

单词 television viewing
释义 television viewing短语⁵⁰¹⁸⁸
Background— Television viewing time, the predominant leisure- time sedentary behavior, is associated with biomarkers of cardio metabolic risk, but its relationship with mortality has not been studied.
背景-看电视是业余时间闲坐主要的内容,其时间和反映心脏代谢风险的生化标志物有关,但它和死亡率的关系还未被研究。 aiyisheng

But studies published on the topic in this month's Archives of Pediatrics& Adolescent Medicine concluded television viewing tended to have an adverse effect on academic pursuits.
不过,本月刊登在《儿科和青春期医学档案》上的有关这个话题的三份报告得出结论说,看电视容易给孩子的学习带来不利影响。 cri

Conclusions— Television viewing time was associated with increased risk of all- cause and CVD mortality.
结论-看电视时间和全因及 CVD死亡风险增加有关。 aiyisheng

Cut your television viewing by half.
减少一半坐在电视机前的时间。 blog.sina.com.cn

Electronics is changing the habits of many people; for example, television viewing is becoming popular throughout the world.
电子技术正在改变着许多人的生活习惯,比如说看电视就在全世界变得普及起来。 resource.sne.snnu.edu.cn

Further, a2004 study in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine found an association between television viewing and obesity and metabolic syndrome.
另外,2004年的一项关于生活方式医学的研究发现看电视和肥胖以及代谢综合征之间有着必然的联系。 yeeyan

If you are not going to turn off the television completely, choose the appropriate television viewing windows for your kids.
如果你不想彻底脱离电视,那就为你的孩子挑选合适的频道。 yeeyan

In fact television viewing is dropping and TV has become nothing more than ambient media for youth— akin to Muzak.
实际上,看电视的时间已经减少,电视已然成为年轻人的外围媒体——与缪扎克音乐类似。 edu2do

This is one reason people talk about their television viewing so ruefully, so apologetically.
这也是当人们谈到看电视时总是如此后悔如此歉疚的原因。 blog.sina.com.cn

Television viewing is a momentum- gathering behavior.
看电视是一种要素聚集行为。 yeeyan




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