释义 |
Telipok 基本例句 n.打里卜在马来西亚;东经 116º11' 北纬 6º06' Our President and other committee members visited the flash flood affected members and victims atTelipokarea in July 2005.2005年七月,会长率领理事和福利组成员,前往打里卜市镇访问受大水患影响的当地会员和商家 。 Pung Min Sang and his family consisting of 3 members of theTelipokChurch moved to settle down at Sungei Paal as farmers and used his house as a prayer-house to worship God on Sabbaths.1951年打里卜教会的冯民生弟兄一家三口迁居双涯坝务农,以住家作为祈祷所,守安息日。 |