

单词 teleology
释义 tel·e·ol·o·gy 英ˌteliːˈɒlədʒiː, ˌtiːliː-美ˌtɛliˈɑlədʒi, ˌtili-AHDtĕl'ē-ŏlʹə-jē, tē'lē- 高COCA⁶¹⁶⁰⁸BNC⁴⁵³⁵⁰iWeb⁴⁰²⁰⁹
philosophy a doctrine explaining phenomena by their ends or purposes来自希腊语 teleos,目的的,来自 telos 的所有格,来自 telos,目标,目的,词源同 tele-,远的。 logy,学说。teleo-logy学科⇒n.目的论n.哲目的论一种生机论的信念认为自然现象不只由机械原因所决定而且由其内在的整个目标或目的决定目的论者
用作名词Our totalitarianism begins with ourteleology.我们的极权主义乃是始于我们的目的论。 She invokes Mayan teleology, saying“ we are in a dark period before sunrise.”
门楚援引玛雅神学目的论中的话说,“我们正处在黎明前的黑夜”。 ecocn

The subject of this dissertation is to demonstrate the necessity of researching the end of law through disclosing the existence of teleology and it's significance in law and jurisprudence.
本文旨在通过揭示目的论在法律及法学中的存在及其重要性,来论证对法律目的研究的必要性。 cnki

The theory of informed consent can be justified from two aspects of deontology and teleology.
知情同意的道德基础可以从义务论和目的论两个方面得到辩护。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net

The Extending time, teleology and progressive historical view have constituted the kernel content of the ideas of “ world history” of the Middle Age.
延展的时间、目的论、进步史观构成了中世纪“世界历史”观念的核心内容。 cnki

This paper presents an analysis of his theories in medical teleology, medical ethics, medical therapeutics, medical prevention and medical communication, thus displaying his overall medical thought.
主要分析了他的医学目的论、医学道德观、医学治疗观、医学预防思想以及医学交流观,从而全面展示了他的医学思想。 dictall

What room does teleology leave for freedom?
目的论给自由留下了空间吗? yeeyan

Atahis isn't only the Confucianism but also the nuclear connotation of the Chinese archaic finery aesthetics teleology.
这不仅是孔门儒家,也是中国古代服饰美学思想目的论的核心内涵。 cnki

Ethical teleology and ethical instrumentalism are two doctrines which study the nature, functions and roles of morality and moral values.
道德目的论与道德工具论是两种关于道德性质、功能、作用等的伦理学说和道德价值理论。 cnki

From the teleology, the purpose of informed consent is to protect and promote the health of patients and subjects, which constitute their happiness.
从目的论上看,实施知情同意的目的是保护和促进病人或受试者的健康,健康作为善是他们的幸福所在。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net

Globalization differs from modernization by relinquishing a Eurocentric teleology to accommodate the possibility of different historical trajectories in the unfolding of modernity.
全球化通过放弃欧洲中心的目的论,以包容现代性发展中不同历史轨迹的可能性而有别于现代化。 iciba

In general it's hard to do without teleology when we're thinking about ethics, justice, and moral argument.
当我们思考伦理、正义和道德时,一般很难不用到目的论。 www.justing.com.cn

It is inevitable trend that the method of physical value standpoint transfers to the teleology of physical value standpoint.
然而,由手段论体育价值观向目的论体育价值观的转移是一种社会发展必然的趋势。 cnki

Personality theorists have argued for many years about whether psychological processes function in terms of mechanism or teleology.
心理学家关于心理过程作用是由机制或是目的来决定已经争论许多年。 kidfanschannel

Responsibility ethics regards the existence of people's idea as the logic starting point, proves and understands natural objective value through teleology, finally playbacks to ontology.
责任伦理学以人的理念的存在为逻辑起点,又通过目的论证明了自然的客观价值,最终又归位到存在本体论。 cnki

That order was known from Nature and its teleology.
这个秩序是从自然中和它的目的论中所发现的。 postmodernchina

Therefore Dong Zhongshu's thinking of human and nature induction is not divinity teleology, but the theory of harmony of nature and man.
所以,董仲舒天人感应思想不是神学目的论,而是自然、人类和谐发展论。 cnki

This dimension has taken part in the formative process of Derrida's early thoughts in the way of teleology at the beginning and become the latent moment of the theory of deconstruction.
这一维度最早以目的论的形式参与了德里达早期思想的形成过程,成为解构理论的隐性要素; cnki




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