

单词 telegraphed
释义 tel·e·graph·ed 英'telɪɡrɑːf美'telɪɡræf COCA⁶⁶⁷⁰⁵BNC⁷⁵⁶²²
apparatus used to communicate at a distance over a wire usually in Morse code
send cables, wires, or telegramscable,telegram,telegraph





telegraph plant植舞草telegraph line电报线路telegraph pole电线杆bush telegraph传递讯息writing telegraph打字电报机传真电报…telegraph form电报用纸,电报格式纸…telegraph signal电报信号telegraph printer印字电报机telegraph operator电报员telegraph repeater电报帮电机wireless telegraph无线电报telegraph speed通报速率,发信速度…telegraph alphabet电报符号表telegraph exchange电报交换机telegraph network电报网telegraph transmitter发报机telegraph receiver收报机sound telegraph音响电报telegraph key发报电键telegraph wire电报线
近义词 by靠近press按send发送news新闻cable电缆telex电传flash闪光stock存货wire金属丝system系统radio收音机signify表示collect收集transmit传达telegram 电报wireless无线的signaling打信号telegraphy电报学send a message捎信ticker滴答作响的东西…teleprinter电传打印机radiotelegraph无线电报机news ticker新闻纸带打印机…stock ticker股票行情自动收录器…signaling system信号系统,传信系统…

Telegraph to her parents at once.立即给她父母打电报。
Send the message on thetelegraph.这个消息用电报机发出。
A teleprinter is really a machine which sends a typewriter message over atelegraphcircuit.打字电报机实际上是一种在电报电路上传送打印信息的机器。as in.(predict
同义词 anticipate,call,conclude,crystal-ball,envision,forecast,foresee,thinkadumbrate,augur,conjecture,croak,figure,forebode,foretell,gather,guess,infer,judge,omen,portend,presage,presume,prognosticate,prophesy,read,suppose,surmise,telegraph,vaticinatebe afraid,call it,crystal-ball divine,figure out,forespeak,have a hunch,hazard a guess,make book,psych out,see coming,see handwriting on wall,size up,soothsay
反义词 ignore,calculate,disbelieve,measure,misunderstandas in.broadcast
同义词 air,announce,beam,circulate,communicate,relay,send,televise,transmitcable,colorcast,radio,radiograph,show,simulcast,telecast,telegraph,telephonebe on the air,get out,go on the air,go on the airwaves,put on the air
反义词 be quiet,bottle up,conceal,hide,keep,receive,suppress,withholdkeep quiet,secretas in.forecast
同义词 anticipate,augur,calculate,conclude,determine,estimate,foresee,foretell,gauge,portendadumbrate,conjecture,demonstrate,divine,figure,gather,infer,plan,predetermine,presage,prognosticate,prophesy,reason,surmise,telegraphcall the turn,dope out,figure out,in the cards,see it coming,soothsay
反义词 begin,doubt,start,misunderstandas in.foreshadow
同义词 augur,foretell,imply,portend,predict,prefigure,presageadumbrate,betoken,bode,forebode,hint,omen,promise,prophesy,shadow,signal,suggest,telegraphbe in the windas in.forewarn
同义词 admonish,apprise,dissuade,tip offadvise,alarm,alert,flag,portend,telegraph,tipforbode,give fair warning,give the high sign,premonish,pull one's coat,put a bug in one's ear,put one wise,put on guard,wave a red flag Goodall telegraphed her boss, the fossil-hunter Louis Leakey father of Richard, with the news.
古德发电报把这一消息告诉她的老板,化石探寻者 Louis Leakey( Richard的父亲)。 yeeyan

He threw me a smile that telegraphed consent.

He telegraphed his acquiescence, explained to the representative who called at the hotel the same day, took a certificate of payment, and told Carrie to pack her trunk.
他发了一份电报表示同意,向当天就来旅馆找他的那个代理人作了一番解释。拿了收据,然后就叫嘉莉收拾箱子。 xddhy

He telegraphed his distress.
他表达了他的苦恼。 hotdic

He telegraphed that he had gained a scholarship.

Her son was telegraphed for.
拍电报把他的儿子叫来了。 mutouyu

I telegraphed instantly I arrived there.

I telegraphed to my mother to post me a dictionary.

I telegraphed to my father.
我打电报给家父。 hotdic

I telegraphed her former boss. All they know is that she left her job to get married.
我给她原来的老板发电报了,他们只知道她辞职去结婚了。 suiniyi

I telegraphed him the result last week.
上个星期,我把结果告诉他了。 www.hozoo.com.cn

It seems that the well- telegraphed financial crisis in the developed markets hurt sentiment amongst Chinese producers, before the shock actually hits the real economy.
看起来,发达国家这场震惊世界的金融危机在实际冲击到中国实体经济之前,已经挫伤了中国制造商的信心。 enfamily

It was not the first time that a great power had telegraphed its arrival in an unusual way.
大国以不寻常的方式通报自己的到来,这已不是第一次了。 blog.sina.com.cn

Martin telegraphed flowers to his girlfriend.

Mother telegraphed that she would arrive home by afternoon plane.
妈妈打来电报说,她要乘下午的飞机回家。 hotdic

Not only did we write to her but also we telegraphed her.
我们不仅给她写信而且还给她发了电报。 www.k12zy.com

Sam was at the depot, and said she just had a little spell, and got all right soon after they telegraphed.
在火车站山姆说她只是有点儿晕眩,他们给我发了电报后她很快就没事了。 zftrans

She has telegraphed the message to her parents.

They telegraphed us to leave immediately.
他们拍电报叫我们立即离开。 chuanmeiren

Very little was given to his crime, but it was there, several“sticks” in all, among all the riffraff of telegraphed murders, accidents, marriages, and other news.
关于他的罪行的报道极少,但还是有,一共就那么寥寥几行,夹在那些乱七八糟的关于各地谋杀、车祸、结婚以及其它消息的电讯报道之中。 xddhy

We telegraphed her the bad news.
我们打电报告诉她那个不好的消息。 iciba

While there may be some market impact on Monday, the results seem pretty well- telegraphed by recent polls.
虽然可能会出现一些在周一市场的影响,结果似乎相当最近的民意调查电告。 eryuanqiquan




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