes to tell lies, but that's another story.
另外,他还喜欢说谎,不过那是题外话了。 yywords

Don't tell lies about yourself before the date kicks off.
约会前千万不要撒谎。 yeeyan

Fear led him to tell lies.
他因恐惧而撒谎。 dictall

Harry Potter: I'm sorry, professor, but I must not tell lies.
哈利:对不起,教授,我不可以说谎。 onlylz

He was a brilliant writer yet his letters and his memoirs cannot be trusted because he started to tell lies to his mother at a young age and never stopped doing so.
他是才华横溢的作家,自己的书信集和回忆录却不可信,因为他从孩提时代就向母亲撒谎,从来没有改掉这个毛病。 ecocn

How can you expect your children be truthful when you yourself tell lies?
你自己都在撒谎,怎么能指望你孩子们诚实? english767

I won't tell lies anymore. But I sometimes forget.

If you continue to tell lies, you will forfeit the good opinion of everyone.
你如果继续撒谎,就会失掉大家对你的好感。 iciba

No one will believe you because you always tell lies.
因为你老是说谎,没有人会相信你的话的。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn

Of course, they also often tell lies to us.
当然,他们也时常对我们撒谎。 iciba

She especially doesn't like people who tell lies.
她特别不喜欢说谎的人。 blog.sina.com.cn

Students who tell lies are despised by their classmates.
说谎的学生为同班同学所轻视。 blog.sina.com.cn

This account would explain why many autistic people do not tell lies and cannot comprehend those told by others, although the supporting evidence behind this theory has come under fire lately.
虽然支持这种理论的证据最近受到攻击,但这种说法或许能解释为什么许多自闭症患者不说谎,而且也不能理解别人说的谎话。 yeeyan

Toddlers who tell lies early on are more likely to do well later, researchers claim.
研究者称,会说谎的孩子会表现更好。 www.chinaenglish.com.cn

We can tell lies; I think it all about love. We love our parents and children, and we don't want they worried.
我们会撒谎,我想那全是因为爱,我们爱自己的父母孩子,我们不想他想为我们担忧。 iciba

We tell lies because of the existence.
我们因生存而说谎。 jjwxc

You can tell lies in language you may not understand the meaning of the words you used.




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