

单词 telekinesis
释义 tel·e·ki·ne·sis 英ˌtelɪkɪˈniːsɪs, -kaɪ-美ˌtɛlɪkɪˈnisɪs, -kaɪ-AHDtĕl'ĭ-kĭ-nēʹsĭs, -kī- 高COCA¹¹⁵³¹⁷BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²iWeb³⁴⁷⁵²
the power to move something by thinking about it without the application of physical forcetele-,远的,kinesis,致动,词源同 cinema.引申词义心灵致动。tele-远-kinesiS,⇒n.隔传动⁵⁰;隔地促动⁵⁰近义词 psychokinesis精神致动
A creature with this feat becomes so skilled with its telekinesis ability that it can manipulate and use magic items via telekinesis.
具有此专长的生物对于其心灵遥控能力是如此熟练,它可以通过心灵遥控能力巧妙地操作和使用魔法物品。 bioon

A sensor that has been implanted in the brains of paraplegics and which enables its recipients to move a wheelchair constitutes a limited form of telekinesis.
人们已能把传感器植入截瘫病人脑中,通过它控制其接受器来移动轮椅,这是心灵遥感的一种雏形。 ecocn

Changed Telekinesis to only work on scrolls, potions, keys, gold, arrows.
把心灵致动换成在卷轴,饮剂,重要,金子,箭上仅有工作。 blizzardcn

The Lich King leads off with a mind blast and quickened sound burst, then another mind blast and a quickened telekinesis literally to throw his enemies into disarray.
开始时,巫妖王使用心灵冲击、快速施展的音爆,以及心灵遥感来瓦解敌人的意志,让他们陷入混乱的局面。 k88.net

The Living Receiver is oftenblessed with a Fourth Dimensional Powers. These include increased strength, telekinesis, mind control, and the ability to conjure fire and water.
活着的接收者常被授予一种第四维度的能力。这些能力包括增强力量、隔空取物、思维控制和召唤水和火。 iciba

The Living Receiver is often blessed with a Fourth Dimensional Powers. These include increased strength, telekinesis, mind control, and the ability to conjure fire and water.
活体接收者通常被赋予了某些第四维的能力,包括增强的力量、隔空控物、思维控制以及咒唤水火等。 blog.sina.com.cn

Fixed Dragon Knight Elder Form interaction with Telekinesis causing the model to be stuck on the ground.
修正了龙骑士真龙形态和隔空取物作用导致模型贴地的问题; shenmie

I decided to try doing telekinesis in the dream world.
在梦里我决定尝试下心灵控制。 yeeyan

Including the OBE, abnormal hearing, abnormal vision, faith healing, death experience, telekinesis, which in the ordinary course looks impossible, but explained their parapsychology.
其中包括灵魂出窍,超常听觉,超常视觉,信念治愈,临死体验,心灵遥感,这在平常看起来当然是不可能的事情,但是超心理学解释了他们。 gq34

Once you've obtained the Telekinesis plasmid, return to the area where you emerged from the water.
一旦你得到了“心灵遥控”质粒,回到领域,你出现在水里。 duote

So, players of a Star Wars game may some day be able to' lift' an object by telekinesis, instead of hitting a button on a controller.
因此,星球大战的玩家有一天或许能通过这种感应举起某个物体,再也不用控制器上的按键了。 ebigear

The first includes telekinesis, teleportation and invisibility, which Mr Kaku thinks may be fully realised within a century.
第一类包括心灵遥感、远距传物及隐身等, Kaku认为这些可能在一个世纪内完全实现。 ecocn

These include increased strength, telekinesis, mind control, and the ability to conjure fire and water.
这些能力包括增强力量、隔空取物、思维控制和召唤水和火。 iciba

They would use psychic powers to spy on the enemy, disable nuclear bombs with telekinesis, and effortlessly kill with the power of thought alone.
他们会用特异功能暗中侦察敌营,用心灵遥感使核弹失效,只凭意念的力量就能毫不费力地取人性命。 yeeyan

We have the power to accelerate growth in plants, we use telekinesis, and we have a deep understanding and love for all life.
我们拥有在行星加速发展速率的气力,我们能利用心灵传动的能力,我们有着深刻的理解并热爱所有生命。 doulaikan




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