

单词 televise
释义 tel·e·vise 英ˈteləˌvaɪz美ˈtɛləˌvaɪzAHDtĕlʹə-vīz' ★★☆☆☆高T四八COCA²⁶⁸⁶⁸BNC⁷⁵⁶²⁴iWeb²²⁹⁸¹Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
broadcast via television;

The Royal wedding was televised

词根词缀: -tele-远 + -vis-看见 + -e方振宇词汇奥秘tele由电视+vis看+e→通过电视可以看到→由电视播送
tele由电视+vis看+e→通过电视可以看到⇒由电视播送近义词 air空气show证明relay转播put on穿上put out熄灭broadcast广播simulcast同时播放telecast以电视广播传送…

The Olympic Games are alwaystelevised.奥林匹克运动会一向经电视播放。
The BBC plans toteleviseall Shakespeare's plays.英国广播公司计画播放莎士比亚的全部戏剧。verb.broadcast
同义词 air,announce,beam,transmitcommunicate,showbe on the air,go on the air,go on the airwaves,put on television,put on the air,simulcast
反义词 be quiet,hide,suppress,conceal
broadcastverb put forth on electronic media
air,announce,be on the air,beam,cable,circulate,colorcast,communicate,get out,go on the air,go on the airwaves,put on the air,radio,radiograph,relay,send,show,simulcast,telecast,telegraph,telephone,transmit
sendverb transmit, transfer through a system
accelerate,address,advance,assign,broadcast,cast,circulate,commission,commit,communicate,consign,convey,delegate,deliver,detail,direct,dispatch,drop,emit,expedite,express,fire,fling,forward,freight,get under way,give off,grant,hasten,hurl,hurry off,impart,issue,let fly,mail,post,propel,put out,radiate,relay,remit,route,rush off,ship,shoot,televise,troll,wire In consideration for participation in this promotion, players irrevocably authorize Galaxy Macau to print, publish, televise or otherwise distribute their name, voice or likeness in any medium.
参与是项推广活动之所有参加者自动授权予“澳门银河”列印、刊登、转播或于其他媒体发布其姓名、声音或肖像的权利。 galaxymacau

In consideration for participation in this promotion, players irrevocably authorize Galaxy MacauTM to print, publish, televise or otherwise distribute their name, voice or likeness in any medium.
参与是项推广活动之所有参加者自动授权予澳门银河 TM列印、刊登、转播或于其他媒体发布其姓名、声音或肖像的权利。 galaxymacau

To merely televise governmental proceedings will not affect society unless society watches these events.
纯粹电视播放政府程序并不会影响到社会,除非社会观看这些事件。 iciba

Banks also worry about unconfirmed plans to televise the conference.
各大银行对传闻的会议直播计划忧心忡忡。 ecocn.org

How come no major television network has paid for the rights to televise those games?
为什么没有一家大电视台购买那些比赛的转播权呢? yeeyan

Since2008, our department has utilized digital live teaching system to televise the whole process of anesthesia and assist anesthesiology teaching, which obtained satisfactory teaching results.
2008年起我院麻醉科运用数字化直播示教系统对麻醉的全过程实行直播,辅助临床麻醉教学,取得了很好的教学效果。 dictall

So, this paper gives the method of design about using televise control in courseware.
为此,给出了实现课件演播控件的设计方法。 cnki

The BBC plans to televise all Shakespeare's plays.
英国广播公司计划播放莎士比亚的全部戏剧。 www.asedu.com.cn

Visit as low-key as possible, there is no televise, pictures of the two men meeting for example and that has been a very brief statement by the White House.
此次会面尽可能低调,没有电视直播,也没有两人会谈的图片,有的只是白宫的简短声明。 hjenglish

Which channel is going to televise this match?
哪个频道要转播这场球赛? ebigear

White house officials say President Bush will announce plans on televise speech Thursday to withdraw30,000 U. S. troops from Iraq.
白宫官员说布什总统将会在周四的一个电视讲话中宣布从伊拉克撤出30,000士兵的计划。 iciba




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