

单词 Teli
释义 te·li AHDˈtālē COCA³¹⁵¹¹¹⁺
At the same time TELI Thailand and other vendors have also worked in Liaoning, Heilongjiang, Shandong, Hebei and Xinjiang, and others have conducted fruitful cooperation.
同时泰力泰与其它厂商也先后在辽宁、黑龙江、山东、河北及新疆等地进行了卓有成效的合作。 com

The nomadic Gaoche, also called the Tolos or Teli, first appeared around Lake Baikal and the basins of the Orkhon and Tura rivers.
高车,亦称敕勒、铁勒,最初游牧于贝加尔湖及鄂尔浑河、土拉河流域。 hotdic

Chapter 3: Chinese educational thought of Xu Teli. This is the key content which this article studies.
第三章徐特立语文教育思想这是本文研究的重点内容。 fabiao

People's educator Xu Teli's educational thoughts, policy characteristics, contents and“ double- teacher” teaching staff embodies the characteristics of modern vocational education.
人民教育家徐特立制定的教育思想、教育方针、办学特色、教育内容及学院“双师型”师资结构队伍,无不体现了当代高等职业教育的特色。 cnki




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